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Storage of spare gunsafe keys


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I have a seperate keysafe in the basement next to my ammo safe. Keysafe key is on my housekeys, if i lost my house keys i could angle grind the keysafe to get the gunsafe key. Also have a spare at my mums house. basement and house both alarmed by professionally installed alarm.


Best thing to do in my opinion is get a keysafe & hide the keysafe key in the loft/basement out of sight and nowhere obvious :hmm:

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don't have that problem me and the other 1/2 both have a license and each have all guns on all tickets !!!

Now my set i keep safe in a well hidden spot if you found them in my house you would be lucky! I totally rebuilt this house and know every inch of it AND there not likely to be found even if you where looking for them , It would take less time to open the safe with a spoon ...

And there with my cash stash so even the other 1/2 has no idea where they are i Hope :hmm:;)

Edited by jayward
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Whoever has access to your safe keys must be both licensed and have the guns declared on their license.


what's wrong with keeping the spare keys with the other key? Lose one and you will have to change the safe locks anyway. Keep them all together.



You don't own an angle grinder?



Either thats a wind up, or you are the most dopey person I have met ;):lol:



Guys I would like to remind you all its really not a good idea to talk about these things on this forum. A number of posts I have read have really suprised me :hmm:


NO ONE but the persons licensed to use and handle the firearms should have access to the guns or keys. (and certain types of ammunition). A while ago the wife of an FAC holder was arrested for knowing where the husbands keys were kept.

So if you have given them to a friend or family member, dont write about it on a public forum.


Im not a safety nazi, just making sure some of you are aware of the legalities involved with the safe keeping of your firearms, and being a public forum, we must show we are taking responsibility for our firearms.


Wherever your keys may be, thats for you to know and no one else. Should something happen to you, the police may open that safe with or without keys to gain access to the firearms anyway.

Edited by Hunter
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Such a daft topic (sorry DQ).


All the best answers are not printable :no:


I keep mine safe, since they never leave the house its actually very hard to loose them.


The most secure place for them is in the cabinet with the guns, but that just doesn't seem very clever :yp:

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I keep my spare key in a small safe. :D


I keep the key to that safe in petty cash tin.


I keep the key to that petty cash tin in a locked drawer at my office.


I keep the key to that drawer on the collar of my grumpy old Parson Jack Russell - Ollie.


The reason Ollie is grumpy is that for ultimate security I keep him locked in my shed at all times. <joke>


The key to that shed is in my car.


The key to that car is in a safety deposit box in Monaco.


The key to that safety deposit box is in a keycoded oxygen free safe in a Secret Bunker in Essex.


I have had the keycode to that safe tattooed on my Hampton in one inch per digit numbers......












.......afterall a TWELVE number code isnt easy to remember :no: :yp: ;)




EDIT: I am looking for a "FLUFFER" for the colder days

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Brilliant LV :D


Think I will skip out on the 12'' ruller in your office draw and get to work on your shed ;)




didnt I mention about the explosive device in the shed and SAS Snipers guarding the shed ? now you wouldnt do that to mans best friend would you ? :yp: :no:

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How many times have they been round? :no:


I can't tell you, in case you start stalking me. :yp:



I just need to give you a propper curry and wait around a while.. ;)


Mossy, seriously a bad idea giving that information here :D



you have no idear where i live,get passed the german shepred first.

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get passed the german shepred first.


I have a New Zealand shepherd, he has very grippy arms but is not too dangerous unless you look like a sheep... :yp: ;)




EDIT: Mossy, I guess you live near Taunton.. :no:

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Brilliant LV :lol:


Think I will skip out on the 12'' ruller in your office draw and get to work on your shed :lol:


didnt I mention about the explosive device in the shed and SAS Snipers guarding the shed ? now you wouldnt do that to mans best friend would you ? :D :yp:



No problem I think I have found enough kit in my room to handle that too..


Dig hole, burst water main to creat confusion, dive in, Counter snipers if they fail to be distracted.. thats after abseiling over your house of course.. ;):no:



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No problem I think I have found enough kit in my room to handle that too..


OK, you found me out, it was all a sham, I have my spare key gaffer-taped to my right testicle...AT ALL TIMES...


squibsies, no returns, HAH !!!!!



EDIT: please dont come back saying you have some "equipment" that can "handle" my gonad....as that would just be weird....

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I have a digital safe to keep them in, the combination for that is implanted in memory.


However if i do forget it, I have a bank number in zurich in a microchip in my hip, at the bank is a deposit box containing various passports and forms of currency and the combination :no:

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I have a digital safe to keep them in, the combination for that is implanted in memory.


However if i do forget it, I have a bank number in zurich in a microchip in my hip, at the bank is a deposit box containing various passports and forms of currency and the combination ;)


why go to all that expense ?


seriously, just gaffer tape it to your privates. just the thought of removing the gaffer tape is bad enough that you'll never lose your other key. :yp: :no:

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