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Greenfields, Kent.


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Rookie I am sorry that you have had a bad experience at Greenfields as I have have experienced nothing but good service from them even when I have pushed my luck. I ******** them around for a few hours for a shottie and 25 test shots before I parted with a monkey and also negotitiated a free lesson.


I know who you are talking about by your description, and that he may come across as a little bit terse when you are dealing with him, but he is the most helpfull chap and if he can assist you and will go further than most when needed.


Obviously you have been put off and have made the decision to spend your dosh elsewhere which is a shame but I don't think anyone will blame you but if he didn't have what you required for your budget then his only crime is finishing the sale?






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Rookie I am sorry that you have had a bad experience at Greenfields as I have have experienced nothing but good service from them even when I have pushed my luck. I ******** them around for a few hours for a shottie and 25 test shots before I parted with a monkey and also negotitiated a free lesson.


I know who you are talking about by your description, and that he may come across as a little bit terse when you are dealing with him, but he is the most helpfull chap and if he can assist you and will go further than most when needed.


Obviously you have been put off and have made the decision to spend your dosh elsewhere which is a shame but I don't think anyone will blame you but if he didn't have what you required for your budget then his only crime is finishing the sale?










It wasn't the fact that he ended the sale that got to me. Hell, like you say, if he has nothing suitable for me, then thats what one would expect, but it was the way in which he did it that got to me.

To clearly show no interest and no sign to say that he had even considered what i had said, is ignorant to me. And to then say that he 'didnt want to waste his time' on a potental customer is ludicrous. And to clearly turn your back on someone without giving them the time to respond to what you have just mentioned, is, to be blunt, taking the p**s if you ask me.


Like you and others have said, maybe he was having an 'off' day, but these 'off' days are putting customers off and they are then spending there hard earned cash elseware. Maybe said shopkeeper should think about this in the future....



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Just out of interest, is Chris Potter the one out towards Sandwhich and Margate kind of diretion? Near the Golfcorse?




I think that you mean Wilson & Wilson ? If so he is situated in the White buildings down the lane of the main road that is about halfway along Manston airport runway.

I haven't been in there for a while but he used to carry quite a bit of stuff. Back in handgun days the place was stacked out with them and big calibre stuff. Elephant and rhino safari stuff. There weren’t many places that you could walk into that carried 416 Rigby and bigger. One time I went in he had a 50 cal browning rifle, which he was using over the weekend target shooting.

Ashford is good and has helpful staff with a fair amount of stock at fair prices.

Potter never ceases to amaze me with the amount of staff that wander around and don’t seem to give a hoot if you buy anything or not. A friend of mine who spends large amounts of money in there ordered a set of 243 rcbs dies. It was entered into their order book and then forgotten about. Weeks went by and after several enquiries no one knew anything about it. They said they would order them !! Again after several enquiries no one knew anything about it. They said they would order them !! Again. Eventually a set did turn up. I asked an assistant about a 243 Manlicher fullstock that was on a rack. He wandered off for about ten minutes, chatting to some of the other assistants and came back unlocked the gun and just gave it to me and wandered off without saying a word!! I followed him and asked him about the bolt which was not in the action. The assistants who were all gathered around looked at each other as if they didn’t know what I was talking about. It was as if I was talking about a nut and bolt. After a bit of head scratching one of them went off and after about five minutes came back with the bolt, which he just gave to me and again just walked away. I could have been a nutter with a pocket full of ammo for all they knew. Strange outfit !!

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I dealt with a guy called Sam from Greenfields on the phone and by email when I bought my Sako the other day. I found him to be polite and very helpful, spent about an hour on the phone with him. He gave me the rifle at a good price and sent it by overnight delivery for free.

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each to their own, ive found them very helpful, however now have quite a good relationship with them so i suppose i see them through rose tinted glasses. However i can promise you that more than likely a large number of the staff that worked there when you last visisted have probably left :) as with many gun shops the staff change very regually.


Still stand by them thoughm duncan, chris, dee and steve are very helpful.


Ive made quite alot of orders through them and had no real issues, they have helped me out in a situation where greenfields actually screwed up and helped to cover the cost.


Like i say, each to their own, ive had bad experiances in many places, but its not always the rule, more the exception.

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I am afraid too many of us as shooters are guilty of wasting gunshops time though.


How many times have you been in and stood waiting while someone waffles on about how pigeons were about, what a great shot their son is or the two hundred yard rabbit they took with a .22.

Thats not to mention the hoardes of dreamers who will not spend a thousand quid on a gun in their lifetime, but will pull all the top guns from the rack to play with.


The reason I am so perturbed about this is that I have just come from my local gunshop where they are the most helpful people in the world. A guy came with 150-200 quid to spend on an auto for pigeon shooting. The assistant helped him patiently for 1/2 and hour while I was waiting- every gun he picked up was in the top price bracket.... 750-1000 quid (clearly a time waster)


That was until he went to pick up my Benelli SBE which I was collecting in the rack.. I soon reminded him that particular gun was out of his league too................

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Whilst there might be some timewasters out there, that does not excuse this clown being rude to a customer, as soon as the "sales" conversation had started. I have to say, if he'd have said that to me, his ear'oles would have been ringing for the next week :lol: :lol: :lol:


He should clearly be sacked and I would go out of my way to try and bring that about ???


If he wants to treat customers like cattle, he should get a job in a ******* abbatoir :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I had a similarly rude gent in Bradford Stalkers in Durham and after his attitude I will never return ???



No what you mean L G I went there for a thousand carts a few months back and one of the guys started complaining that I was giving him Scottish notes. AS he complained they might be forged. Are you seriously telling me they dont forge English notes???!!! I thought I would have got some Northern solidarity from him seeing as we were still close to the border. I felt like giving him some choice words but I wanted the carts I was after.

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I had a similarly rude gent in Bradford Stalkers in Durham and after his attitude I will never return ???



No what you mean L G I went there for a thousand carts a few months back and one of the guys started complaining that I was giving him Scottish notes. AS he complained they might be forged. Are you seriously telling me they dont forge English notes???!!! I thought I would have got some Northern solidarity from him seeing as we were still close to the border. I felt like giving him some choice words but I wanted the carts I was after.



With you both on that one....

i was looking to buy a beretta 302 he had on his rack...good gun..good price...

He (the owner) was arrogant and most unhelpful and rude

me and my mate just turned and left.....NEVER to return.....

i was in there about 6 months before and was talking to one of his assistants...told him i just got my FAC and although not looking to buy on that occasion wanted some advice.....he spent a considerable amount of time explaining everything.....he deserves a better boss than he had..... :lol:

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