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My first stag


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It was a royal!! (12 points, the 6th points were not giant but more than enough to hang a coat/jacket ), might as well give up now as i have heard it will only be downhill! I was dubious as to how i'd feel and didn't think right up until the trip (I was invited as a guest) that I'd actually pull the trigger on such a magnificent creature. Don't get me wrong I am more than happy for others to do it but I just wondered if my concience would let me. Anyway after a very very long stalk through pete hags (very exposed and so had to slide on stomach for about 300yards, reached a group of them, they moved on without offering a chance of a shot and so after waiting we crawled after them (another 150yards) and managed to get to 180-190 yards at which I took the shot and the stag fell down stone dead. I was really worried, my greatest fear would be wounding one - i had done shots on a target before and they were all perfect but when there is the real thing i was worried and i have to say my breathing + heart were really pumping after the stalk. I can see the attraction especially for those who like to push themselves, after walking 15 miles the first day and 12 the 2nd you really feel tired, well i did but i am quite unfit.


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