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webber - an announcement.


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hope the drugs are working, :o


i was going to ask what caused the accident, but have just read through and found the answer.

and of course it can`t be proved! :good:


very brave of you to have photo posted. needed to be i think.

glad to see you`re nowhere near as damaged as you could`ve been. :yes::P


how`s the other chap?



ooooooh that`s all a bit serious isn`t it? :D

think i`ll go for a lay down.

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thanks,i got a few hours ip, an feel muc eer today. i am being a good lad as there is talk o me going home, and being an ut patient.


they are gong o showe me soon under mil sedation, an then redress my legs, the swelling of my face has gne down a lot an i can now see uite well



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thanks,i got a few hours ip, an feel muc eer today. i am being a good lad as there is talk o me going home, and being an ut patient.


they are gong o showe me soon under mil sedation, an then redress my legs, the swelling of my face has gne down a lot an i can now see uite well



well done webber good to hear you are on the mend good luck


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no pain, no gain


well ive had my shower, so much for sedation.


i feel a lot better nw that they have scrped me off the celing, and dresed my wunds.


decsion time for home is 2pm

they wont tell me how billy is, except that he is not goig home today.



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Home already? Did you overwork the nurses or something :yes:


Good to hear you're back somewhere comfortable. Even if you're in some pain for a while at least you've got everything you want at home without having to ask someone to bring it to you. Maybe even a comfortable bed too!


When you say stay out of sunlight, does that mean you can get away with putting high factor sun cream on and maybe a head net as long as it's not a stupidly hot day? When you're shooting the pigeons you'll need a head net anyway, so that's not a problem!


How long do they think it will be until the burns calm down enough for you to be in relative comfort again (ie no painkillers)?


As I said earlier it's good that you're out. Good luck with the recovery from now on. Hopefully it shouldn't take too long before you're back at it again :good:

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Gee Whizz,just seen your pic,Webber.Reminds me of a past intensive care job I did. I also remember the dedication and expertise of the Burns staff who will be on the case for as long as it takes. No wonder you need morphine.Stick in mate.

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