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Larsen traps- Bloody people

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Well have had my 3 traps out for around a month now, and have caught 15 or so magpies and 5 crows, anyway, went to inspect them yesterday when 1 of them had a hole through the mesh and another in another side. Someone had ripped my sign off stating the wildlife and countryside act etc... tried to get into the door----- HA ha i have a lock on it...


They then proceeded to cut a hole with wire cutters in the side of the trap and let the magpie go.


My first trap which has been ruined by people, i have had them let out before but never bashed up.


They wouldnt want to be around if i caught them doing it, i was swearing into thin air constantly as i carried it back to the pickup.




Alex :good:

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Best leave the door so it CAN be opened rather than have them destroy the cage mate. I know someone who occasionally has to leave a helicopter in a field. If someone is determined enough to tamper with it they will get in anyway doing more damage to get what they were after.


This suggests the person targeting you has prepared for - or gone away and come back with the equipment to release your bird. If you have the time why not lay up and watch/record what happens next?

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Saw the post title and just knew it had to be you FB111.


It would be those damn dog walkers again. Assuming you have it not on the footpath (I know you wouldn't), if you could find out who it was/is then you can do them for trespass with criminal damage (Mungler will know the correct term).


Was the Blurb about the Country and Wildlife Act nearby or taken away? If nearby, try handing it to the police asking them to keep it on file should you get eyes on the person whose doing it then they could possibly match up fingerprints!


Worth it, as you never know.



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eeeeeeew, vile.


Put out a trail camera and take it to the police, if nowt happens then if it is an old lady see if she goes along each day and then put out your trap and then when she starts tampering with it come out and ask what the **** they are doing. They'll either give you a peice of your mind (take them down to the police station) or they'll cack themselfs and run and never show their face again.


Hope you sort it out, HSH :good:

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Is it not against the law to release a pest species from a trap back into the wild? Trail cam or some kind of stealth filming of them. Make sure if you confront them you have at least one other person to act as a witness. If you can get decent footage of them damaging the trap / releasing the trapped bird / call bird get on to the plod. Fookin meddling lefty do gooders :lol::lol::lol:

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Is it not against the law to release a pest species from a trap back into the wild?


It is a very serious offence to interfere in any way with a legally set trap.


"interference with legally set traps or snares is an offence. Do not touch them. If you are absolutely certain that an offence is being committed, photograph the trap or snare and spring it so that it cannot catch anything. If you are suspicious but unsure, photograph it and advise a police Wildlife Crime Officer as soon as possible."


If people touch a legally set trap they can be had for all sorts of things, normally trespass, criminal damage and certain provisions under the act under which the trapping is being legally carried out.

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suggestion...........inform police ............... fix it ...... screew on small smoothe surface to collect fingerprints near the door or sign...... bait it again with magpie.....leave it in the same place .... rig trail camera......catch em


if you move it they will try to find it .... best nip it in the bud


take trail cam to cops along with trap with new fingerprints ....... the fingerprints may link up with something else they did before and will help if trail cam fails for some reason ...

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Is it not against the law to release a pest species from a trap back into the wild?


It is a very serious offence to interfere in any way with a legally set trap.


"interference with legally set traps or snares is an offence. Do not touch them. If you are absolutely certain that an offence is being committed, photograph the trap or snare and spring it so that it cannot catch anything. If you are suspicious but unsure, photograph it and advise a police Wildlife Crime Officer as soon as possible."


If people touch a legally set trap they can be had for all sorts of things, normally trespass, criminal damage and certain provisions under the act under which the trapping is being legally carried out.


That may well be the law, but how often is it enforced..??


I can't see the Old Bill pressing charges against "do gooders" simply because they've interfered with a Larsen trap, it just won't happen, the magistrates would laugh it out of court.


They're more than happy to prosecute the local vicars wife caught on camera doing 34mph at 6.30am on a deserted village street, but hey ho, that's an easy revenue earner for them..!!



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Well have had my 3 traps out for around a month now, and have caught 15 or so magpies and 5 crows, anyway, went to inspect them yesterday when 1 of them had a hole through the mesh and another in another side. Someone had ripped my sign off stating the wildlife and countryside act etc... tried to get into the door----- HA ha i have a lock on it...


They then proceeded to cut a hole with wire cutters in the side of the trap and let the magpie go.


My first trap which has been ruined by people, i have had them let out before but never bashed up.


They wouldnt want to be around if i caught them doing it, i was swearing into thin air constantly as i carried it back to the pickup.




Alex :lol:

Set mine a couple of weeks ago on saturday afternoon. Gone sunday morning :lol: this was set well off the beaten track and still ****** about with/stolen now i'm pretty sure i know who the culprit is as in my next door neighbour theres a row of 3 cottages where i live, i live in the end one a game shooter lives in the the other end one (who i know wouldn't **** about with my traps as i've lent them to him in the past to set in his garden) and hey ho we have d**k head in the middle wanders wherever he desires with his dog he's up earlier than me in the mornings out mouching around and he goes for a walk with his dog after dark if your culprit is anything like this you have your work cut out, believe me.

All the best Phil.

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Thanks for all the great replies guys... It was well off the beaten track, but like most other farms people just walk where ever they want to, aided with the ELS buffer strips.


I have now clipped the wings of all the birds i have, and have yet to fix the mesh on the trap, should be able to sew it back together with wire. lol.


Still catching with my other traps, starting to dent the crow numbers now which is always good.


Well it lasted about 2 weeks in that place before being ruined, and ive caught alot of maggies from it. I did think linking it up to the mains electricity, but just that little too far away from a mains supply.




I really do need to invest in some landmines or some type of explosive, could of used them 100 times over.



Edited by Ferretboy111
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