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Open FACs and 0.17HMR


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Probably being a little hasty but was wondering what criteria need to be met to obtain an "open" ticket.


Only just had my first FAC granted, however, have been a sgc holder for 5 years and been 0.22LR shooting for rabbits mentored by a FAC holder on and off for about 3 years.


Was thinking of leaving it a couple of months and applying for a "open" 0.17HMR. I have heard people say that the 0.17HMR is, for want of a better word, easy to get granted due to less prone to ricochets etc.


wondered what peoples experiences were??

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FLO's not keen on giving 'open' status to a new FAC unless you have taken and passed DSC level 1, bizzare I know but there you go. By all means give it a go but you will still need to have written authority over land and they will probably have to clear it if it isn't already



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I asked my FEO when he did my land checks last week. He said Glos police like 3 YEARS of experience before open is granted! Something tells me he's going to have a lot of phone calls! How can they put a time on it, I'd have thought rounds fired would be better? I know people with open certs that only shoot +/-150 rounds a year, I'll be letting that many go per month, if not per week sometimes. That should count for something surely :good:

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hi i was always under the impression that you had to have your fac for atleast 3 years before you could have it opened i dont know for sure but im just having mine opened with any luck, ive had mine now for 5 years and have dsc1 so shouldnt be a problem hopfuly



there is no time limit on it. its at the chief of polices discretion.

if you can give him a good reason he can grant an open ticket after 2 weeks if he wants.

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It depends entirely on the force area you live in and how you're firearms licensing dept 'interprets' the guidelines, in some areas the issue of 'open' tickets is the norm, others want you to wait months, years or have a mentor they are all different!!


I was issued an 'open' FAC on first application for .22LR and .17HMR and have had a variation for .223 approved and passed after 4 months from the original issue, and I know a lot of shooters that have had the same or more substantial calibres approved and cleared on 'open' tickets, also first time applicants.

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My flo (who is believed to give nothing away and be as tight as ####s) advised me that i could be suitable for an open ticket, when he granted me my 7mm! However he knew how many rounds i waste, and that i am sensible! ! ! !! :good: so i was then granted open for my rimmies. I will wait untill renewal before asking for open on my centrefires!


It should come down to how you come across and how much shooting you do! not time served!

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I was told 'on renewall' which is probably where the '3 year' quote comes from back in the day when they were every 3 years?

Mine was opened up after about a year.

I called my FEO, had a chat with him, and then sent a nice letter to HQ along with my FAC, got it back opened up a couple of days later.

It's all been said before, you need experience (not plinking) and good reason - then you should be all set.

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Probably being a little hasty but was wondering what criteria need to be met to obtain an "open" ticket.


Only just had my first FAC granted, however, have been a sgc holder for 5 years and been 0.22LR shooting for rabbits mentored by a FAC holder on and off for about 3 years.


Was thinking of leaving it a couple of months and applying for a "open" 0.17HMR. I have heard people say that the 0.17HMR is, for want of a better word, easy to get granted due to less prone to ricochets etc.


wondered what peoples experiences were??


Out of curiosity - does your HQ officially authorise your mentor to allow you to shoot his gun?

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