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I had a visit from my doctor this morning. It seems that my diabeties control is shot, so he's changed my medication.


He is conserned about my speach, and is arranging a brain scan.


Before anyone starts, yes they will find one. I had a brain scan a few years ago, and they found one then; so unless its dribbled out through my ears holes, I think we are in with a good chance of location.




John, my Mother was on some sort of tablets to control mild diabetes - they made her speech slured & made her dissorientated :hmm:

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Went to hospital on Friday for my routine visit. They are not happy with the healing of my ankle. I need to see the consultant, so its back again on Wednesday.


I've been on the shoot today with the lads on a working party, we got soaked through to the skin, but I still enjoyed myself, the quad has proved its weight,a nd has been very useful today.



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Good luck with the scan pal.


Lets hope they dont find anything........... no thats not right.... lets hope they find something..... no thats not right either :D


Ohh ive dug myself a grave :lol:


Good luck all the same, im sure all will be fine :lol:

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Hi John, How are you doing now ? I see that you've been up to the shoot, does this mean that you can drive, or have you been picked up. Have you fired a shot yet ?

I went up to my shoot last week and had a very productive day. 75 crows and 25 woodies between 2 of us. All done in a hide just 5 yards from the 4x4, so it was a nice cushy day. Would you be able to do this sort of thing, or is it still a bit early in the recovery stage.

Got to keep the farmers happy while the crops are at the stage they are, which is not great for woodpigeon shooting.

How is the pain now, and the healing situation ? Steve

Edited by caeser
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I'm not allowed to drive at the moment, but I do drive my quad on the shoot, remember that I can hardly walk. I've not fired a shot since the blast, but am patiently waiting for one of the lads to have a day off mid week so we can have a ride to either Kelbrook or Sealand and have a go!


I reckon that I could shoot from a hide, provided that I could remain seated. However, at the moment I dont know how accurate I would be, but confidence is high.


I wonder if I could work some lessons on the insurance?



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Dear mr webber,

you have a nice early appointment.

be thinking of you tomorrow.

So please let us know how it gos







please rest that ankle.

when you are back on your feet again . Mr webber you shell owe me a dance (i got the dress you got the suit).

So come on Mr Webber.

you can be fred and i shell be ginger :lol: .


We shell knock them dead on the dancefloor. :lol:


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Well, I saw the top man this afternoon..


Its basically as I expeced, he proposes a skin graft.



He has decided to give it another week to see if healing commences. I have been a good lad today and didnt move once, whilst the sister cut the yellow guncky stuff from my wound with a scalpel. Hopefully, now the dead stuff is out of the way, the healing process will stand a chance. My pain killers are also to be reduced and changed so hopefully my speach will improve.



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Back to see the top man again thisafternoon. The minor surgery last week seems to have paid dividends, and healing is well on its way, at last.


Comeing off the pain killers was no picnic, but the cold turkey lasted for about 4 days, not the most pleasant of experiences.



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