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Mixed bag on a bog


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Was with a friend this week in northern ireland, and we walked up a bit of marshy ground. Not many snipe probably due to it being pretty flooded with all the recent rain, we did surprise some Teal which was a bonus (a first for me). The cock teal has a ring on it which I will be sending off. We also shot 2 woodpigeons, rook and magpie (not pictured). In all we shot a total of 11 with 7 species- Teal, cock pheasant, common snipe, jack snipe, rook, woodpigeon, magpie. In spite of a chilling wind and some rain it was a great day out. :lol:


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The birds are ringed by the british museum as part of a scientific study into bird movements and presumably mortality rates too. When you send back the ring they will send you information on where the bird was rung how long ago it was rung and other bits of useful information. :blush:

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Due to the very crazy weather over here the last 2 weeks, lots of rain and wind, the brother had a very weird experience out shooting the other day. He was out on a bog shooting snipe as well actually. One rose in front of him and he fired at it (he missed it, the sod :good: ) and then all hell broke loose.


A cock pheasant rose about 80 yards away, nothing he could do there. 12 mallard took flight from a large flooded puddle in the middle of bog/field and 30 fallow deer came bursting out of the ditch at the far end. Madness, came away with nothing but it must have been something to see in just one boggy field

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