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Moaning old Git, Me


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Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :blush:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :rolleyes::blush:

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Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :blush:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :rolleyes::blush:


I think our way of life can be sumed up by the sad facts that 20 years ago "the high church" veiws were 1. Pro foxhunting & 2. Anti ******* and now they are 1. Anti hunting and 2. pro *******.


Its all a result of small well funded minority groups (and guess where the funding comes from)...HMG grants...so actually we are funding our own downfall.



GET RID OF "COUNTRYFILE" bring back FARMING DIARY .......i remember the day when most pheasant shoots were run on Pigeon clearance cartriges





p.s ...GEOFF HARGREAVES.....(out of town) For PM (i wish) :blush:

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Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :yes:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :blush::blush:
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Ron you really need to read the Daily Mail stories in more depth, they didn't call it too nationalistic, they said it wasn't to the glory of God and is too military in tone.

Its one opinion whether its right is another matter but generally you go to church to worship God rather than talking about Bows arrows and spears and fighting. In this instance he only asked for it not to be used at a memorial service it does get played on other occasions!

Edited by al4x
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Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :yes:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :blush::yes:


I think our way of life can be sumed up by the sad facts that 20 years ago "the high church" veiws were 1. Pro foxhunting & 2. Anti ******* and now they are 1. Anti hunting and 2. pro *******.


Its all a result of small well funded minority groups (and guess where the funding comes from)...HMG grants...so actually we are funding our own downfall.

GET RID OF "COUNTRYFILE" bring back FARMING DIARY .......i remember the day when most pheasant shoots were run on Pigeon clearance cartriges

p.s ...GEOFF HARGREAVES.....(out of town) For PM (i wish) :yes:


:blush: They were made by Eley, and were "Rabbit Clearance" cartridges, not "Pigeon Clearance", although they were issued to pigeon and rabbit shooting clubs, they were half-price, and I still have some in the loft. First issued around 1953, and untill 1965 if memory serves. Later issues were not stamped "Rabbit Clearance", they were normal Grand Prix. :blush:

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Some do miss the point of this whole conspiracy......I know umpteen black & asians and guess what....they are all good bods and not one of them belongs to any sort of ethnic group....they'd run a mile from any such thing....its white do gooder types who run and fund these groups for their own personal advantage(whatever that may be)


To hell in a pot......thats the way this country is going......and we as a nation stand by and do sod all about it except maybe let stream off on internet forums. :rolleyes:

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Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :yes:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :blush::yes:


I think our way of life can be sumed up by the sad facts that 20 years ago "the high church" veiws were 1. Pro foxhunting & 2. Anti ******* and now they are 1. Anti hunting and 2. pro *******.


Its all a result of small well funded minority groups (and guess where the funding comes from)...HMG grants...so actually we are funding our own downfall.

GET RID OF "COUNTRYFILE" bring back FARMING DIARY .......i remember the day when most pheasant shoots were run on Pigeon clearance cartriges

p.s ...GEOFF HARGREAVES.....(out of town) For PM (i wish) :yes:


:blush: They were made by Eley, and were "Rabbit Clearance" cartridges, not "Pigeon Clearance", although they were issued to pigeon and rabbit shooting clubs, they were half-price, and I still have some in the loft. First issued around 1953, and untill 1965 if memory serves. Later issues were not stamped "Rabbit Clearance", they were normal Grand Prix. :blush:

Do you remember that loverly smell as you open a new box of paper ely grand prix......aaaahhhhh
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