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Fao trouble

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When I applied for a variation last year to put my rifles on Dave gs ticket and his on mine, so as when he travels to his permissions in Cornwall he can use my weapons and vise a verse the fao declined saying that the reason was not sufficient to warrant so it was declined. so now Dave has to transport his guns to Cornwall and me to Leicester. Except Dave g spoke to the Leicester fao who said providing i keep my bolt and magazine away from my rifle I can store my .22 in Dave gs cabinet as a short term thing.

Following the trouble Dave has had lately with the armed response being called out to a screaming child on his permission crying all sorts of rubbish, Dave has had two visits in two days from a different policing unit from another area, one from a police officer who checked Dave's safe and weapons and said all was ok and left, and today by the same officer and a fao. my rifle was checked, yes they had my details also, :P Dave's were in order but they said if i wasnt present at that time they would have confiscated both mine and dave's rifles and arrested Dave for being in possession of an unlicensed fire arm. :yes: He then told us a few rules, :lol: that totally contradicted what we had previously been told and that was to leave my bolt with my weapon :lol: in his cabinet. and i was to keep one key and Dave the other so as neither of us have access to the weapons with out the others knowledge. He also said i was so close to losing my license for allowing an unlicensed person access to my rifle :hmm: . so i ask should i just take my rifle back home or leave it with the bolt at Dave gs, might ring the basc tomorrow.

Edited by Fleabag
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Hi I can leave my 22 in my sons cabinet because its also on his licence,

BUT im not allowed access to get it as he has a 7.62 in there which im

not allowed to touch or have access to, so it seems in this case the police

have the upper hand.the guns should appear on both licences if you both

have access,or your gun on his as well if he stores it for you as he has

access to it.

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Right - I'm posting two replies here to keep the thread tidy, first the history:


Here is the post about the ARU call out Chris refers to:



And here is the thread where we made a decision for me to secure Chris's rifle for him in my cabinet when he visits Leicester.


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I'm feeling a bit like a subjugated piggy in the middle of two force advices here as a result of this affair.

It's seems a shame that ARU's dont have access to what land is cleared for shooting on which would at least indicate that SOMEONE has permission to shoot there, and that persons contact number. I'd missed out on the helicopter treat too because I leave that location when the public start turning up to walk their dogs.


The call out matter was put to rest after an officer spoke with me the next day and established that I had permission to be there, the land had been cleared for my FAC air rifle and that I was acting responsibly. He's a nice bloke and fortunately is a sporting shooter himself. He was tasked to check my securities before putting the incident to bed.


I explained about Chris's rifle being in my cabinet sometimes when he visits Leicester and the officer seemed happy with everything. Apparently his boss was less than happy about his gun not being on my ticket (We'd tried this route unsuccessfully remember) - so a FEO arrived with the first officer to see things again yesterday afternoon - and, he said later, seize the guns if Chris was not here (in possesion of his rifle), and arrest me. I had found missed caller witheld calls on my mobile and home phone numbers when I got up - so they had in fairness tried to advise me that they were coming while I was still in bed.



In brief it seems that my Firearms Licencing Office had not recorded the fact that advice was given that I can secure Chris's rifle in my cabinet without it's bolt or bullet allocation. This seems to me a foolproof method of Chris ensuring that I could not use his rifle - even if I'd had any extra cabinet keys copied. I can't honestly say that I saw any reason for the advice to be recorded - and one of the FEO's (not my local one) who I have to deal with occasionally seems to feel that I should not trouble the department to do anything for me like clear land for example, so did not ask for that advice in writing.


Although I was holding a duplicate calibre .22lr for Chris, our rifles are different brands - my Sako Quad bolt won't fit his Annie. The FEO from the neighbouring force pointed out that although I would have been unable to use Chris's rifle, his barrel was a pressure bearing component of a section one firearm - in my cabinet without being on my ticket. Further - If Chris's car had been broken into he may have lost possesion of his bolt - which could cost him his certificate.


His advice was that the bolt should be placed in my inner locking compartment and I hold both keys to one of the outer locks - and Chris holds the two keys to the other so that neither of us can get to the others rifle. Nor me mine - the penny droppeth :P

It's a lovely morning and I'd like to go shooting - but can't unless I phone Chris and ask him to drive five miles to allow me to open my cabinet then 5 miles home, but don't go back to sleep because I'll need another 10 miles from him three or four hours later.


So - should I now request written advice on this from my licensing department - or more importantly - WHO's advice should I now take... if any :yes: ?


EDIT: Forgot to say that I have temporarily removed my LaserScope from my Quad in case my local FEO decides to come and take everything away from me because Chris has not taken his bolt away as per their advice. At least I'd be able to sell the thing to help fund part of any appeal.

Edited by Dave-G
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Axe has the right answer, to my mind the only time its truly safe to leave your gun in someone elses cabinet is if you were staying there and it was to safeguard the security of the firearm.

Now you've attracted the wrong kind of attention just watch out and just take your guns with you otherwise it does sound like you're going to be in the deep sticky stuff. Either that or get both FEO's to talk to each other and agree a solution

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For all the hastle it is causing, can't you just buy another cheap safe for both ends and swap keys etc. That would end the arguement.


Hi Axe, I only have a small modern two bed semi - and the only place we could squeeze one cabinet in is the place where the "first visit" officer advised it would be best placed.


We'd tried adding our guns to each others tickets to save 600 mile round trips with them in our cars - and nowhere to store them when we get there for 7-10 days but the duplicate caliber rule was that this was insufficient good reason to hold.


We trust each other implicitly and the action recommended by the BASC team - and the advice from my own FEO was workable and secure for both of us on an occasional basis.


Chris is now arranging for another cabinet that he can fit at his new works office - which is alarmed and has bars on the windows.

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I think it's sorted now thanks chaps - Chris is fitting a cabinet in his secure office now it's up and running.


When I visit him for the odd weekend I can remove the barrels and bolt from my Quad and store the components in different places so that he would not be securing mine for me.


One more quick question - do temporary cabinets need security checks?

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