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All the info you need .





Don't know if it's in your area but I use telewest blueyonder cable I get 750k for £25 had it for about a year now and it's never been down once . Email servers have been down a few times though .


One thing to look out for is a download cap on some service providers ie they advertise cheap deals but you are only allowed to download so much per month .


Anyway plenty of reviews on the above link .

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The tiscali green frog modem :lol: A lot of people have problems with these as they take to much power from the usb port (design fault) , Best thing if any one uses one is a usb powered hub .




As White Fox says a router is a good choice as well as I have 3 computers hooked up to my broadband connection (1 for me xp ,1 for her xp ,and 1 dual boot 2000/98)with a dlink 604 router £35 (ethernet cables) with a built in hw firewall as well .

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I use a pay as you go broadband


its on all day in this house, the most it cost for me in one month is £16 for 512k.

I mainly use it for browsing if you use it for downloading movies etc it will cost more.

Prices start at £10 + Vat for 512k and are peeked at £23, it wont go over £23 no matter how much you use it.


who ever you choose type it in the address bar and add forum after it, all people talking about that purticulare broadband will be there.



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All the info you need .



Barrie0 has posted the link ya need


All I can add is stay away from the mainstream ISP's which if ya read the reviews ya can get the picture.


also I would advise ya not to take the provided modem/router as they cost a fortune compared to waht ya can buy on various sites.


Configuring a router to enable games/peer2peer downloading/filesharing can be a nightmare so If ya wanna go that route buy a good brandname and to check that out have a read at a good informative site called Portforward.com


It will let ya know how to configure your router and if its not on there its not that well known.

I have been down this route and whilst a router is undoubtably a good safe tool for internet use is can cause problems if you are inexperienced with setting them up for open ports (read first about this it will save you money). If all you do is surf the net then an ordinary 56k modem will do but if ya want to download movie streams music etc then don't waste your time get a broadband connection you will not look back.


The ISP providers have made the cost margin so small between a 56k exchange and a broadband exchange so small (diliberate on there part) its hardly worth contemplating the 56k speed, £4-£7 per month.


One last note which has said before if you download a lot then read about the extra cost involved beforehand which is explained on the link Barrie0 gave earlier.


If the information given is over the top of peoples head just take the timeto read about it.


IMO Freedom2surf and Plusnet have to be the top providers at the moment.


Cheers Jonny

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good informative site called Portforward.com


Good link Jonnyni! Useful info on game ports.


If you download & share using P2P then it is good practice to create a seperate partition for your downloads and shared files. Scan regularly!


I'm sure you probably do this already!



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If you download & share using P2P then it is good practice to create a seperate partition for your downloads and shared files. Scan regularly!


I'm sure you probably do this already!



I already do, but its a very good bit of advise I left out (didn't want to complicate things too much) in fact its a must in my opinion.

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Jonnyni and Madspringer




Which is your favourite P2P I have used kazza ,soulseek ,win mx and shareaza but my Favourite is Bittorrent if you use this I have found a good search page . Its not working today though .





As madspringer says I have always partitioned my disks into 2 as if your os goes down you can format that partition reinstall ,but still have all your downloads,data ,etc on the other partition (I always ghost the c drive onto the d as well using drive image,5 min reinstall of os+ all programs+settings , Had to do this last weekend as girlfriend had'nt shut down the computer properley causing all user accounts to become corrupt. :lol: ) Dug out hirens boot cd and 5 mins later all back to normal .

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i am trying at the moment


Sharaza (some problems that I am trying to sort out)

WinMX (Good for music but long waiting times for downloads)

Bttorrent (again some teething problems with download speeds)

DC++ (good speeds but they are direct downloads so the user has to be online to download from)


I will try kazzalite this soon.


I am looking for download speeds of 30-50 KBs now thats KBs not Kbs which is 8 times slower.

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