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As a poor and simple lad, cannot tell water from champagne,

I am having problems deciphering some of the TXT abbreviations put on the posts. For a limited time could those who are posting acronyms please put a P.S explaning what they stand for. I really find it hard to work them out. NS. Maybe the fish is getting old or just FL, but either way with a few cans inside me i just cant do it.


P.S they are both rude and the first begins with no and the second ends in lazy

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Did I did I not plainly state in an earlier post on this thread that if you are to use abbreviations you will need to explain them to me. Well didnt I. Mmm ( not an abreviation nor an acronym, just a mild form of contempt) Fortunately I was able to work out this one without anyones help and I think that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me so I will forgive you LB ( Lurcherboy). Modesty prevents me from changing my title to incorporate you heartfelt sentiments but I appreciate the gesture.


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Well, found it a lot quicker than I thought. There are probably more but here's what I have......


AFAIAC As Far As I Am Concerned

AFAICS As Far As I Can See

AFAIK As Far As I Know

AFAIR As Far As I Recall

AIUI As I Understand It

AKA Also Known As

ASAP As Soon As Possible

ATM At The Moment/Adobe Type Manager/Automated Teller Machine etc.

BTDT Been There Done That

TDTGTTS Been There Done That Got The T Shirt

BTW By The Way CIS CompuServe/CompuSpend

CIX Compulink Information eXchange

FAQ Frequently Asked Question

frex for example

FUD Fear, Uncertainty And Doubt

FWIW For What It's Worth

FX Effects (Stage directions!)

IIRC If I Recall/Remember Correctly

IIUC If I Understand Correctly

IME In My Estimation/Experience

IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion

IMHO In My Humble Opinion/In My Honest Opinion

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO In My Opinion

ISTM It Seems To Me

ISTR I Seem To Recall/Remember

ISWYM I See What You Mean

NDA Non Disclosure Agreement

OIC Oh I See

OLR Off Line Reader

OTOH On The Other Hand

OTT Over The Top

OTTH On The Third Hand

PDQ Pretty Damned Quick

PITA Pain In The A**e

PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In

POV (or PoV) Point Of View

PQMF Please Quote Me For

ROFL (or ROTFL) Rolls On (The) Floor Laughing

RSI Repetitive Strain Injury/Rodent Stroking Injury

RSN Real Soon Now

RTFM Read The F**cking Manual

SNAFU Situation Normal - All Fouled Up

SO Significant Other

TIA Thanks In Anticipation/ Advance

TLA Three Letter Acronym

TPTB The Powers That Be

TTFN Ta Ta For Now

TVM Ta Very Much

URL Uniform Resource Locator

VBG Very Big Grin

*** What The ****

WWW World Wide Web/Wait

YHM You Have Mail

YMMV Your Mileage May Vary ("it may be different for you")

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Well, have shot on and off for a few years but been more involved the last 2 and this year have joined a syndicate. Use a Miroku 6000 Sporter for rough shooting and pigeons and pop at rabbits with .22 semi-auto Ruger. Got a 30" MC Miroku last week so am having my first day with it tomorrow.


Haven't had much to shoot at rabbit-wise on the farms I've got permission on - but there are quite a few pigeons about, with good woods surrounding and a few busy flightlines.


Every time I'm out I see at least 3 buzzards so maybe they've been hitting the rabbits. In fact, I was out pigeon shooting about a month ago when a buzzard dived on a pigeon I had just just shot and was still flapping. I don't know who was more surprised - me or the buzzard when I starting shouting at it. I don't think buzzards know what "Oi, f$*k off!" means. ;)

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They do know what it means Piebob, It is a little known fact that buzzards are in fact one of the best known mimics in the avian world. The truly amazing thing is that a fully grown buzzard is not only able to mimic but hold a conversation in any given language. It is because of this fact that many are now employed in call centres the length and bredth of Britain. This also goes someway to explain the proliferation of these birds as now that they have a steady income more and more of them are settling down, in semi's and bungalows all over the country, and as happens to humans, are deciding to have children now they have a secure, financial future. The reason your buzzard was so suprised, I would suspect, is that it was probably a product of this affluent lifestyle and would never encounter such bad language in the everyday course of its life. If you had spent a few minutes to explain the situation in a calm and rational manner, no doubt, you would have recieved an apology, possibly a wingshake and an invite to the rotary dinner.

If you dont believe me ask Bill Oddie or Tiercel.


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