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Damage to a house wall

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I'm nor sure which is worse, Being stupid enough to keep the gun in a loaded condition, and then pull the trigger, or being crazy enough to own up to the act and then publish it!


Total *****





Yeh it almost seems like he is proud of it :good:

Some people just should not have or handle guns/pointy sticks :yes:

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Some old toffer did that up here a couple of years ago. Was cleaning his shotgun in the hotel room, somehow put a live one in, boom, right through the floor and put half a dozen pellets into a member of staff below.


Thankfully no major injuries, and no charges pressed against the old toffer, just a good telling off from the plod.



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Apart from the fact that the person should not be allowed to have the shotgun, he is a danger.


Looking at the wall in the film it shows an approx 1.5" "entry" and a 6"-9" "exit" TOGETHER with a spread pattern of pellets that appear to be some distance from the hole?


In my experience either the pattern develops or it dosent dependant upon the range from the target , from 10ft I would have expected a larger hole with the pattern around the hole in an even circle,from the hole shown it looks, if anything,like the type of damage a rifle round might do.


From say 5ft, a smaller hole but far less pattern, what do you think? Unless the shot had balled I cant see a shottie making such a small hole.


:yes: D2D

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At 5 feet the shot will still effectivly be a slug, nothing really starts to spread until at least 15".


Go and try it on a watermelon.


No thanks Id rather eat them :hmm:


Alot will depend on the length of the barrel and the choke, I must say that I have never actually played around with a shotgun never seemed to have had the time or felt the need. I just know what mine do at sporting ranges but did once shoot a mole as it came up under a molehill at about 10ft, that made a furrow 12" wide and fairly deep.


My query was that I thought it unlikely that a shottie would make just an 1.5"hole in the wall and yet it showed pellets from a defined pattern?


Anyway the guy was a danger to himself and that was the point of posting.


:yes: D2D

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As Hunter has already said, the amazing thing is that he seems to be proud of his "achievement", to go to the lengths of making a dumbarse video, setting it to some **** music and then broadcasting it to the world.

What a stiff.


Then he's got the ******* nerve to finish it off with a warning to everybody else to always treat a gun as if it's loaded.

What a two-hat :blink: :blink: :angry:

Edited by Chard
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