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The way that I heard it, your car was on two wheels at the time, and you were giving the digit to a traffic cop, whilst using your mobile with the other hand. :hmm:

Unfortunatly, as mossy883 says, that's just the way that it is, maybe you should join the Masons? :yes:

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The way that I heard it, your car was on two wheels at the time, and you were giving the digit to a traffic cop, whilst using your mobile with the other hand. :hmm:

Unfortunatly, as mossy883 says, that's just the way that it is, maybe you should join the Masons? :yes:

Why, you grasser Bob, I kept those facts to myself, I never mentioned you and that call girl was having it large on the roof rack at the time!! and upon my emergency braking, upon seeing the camera car , how you fell off and impaled yourself on the grass verge!!or how what happened to yourself and the call girl , who poor lady, complained about some discomfort about a small p**** trauma.!!! :hmm:

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The way that I heard it, your car was on two wheels at the time, and you were giving the digit to a traffic cop, whilst using your mobile with the other hand. :hmm:

Unfortunatly, as mossy883 says, that's just the way that it is, maybe you should join the Masons? :hmm:

Why, you grasser Bob, I kept those facts to myself, I never mentioned you and that call girl was having it large on the roof rack at the time!! and upon my emergency braking, upon seeing the camera car , how you fell off and impaled yourself on the grass verge!!or how what happened to yourself and the call girl , who poor lady, complained about some discomfort about a small p**** trauma.!!! :yes:

:yes: It's a lie I tell you, she was my sister! :hmm:

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3 yrs ago I got 5 points and £360 fine for doing 98.7 on a deserted motorway, daylight and dry conditions :yes:


you were robbed mate !


I got 3 points & £75 fine for 92mph on an A road.



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where does it say in law he HAS to be banned? its down to the magistrate and events at time, thought his fine (£200) was bit on the light side mind, 36 or 136 if its above the limit its speeding just the same?

cheers KW

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When I was a lot younger, a friend offered to give me a driving lesson.

So we drove to tescos to do the food shopping and she said I could drive back also.

On the way back home, we got stopped by a police van because her car was registered in a differant part of the country (her parents address) we both got producers.

Thing is, I didnt have any documents TO produce, so long story short - I got 8 points on my provisional license and a 300 quid fine for driving without a licence and no insurance basically.

I had to go to court and everything :good: the funniest thing was seeing my driving examiners face when I passed my test and gave him my paper license complete with 8 points :drinks:

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where does it say in law he HAS to be banned? its down to the magistrate and events at time, thought his fine (£200) was bit on the light side mind, 36 or 136 if its above the limit its speeding just the same?

cheers KW

Well thats a bit sharp, And there was me feeling sorry for you , for following the toon!! :drinks: as said elswere wait till they nab you, hope you will still think its ok.This country is rapidly becoming a police state.there seems to be more police trying to raise revenue by catching motorists for speeding and parking, instead of clamping down on the hoodies and other low life. :good:

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where does it say in law he HAS to be banned? its down to the magistrate and events at time, thought his fine (£200) was bit on the light side mind, 36 or 136 if its above the limit its speeding just the same?

cheers KW

Well thats a bit sharp, And there was me feeling sorry for you , for following the toon!! :drinks: as said elswere wait till they nab you, hope you will still think its ok.This country is rapidly becoming a police state.there seems to be more police trying to raise revenue by catching motorists for speeding and parking, instead of clamping down on the hoodies and other low life. :good:


wait till they nab you? your havin a giraffe!! been there got the tee shirt here's the proof? I wasn't going anywhere near 135mph ( knocking along mind) I got smacked with £500, no ban in fact I was told I would NOT get a ban as I had an "ability to pay" like I have said before cops are just puppets of the state and tax collectors now, not protectors of the public, cops dont give a hoot what speed your doing? like I said 60mph over the limit or ONE mph over the limit all they are interested in is REVENUE, not interested in burglary ( heres your number sir) , not interested in credit card fraud ( cant be ***** even though they have the PROOF YOU have given them), mention going 33 in 30 and your public enemy number 1 as an example of that mate of mine who lives in collingham, was burgled during lunch hour chases two lads, phones cops ( oh we have no one in your area at present ?) we will get back to you, thinks sod this I will look for them myself, gets in his car, 1/4 mile down the road two jam sandwiches parked up,and some not available coppers having a "snack" they got a sodding ear bashing belive me ,

mind they will have taken about as much notice as muggabe will of his election results?

cheers KW



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Oops, Calm down,! I would be having a fit if they stuck a £500.00 pound ticket on me!!Mind you, I see it was six years ago when you was done up like a kipper!!,Think about it! you would be doing life for them kind of speeds today, unless your daddy was an ex cop, Cheers, (Up The Toon.) :good::drinks:

Edited by berettaman1
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the funny thing about this story is it came up before a magistrates court, made up of the likes of me and maybe you BM but they do tend to be upstanding members of the community and not related to the police at all. The only way I can see his dads testimony as being influential to them is if it looked like he was going to kick the kid about a bit and make sure he didn't do it again.

I know this goes against every conspiracy theory going but most magistrates I know do like to see justice done its pretty much voluntary so why do it if you don't believe in it

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Al4X, the court that didnt ban the young guy for doing 135mph on the motorway was, the same court, (Ludlow Shropshire) that let off the policeman caught doing 159 MPH on the M54 and other roads in Shropshire, So, by your reckoning its Ok to be a motoring homicidal maniac as long as its not near your family?? In the words of Henry D,... I rest my case m,Lud.!!! :good::drinks:

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may be the same court but i'd guess not the same magistrates, my main point is if you think we have bent magistrates in this country I think you're wrong. They have the ability not to ban and did so on this occasion but there must have been more to the story as they must have known it would make the papers, and probably will be called to defend their decision.


Does 135 make you a motoring homicidal maniac, I know I've done it in the past and bet a fair few others on here have as well but didn't know I should have been hung drawn and quartered for it

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thats a different argument altogether to speeding on an empty motorway.


However the answer to this story is he didn't get done for the speeding offence by the looks of it, they charged him with Driving without due care and attention which carries up to 9 points and a hefty fine and can result in a ban but thats discretionary. Just possibly they didn't have the right evidence for the speeding charge to stick as getting off speeding at that speed is pretty unlikely.

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AL4X, no one wants to fall out over this,... but in court it said the guy doing 135 mph undertook two cars!! so there is no way you can say he was on a deserted motorway, in fact what bought about this prosecution was the fact he overtook a unmarked police car at well over 100 mph!!....which began the chase, the police had to drive at over 145mph to catch up with him.! Aha, you are thinking, (why wasnt the motorway police done for speeding and spoiling his fun?)Hhm, thats about right!!. :good::drinks:

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thats a different argument altogether to speeding on an empty motorway.


However the answer to this story is he didn't get done for the speeding offence by the looks of it, they charged him with Driving without due care and attention which carries up to 9 points and a hefty fine and can result in a ban but thats discretionary. Just possibly they didn't have the right evidence for the speeding charge to stick as getting off speeding at that speed is pretty unlikely.

So what was his fine and points, or is the case ongoing? I would have thought careless/dangerous was more appropriate than without due care and attention, but stranger things have happened in our legal system.

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