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DO Any of you Keep chickens?


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Hello all, :good:


Im in need of some help/advice. Please :lol:


I want to buy about 6 chickens but Im not sure whitch breed would suit my needs best.


I want the pet chickens for producing some nice fresh eggs for my family. Im not in need if mass volumes of eggs but a nice steady supply of fresh eggs would be nice. :lol: they will be roaming free in a pen(35ftx30ft) at the top of my garden.


Ive been told that white sussex or murrans are good :lol:


any advice would be graitfully received :good:


Thanks for reading


Kipper :D

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We got 4 chooks last January. We now have over 50 with eggs hatching as I type. Beware, they are addictive! Rhode Island reds are a great beginners bird, very friendly, productive, inquisitive and hardy to boot. We also have Light Sussex which are fine, but not as good as pets. Our Lohmann rescued battery hens are ace! An egg a day, every day. Silkies make good pets but go broody too often. Hybrids are probably the best tho. Try Cornish Meadow which are a cross between RIR and Sussex. Most importantly of all, get ones you are happy with.


Good luck

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I use Shaver Red Sex-Link and Leghorns for layers around 6 of each. For my meat birds I useWhite Rock Cornish X about 24 to 36 of these and 6 to 12 meat turkeys usually 6 white and 6 bronze. Add in a few guinnie hens and some banties and that is about it. Morochans are another good one except they fly everywhere and will travel miles through the woods.



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When I was a kid we had about 20 chickens for the lovely fresh eggs. We had Rhode Island Reds mainly and some White Sussex. I remember dad got a couple of bantums at one point but they didn't survive very well. They were shut up at night and the only time we had problems with foxes attacking them was the one night my brother forgot to shut them up.

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Egg a day warrens

Egg every couple of days banthams plus as already said will look after themselves :lol:



We dont keep chicken anymore but have tried most breeds, for a good all round chicken the Warren takes some beating they are bred to lay and have had the broodiness/moult bred out of them, there is nothing worse than having to feed a flock that has 90% gone broody/moulting and gone off lay when you all you want is fresh eggs.


Marans are my second choice they are good layers and lay a lovely brown egg with a deep yellow yolk, nice to look at and pet/child friendly.


A couple of bantams especially Silkies are useful to keep if you did want to hatch a few chicks, funny little things and very good mothers.


:good: D2D

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Thanks for the links shaun :good:


The fox should not be a problem as the dog pen is inside the chicken pen :lol:


I should not have to much trouble controlling any rats either :good:


My next question is can I mix chickens with bantams?? do they get on well with eatch other, Oh and will the kids pet rabbit be able to roam arround in the chicken pen with the chickens / bantams :lol: :lol:


Thanks again :D



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the dogs wont touch the chickens(I hope) the dogs will be in a separete pen but it is inside the area that the chickens will roam about in, the dog's (Boxer and a Staffy) get on fine with the rabbit and play with the ferrets on the lawn in the summer. <_<


as for the rabbit laying eggs mate = she layes little fury eggs :yes::hmm:


thanks :good:



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for good egg production go for warrens, or speckeldy. these are hybrids and lay 7 to 8 eggs a week.

but they only live about 2 years and never go broody.

the best hen in my opinion is a moran, it lays large speckled brown eggs and is a good eater,

rhode island red is a fine bird as is a white sussex both laying large eggs.

a good cross is rhody sussex good layers and a good big eating bird.

above the warren is a rhody hybrid. a nice quiet hen that just keeps laying till it drops.

the speckeldy is a moran hybrid lays large brown speckled eggs every day. till it drops.

for breeding nothing will beat a buff orpington bantam for sitting eggs.

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