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whats he looking for


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He's gonna see if you are wearing a bandana and have a large collection of Rambo videos :oops:


He'll see if you seem like a reasonable sort, look at where your cabinet is or may be located and maybe look at your security.

He'll ask you about your firearms experience.

He'll ask you why you want a cert. (although strictly speaking this is nowt to do with him - don't tell him that though!).


'tisn't the Spanish Inquisition, don't sweat it.

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Make sure that your cabinet is well bolted to a structural wall and out of site. (the officer who assessed me started raggin the livin **** out of mine to see if would budge)


When questioned for your reasons for wanting a shotgun certiificiate..Don't tell him that you really really enjoy blasting pigeons and rabbits (even if this is true!!).........clay pigeon shooting, or vermin control is a much better answer!


As another member quite rightly pointed out, if question about the cabinet keys, you and only you have the set, and know where the spare set is. I believe that there was a barister in recent years who left the keys with his elderly mother. When the FA Officer came to inspect the contents of this cabinet in his absence, his mother kindly showed them where the spare keys were!.... innocent enough...... the result...... one revoked license!!!


Give them the name and address of the place where you wish to shoot, and a letter from the Landlowner ( mine took the letter, rang the landowner, and then turned up at his farm off spec, just to confirm that a blagg wasnt afoot!!)


You may find that you will be questioned about what you hobbies are, what you do in your spare time, ..who your friends are (and possibly their names), Dont worry though, they are only trying the assess that you are genine.


Good look mind...... I'm sure you'll be fine.


Paul in North Lincs.

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:D Congratulations Jordan and many happy shooting days ahead.


Out of interest, did he stick to questions that he is "allowed" to ask or did he go behond his authority and ask things like:


Why do you want a certificate,Where do you intend to use your gun and have you got permission etc,etc?


It is a well known fact that police forces are introducing their own laws and rules as they see fit and the more we accept this breach of their powers without complaining, the easier and sooner it will be for them to make it law. :oops:

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It is a well known fact that police forces are introducing their own laws and rules as they see fit and the more we accept this breach of their powers without complaining, the easier and sooner it will be for them to make it law. :oops:

Yup, what Ern said.

The only thing is though, no-one wants to put their own interests in jepordy by opposing this authority creep.

This is how it works - erosion of rights and liberties salami slice style by reducing groups to minorities. There is no smaller minority than an individual.

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