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FAC renewal


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Odd indeed, can you still use them and if you were stopped and the police found that the FAC had

expired............... :welcomeani:


you should demand a temporary cert,if you handed your renewal with reasonable time till expiry they have no excuse.

technically if approached using your rifles within this period you could be prosecuted

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OK the full answer was "we have entered into a contract, as soon as your cheque is cashed that starts, if you get stopped after you FAC expires, please refer them to the licencing department"

I think I will add to their delays later, just to get an idea of when it is due.



Fair do,s S.

but sleep lightly from now on. :welcomeani:

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OK the full answer was "we have entered into a contract, as soon as your cheque is cashed that starts


That's interesting... so if someone was to apply for the grant of a firearm certificate, fills in the forms and posts off their cheque and the police cash that cheque within days (as they do :welcomeani: ), can the applicant now assume he 'has a contract' with the police and can 'acquire' the firearms he has applied for? :good:

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OK the full answer was "we have entered into a contract, as soon as your cheque is cashed that starts


That's interesting... so if someone was to apply for the grant of a firearm certificate, fills in the forms and posts off their cheque and the police cash that cheque within days (as they do :welcomeani: ), can the applicant now assume he 'has a contract' with the police and can 'acquire' the firearms he has applied for? :good:

In that instance you wouldn't have an FAC.

I have an FAC in fact I have the original (I always send a scanned copy to them) it's the expiry date that is a little a passé

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In that instance you wouldn't have an FAC.

I have an FAC in fact I have the original (I always send a scanned copy to them) it's the expiry date that is a little a passé


Yes but in the police's own words (I read this somewhere but can't remember where!) a renewal isn't treated as a renewal any more, it's treated as a 're-grant'... hence by their own definition, an expired FAC is no better than no FAC at all!


Ok I'm playing devil's advocate... but it's their rules... and what is good for the goose is also good for the gander!.... :welcomeani:

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Ok, so you are only a criminal in possession of illegal firearms for two weeks... that's a relief! And the jury will 'understand fully'... that must be a great weight off your mind! :good:



It's ridiculous isn't it... it beggars belief what on earth can take so long! :welcomeani:

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No matter what the police tell you, you are in breach of the law by possessing firearms without a current FAC and can be prosecuted and have no legal leg to stand on whether it actually ever gets that far should anything happen is another matter


How are the local bobbies going to talk to you firearms licensing dept when they get a call late at night and find you out legal foxing on your permission, they wont care, your down the nick and rifle confiscated and possibly house raided and all other firearms taken as well


if you intend to carry on using your rifles without a current certificate then i would suggest that you try and at least get a reply off your FLO in writing explaining the problem


If your with BASC or the like talk to them



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How are the local bobbies going to talk to your firearms licensing dept when they get a call late at night and find you out legal foxing on your permission, they wont care, your down the nick and rifle confiscated and possibly house raided and all other firearms taken as well





YOU have to prove ownership or else they are taken off you ..................You'll be able to pick them up the next day though .

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Of course :welcomeani: .............have you kept up with the thread ..........Police will be dealing with Police and when stuart go's to the station the next ady to reclaim his confiscated firearms from the previous early morning excursion a simple phone call will explain the reason for no issued certificate which is outside of his control .

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