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What do you allow your kids to watch on TV?


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Had a bit of a disagreement over what my (just turned) 9 yr old girl could watch on tv. To set the scene I make a point of not swearing around the house apart from the odd innocent expletive but have never thought that sexually derived swear words should be used around kids.Call me old fashioned but i do not think that sexual references and kids belong in the same room.

So when Mrs vole suddenly changes the house rules to let junior watc that Celebrity Bush tucker load of guff,I put my foot down and have made myself pretty unpopular as a result.

Dont get me wrong I have never been straight laced and regularly use offensive language and am definitely not prudish.I just think the world is going to get to the kids soon enough without exposing them to the worst and most vacuous pap that tv has to offer at such a young age.I have too much respect for my and other kids to not want to bombard them with f,s and c,s.

You fellers seem a fair old cross section,what do you think?

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I have two girls 7 and 10 both think they are much older. Children grow up very fast these days and school pours alot more pressure on kids as well. But that doesnt mean we have to leave our values at the door. I've always been strict on them when it comes to film ratings and the watershed. But little'un is in bed by 8pm and her elder sister by 8:30pm. The 'quiet' time as we've come to call it, the 30min gap, is used for reading. So in answer, they don't watch this anyway.

I don't think I would be worried if they did watch it though, they have enough common sense and value to judge poor television.

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Even ignoring the swearing, I think you've done the right thing in banning that I'm a Celebrity **************.

Half the population of this country appear to be braindead, and I belive that that is a result of **** like this :lol: :lol: :blink: :lol:

Certainly won't do her any harm to miss that dumbed down pile of retarded ****. :good:

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I have two girls 7 and 10 both think they are much older. Children grow up very fast these days and school pours alot more pressure on kids as well. But that doesnt mean we have to leave our values at the door. I've always been strict on them when it comes to film ratings and the watershed. But little'un is in bed by 8pm and her elder sister by 8:30pm. The 'quiet' time as we've come to call it, the 30min gap, is used for reading. So in answer, they don't watch this anyway.

I don't think I would be worried if they did watch it though, they have enough common sense and value to judge poor television.



Pretty much as above but they are 10 and 15 so it's 8pm and 9pm but still they don't tend to watch TV late in the evening that's homework time as far as I am concerned after dinner (6pm ish). :good:

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My two girls are 17 and 15.


When they were really little they woudl sit and watch telly and a lot of the adult themes went straight over their head, however, once they got to the age where they stated to take notice and understand I censored what they watched. If they wanted to watch a DVD etc that was "above" above their age limit I used to watch them first to see if they were suitable. Basically I exercised parental control. My eldest now watches basically what she likes within reason (she will be 18 in Jan).....Although I get a little uncomfortable when there are "adult scenes"


I still vet what the younger one watches. Although it's only films with "very adult scenes" that we restrict.

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With a 18 month old whos learning new words every day, watching what I say is a pain, but will be worth it in the end. The eldest girl is in (Soon to be 8) bed by 8 o'clock and we do make a point of making sure what we are watching is suitable.


Even so she comes home from school and tells me what other kids have told her, and we are blessed that she is a sensible girl mature for her age who truly knows right from wrong and knows not to say such things. However whilst you can try and protect your kids when their with you, you can't do it when they're at school or round friends.


Recall your childhood, and I bet you remember the first time you learnt a swear word, saw a naked woman, smoked a fag, bunked off school etc etc.


Nowt's changed now other than the lack of respect shown by kids to adults regardless of whether they are the parents, friends, family or unknowns. Sad state of affairs tbh.


SS :good:

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With a 18 month old whos learning new words every day, watching what I say is a pain, but will be worth it in the end. The eldest girl is in (Soon to be 8) bed by 8 o'clock and we do make a point of making sure what we are watching is suitable.


Even so she comes home from school and tells me what other kids have told her, and we are blessed that she is a sensible girl mature for her age who truly knows right from wrong and knows not to say such things. However whilst you can try and protect your kids when their with you, you can't do it when they're at school or round friends.


Recall your childhood, and I bet you remember the first time you learnt a swear word, saw a naked woman, smoked a fag, bunked off school etc etc.


Nowt's changed now other than the lack of respect shown by kids to adults regardless of whether they are the parents, friends, family or unknowns. Sad state of affairs tbh.


SS :blink:



Nicely put there there. Although looking at some of the posts i have been reading on here lately, there are still a few on here that have never seen a naked woman. :good:



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Don't cave into peer pressure.

Our son has given up telling us what so and so can do, and what he can't do etc etc becuase we aren't having any of it.

He is 15 and stays up 'till about 9:30 and normally takes himself off to bed as they work them like dogs at his school.

Having said that, he has impecible manners, is a straight A student, but still a 'normal' kid so we must be doing something right.

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My eldest lad is 9 and he loves I'm a celeb, think most of his classmates watch it because even if he's not seen it he still seems to know what's happened, we sometimes let him watch to the first break and then stick it on Sky+ for him to watch tomorrow then at least if there is anything we don't want him to see/hear we can delete it.

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3 boys i got,youngest are 8,10. they both in bed before 8 oclock.eldest is 12 ,asks if he can watch jungle rubbish for first time last night,cos kids in school are talking bout it.lets him watch it ,till i heard the language,and then eating things like croc c*ck.thought thats enough up to bed ,wont be watching that **** again i know. :good:

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I came home at half 9 last night and walked into the lounge to find the ITV drivel being broardcast on the television screen. My Mum said she only watches half an hour in total each series. :lol:


My 11 year old brother is worse though. Not only does he watch the soap rubbish my Mum watches but he actally bums high school musical and various other Americanised Disney Channel rubbish. :blink:


As for me, I'm 15 years old. I go to bed at approximately 10:30-11pm on weekdays and while there are many people who will say that is far too late I get up at 6:30 the following morning without fail and haven't missed a day of school this year. Seem to be doing well in my mock GCSE's too. :lol: I don't get exposed to much in the way of television. :good: I watch the news in the morning and spend the rest of my time when other people would be watching television on the computer. :lol:


FM :lol:

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Guest The Outlaw

Nicely put there there. Although looking at some of the posts i have been reading on here lately, there are still a few on here that have never seen a naked woman. :good:


Whats one of those??? :sly::lol: :lol:


Seriously I would prefer it if they didnt watch anything.


They already have bad attitudes at the ages of 11 and 6, I assue they have picked these up from the playground.


For instance answering back and arguing with me and the Calam. :/


If that was me 35 years ago I would of had a clip around the ear. :/


High school musical and Wonder pets are the fav's at the moment :no:



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Had a bit of a disagreement over what my (just turned) 9 yr old girl could watch on tv. To set the scene I make a point of not swearing around the house apart from the odd innocent expletive but have never thought that sexually derived swear words should be used around kids.Call me old fashioned but i do not think that sexual references and kids belong in the same room.

So when Mrs vole suddenly changes the house rules to let junior watc that Celebrity Bush tucker load of guff,I put my foot down and have made myself pretty unpopular as a result.

Dont get me wrong I have never been straight laced and regularly use offensive language and am definitely not prudish.I just think the world is going to get to the kids soon enough without exposing them to the worst and most vacuous pap that tv has to offer at such a young age.I have too much respect for my and other kids to not want to bombard them with f,s and c,s.

You fellers seem a fair old cross section,what do you think?


When the boys were about your girls age I let themwatch lots of gore/horror ****.


Despite this they have grown up to be a couple of lads that I can safely say are normal and well adjusted despite my liberal attitude.


Your daughter at 9 y/o will know more about sex etc. that you ever did when you was the same age.


All the maturity rules changed years ago and you have to adapt or drown vole.







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Thanks chaps for all the views.Dont think there is a huge gulf of difference between what is posted and my own thoughts really.Despite them maturing more quickly,until the hormones have done their bit,a kid is a kid and it seems right to filter out adult themes.I think that gore and horror is ok unless she is too scared by it.I let her play certain 12+ shoot em ups.Strange,I think simulated killing is ok but "beast with two backs" isnt.

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I view this from my own experiences......being an impressionable kid growing up in the 70's and 80's I usd to watch serious video nasties(as they called them in the Sun) and I didn't grow up to be an axe wielding maniac. I wouldn't however be comfortable with my kids watching that sort of stuff(although not really relevant at the moment as one is 4 years old and the other is not due 'til January). I view my kid watching tv as a double headed dragon.....its a greta learning tool if used sensibly....and also a great form of fun for her.....but even programmes aimed at her age seem to have a certain amount of toot about them......and for the record I do indeed watch Celebrity get me out of here.....I was present when Mylene Class took that shower in her white bikini......One of Tv's greatest moments in my opinion. :good:

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It is very difficult these days with peer pressure and all that. However, I would rather my oldest 11 be watching TV at home rather than out late dossing on street corners or the park with older kids drinking etc..... She is so busy with after school clubs and homework and she does not really watch that much TV (unless she wants to watch football, fishing, motor racing, fighting, most haunted etc as The Outlaw hogs the TV most eve's :good: . She does like using the PC to chat to friends on MSN and BEBO.


In regards to banning I am a wanna be celeb again and going to eat squirrel nipples on TV - your right! Its ****. :lol:

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