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Any one ever had a trebble?

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i seen someone say the other day on this forum they had a double..2 pigeons with 2 barrels.


my question is, has any one ever had a treble with a auto ? 3 shots 3 birds ?


just wondering thats all :yes:

I've had three rooks dead in the air with three shots at the same time, and four Brent geese with four shots dead in the air also. Before the PW police pounce, it was during crop protection, with a licence obtained by the land owner. The gun was a Beretta 4-shot, I hasten to add, I can't load that quickly!

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i seen someone say the other day on this forum they had a double..2 pigeons with 2 barrels.


my question is, has any one ever had a treble with a auto ? 3 shots 3 birds ?


just wondering thats all :yes:

I've had three rooks dead in the air with three shots at the same time, and four Brent geese with four shots dead in the air also. Before the PW police pounce, it was during crop protection, with a licence obtained by the land owner. The gun was a Beretta 4-shot, I hasten to add, I can't load that quickly!


Sorry sunshine, still need to see copies of the written permission and your FAC. Also, signed affidavits from four independent witnesses (one per alleged goose). Persons of good standing only, none of your Essex rabble. Until then, I will maintain my long-held belief that you are in fact a troll that knows nothing about shooting :yes::lol: .


Four at once, crikey! Are you sure it was a Beretta and not a Lewis gun :yes: ?


A new standard has been set gentlemen :) .


Personally, I was over the moon to get a right and left shooting pheasants :yes: .



You are going to have to explain your post; What's an FAC? Written permission, wossat? Affid-who ? I'm going into my shed to sulk now and tune my metal detector, you have deeply hurt my feelings, implying that I know any "persons of good standing".

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It's not amazing but I had 3 rabbits with one shot ,12B


Before the PW police jump.... it was not browning. They were quite far apart but in a line.... I got my height right so in my sight over the rib they were sat one over the other with no "apparent" gap between them.


Made my day anyway

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You are going to have to explain your post; What's an FAC? Written permission, wossat? Affid-who ? I'm going into my shed to sulk now and tune my metal detector, you have deeply hurt my feelings, implying that I know any "persons of good standing".



I'll vouch for Bob- He is the epitome of the essex geezer,


Guns , guns and more guns.


I also had a treble on saturday- 2.00pm Haydock, 2.45pm Newmarket & 3.45 Newbury

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I guess someone will claim a treble in Ayia Napa :hmm: B) :lol:



If thats the kind of treble I think you are on about it only happened for me in southeast asia......


But then again you may be talking about three vodkas,three ice creams or three doughnuts,


Really the mind wanders on pigeonwatch


Damn good though :yes::):lol::yes::yes::yes:

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Sorry Bob, but members will be suspicious of your claims until you've built up a record of serious posts :yes: . And you didn't mention what you were using as a backstop :) .


Beware the shed: that way lie isolation and madness.



In answer to your obviously very concerned question, the backstop was a row of 1950's built council houses, I have always found a cavity wall of red brick be adequate in stopping No.4 shot.

You will obviously be even more outraged at a left and right that I achieved whilst 17 years old, I was by a river waiting for duck, when a large carp swam by, being a pot-shooter, I shot the carp in the head, as I fired a pheasant flew out of the grass bank and dropped to the second barrel. Howzat for a right and left?

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"Unconventional angling method, but sounds effective. Also, fishing like that presumably you could save a few quid on the rod licence."


You are at it again, what's a rod licence? In Essex, rods, guns and cars work perefctly well without them, some claim that they work better.

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