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17-21 year olds and knives


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Having a knife because it is practical surely is the main reason for owning one in the first place? I mean you can cut string by rubbing in along the edge of a brick but a knife is easier.


There is loads of things in a car to use in a road rage incident if you are that way inclined. And if you are then you won't be concerned by the legalities of carrying a knife.


If you were on your way shooting and were stopped by plod then I am sure they would not be in the slightest bit concerned about the fact you have a knife on you.


If you were trying to get into the local nightclub then it may be a different story.


Once again the common sense aspect gets completely missed by most of PW

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Sadly, the Government has done nothing to address the underlying causes of violent crime. A civilised society has nothing to fear from citizens armed with knives, guns or howitzers for that matter.


Successive governments have created an environment where all personal responsibility is removed, especially from the young. Our society encourages and almost worships a lack of self-control and incontinent self-expression which manifests itself in utter selfishness, rampant egotism and ultimately stabbings over the smallest perceived sleight.


We are impeccably non-judgemental, we do not attempt to inculcate morality or respect for authority, and we watch impotently as the anarchy grows ever greater. We are then grateful when officialdom swoops in with a draconian curtailment of liberty.


I sometimes think that the Goverment welcomes the fear that the public feels, as it enfeebles us and makes us susceptible to the thinly-disguised chains of its hideous totalitarian utopia.


Time for me to lie down, I think.






That is absolutely 100% spot on :good: Did you steal that from somewhere? :good:


Our civil liberties are being eroded. Drip drip drip there they go a bit at a time.


Knife crime is on the increase, oh yes, lets ban knives that's the cure?!? Just like banning hand guns *really* stopped those who would use them for criminal activities.


We are fed a diet of knife crimes from the media and 99% of all Daily Mail readers will be right behind a knife ban.


What about if we were fed a media diet of how the government has failed to reduce criminal activity (as a generic wider problem) could we then vote for a ban on governmental incompetence.

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im 15 and live in a city, ive never been stoped, been on a bus with my shottie in a sleve no probs




its all these people that watch get rich or die tryin and other films of the sort that get the idea of "shankin" sumone for "coke"



in my school "black people" say they carry knives in case sumone pulls a gun on them when if they gonna get shot they would of dune it from range..............



right rate over feel much better lol



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Having a knife because it is practical surely is the main reason for owning one in the first place? I mean you can cut string by rubbing in along the edge of a brick but a knife is easier.


There is loads of things in a car to use in a road rage incident if you are that way inclined. And if you are then you won't be concerned by the legalities of carrying a knife.


If you were on your way shooting and were stopped by plod then I am sure they would not be in the slightest bit concerned about the fact you have a knife on you.


If you were trying to get into the local nightclub then it may be a different story.


Once again the common sense aspect gets completely missed by most of PW



such as?


wheel nut wrench in the boot. if this was found in the cabin you would have a hard time explaining it away I expect


4D cell maglite? for use in emergencies? why isnt it in the boot sir?


CD? ok you could snap it in half and cut someone with it, but generally everyone carries them in their cars.


plenty of things to use in the car


having a knife is practical, but only in a situation where it is required. you are not likely to be cutting string in the car, are you?



"There is loads of things in a car to use in a road rage incident if you are that way inclined. And if you are then you won't be concerned by the legalities of carrying a knife."


yes, BUT carrying a knife for no other reason than "its practical" is not going to interest the policeman that stops you - he doesnt know if you have homicidal road rage tendencies or not, and he aint gonna buy any excuse about string, fruit, opening envelopes etc etc either. hes heard them all before.

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Believe what you want to believe, If I was stopped by the police and I had a knife in the car then big deal.


I am an active hunting shooting and fishing man and a knife is a tool of the trade.


Why isn't the maglite in the boot sir? Because officer if I break down at night I want it to be handy. I do not want to be hunting around in the cark looking for a torch that would have been so handy if it was in the door pocket.


What is the chances of being routinely stopped for a random knife inspection? Less than 0%.


having a knife is practical, but only in a situation where it is required. you are not likely to be cutting string in the car, are you?


You might be, and having a knife when you need one is highly practical. Not a lot of use if you need an adjustable spanner granted, but should you need to cut something then yes highly practical.


It is plain and simple, no different to any other law. If you have a reason then there is no problem. Like I said try and get in a nightclub with a knife and you are a dimwit to say the very least. Have one in your car and big deal.


After all, the biggest reason for all this is a car is NOT a public place. You do not have to have you gun covered up if it is in your car. And the car has been approved by the police for temorary firearms storage. You local No. 78 to Mill Hill hasn't.


Your argument just doesn't hold any water.

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It's just another government idea to ******** their way out of the problem. What they need to do is give some real sentences to the real criminals. It wouldn't be hard if human rights would **** off out of it! Simple, put me, a pick axe handle and a rapist in a big room and leave me to it for a few hours. Job done. If he did happen to wake up, let the next bloke give him some more! I'd give up a saturday a month to help out, as I'm sure a lot of us would :good:


Nothing's going to improve until these people actually have something to fear if they're caught, like they did years ago. I know hanging someone for stealing a chicken was pretty harsh, but how many chickens were stolen? I bet it wasn't many :good:

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Believe what you want to believe, If I was stopped by the police and I had a knife in the car then big deal.


I am an active hunting shooting and fishing man and a knife is a tool of the trade.


Why isn't the maglite in the boot sir? Because officer if I break down at night I want it to be handy. I do not want to be hunting around in the cark looking for a torch that would have been so handy if it was in the door pocket.


What is the chances of being routinely stopped for a random knife inspection? Less than 0%.


having a knife is practical, but only in a situation where it is required. you are not likely to be cutting string in the car, are you?


You might be, and having a knife when you need one is highly practical. Not a lot of use if you need an adjustable spanner granted, but should you need to cut something then yes highly practical.


It is plain and simple, no different to any other law. If you have a reason then there is no problem. Like I said try and get in a nightclub with a knife and you are a dimwit to say the very least. Have one in your car and big deal.


After all, the biggest reason for all this is a car is NOT a public place. You do not have to have you gun covered up if it is in your car. And the car has been approved by the police for temorary firearms storage. You local No. 78 to Mill Hill hasn't.


Your argument just doesn't hold any water.


If you are on the way to or from a job or hobby involving a knife then you are fine. if you are not, then "because it is practical" is NOT a valid reason.


by your reasoning, carrying a hammer in the car with you would be reasonable. you might need to break a window to rescue someone, or remove a nail from a horses hoof. or repair a fence. A police officer would look right through that, same as they would the string/ knife argument.


chances of getting stopped on a random knife check - 0%. chances of getting stopped for ANY other reason and a police officer noticing a knife in the vehicle - a possibility.


If a police officer on the board would like to speak up and give their side, that is great.


until then, I wont be carrying a knife in the car unless travelling to and from work, where being an electrical engineer involving the use of hand tools would be a reasonable excuse for carrying one. unlike "i might want to cut string".

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Friday night paranoia has set in early.


Read my post again, your car is a private place. You can have what you like in there.


Carrying a knife in a public place is illegal, walking around tescos with a knife is illegal unless you happen to be buying it.


Carrying a knife gun hammer chisel pickaxe in your car is not.



You do not have to have a reason for carrying items in your car. FULL STOP, END OF, PERIOD.



My car is full of all manner of things that you could use as an offensive weapon, after all the one thing you use to start the damn thing is fairly lethal if you want it to be.


If I was stopped by the Police and they wanted to know why I had a hammer in the car then they really need something else to do.


(Bad example really as I am a carpenter by trade)


Carrying a hammer in your car is not illegal (YET) and there should not even be a question raised over it.

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If you dont need a knife for your immediate activities, dont bloody carry one....... simple as that, why would you want to???


I hope every idiot who carries a knife that doesnt need one for what he is doing at the time gets arrested, procecuted and locked up.


If you are carrying a knife in the first place chance's are you are prepared to use it..... therefore lock the fools up :good:


If you need a knife for your activities......









Then fair enough, but you dont need them in flippin tesco do you? or in the middle of town...........


And that is all the law is saying.


This topic has been talked about many times so can we forget it now?:sly:?



great post :good:


According to your post i need locking up as an idiot as clearly I am a risk to society.


On my keys (house and car) is a small survival knife, it is a serated blade, approx 1.5" long with a keyring hole, and it is a lock knife (which is actually a bit naughty). I bought a bundle of 5 a few years ago and am still on the original, they are made for special forces so pretty tough. At a guess I use it 4 or 5 times a week, things from gutting rabbits, opening boxes, cutting cables and pipes working on cars, twine, basically everything you use a knife for. Only time I have removed it is for flying, it would be about as much use a flying **** in a road rage incident due to the massive bunch of keys attached I'd do more damage throwing the bunch at someone. So just think before posting, your post is about the same level of depth of thinking that the government would be proud of.

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on the issue of cutting string in a car....(:good:) could it not be argued that its intended use was for seatbelt cutting in case of an accident, in the same way as a glass hammer is not uncommon..... ( its not usual i know, but not rediculas either...)


i carry a knife when out in the woods and walking, climbing etc... as most of us do. last christmas, i got the train to the next town to watch the santa's parade etc with my wife and at the time 2.5 year old son.... as it was raining a bit, i put on my goretex jacket forgeting my trusty lock knife was stowed away in the sleeve pocket, where it belongs. when we were waiting for the train, i saw 3 coppers stood on the platform and thought, hello, they must be waiting for someone....

one stop later, when the train pulled into the station i saw around 10 police officers on the platform and thought crikey, somthing going on... as me and mife wife and son got off i realised they were hearding all the young lads into one area and routinely searching them for knives..... good on them i thought,..... then, as we strolled past i realsied my knife was in my pocket......

i didnt get pulled over, as im not a kid, but i felt uneasy the rest of the night. i had no intentions of stabbing anyone, never had, but i still wonder what would have happened had i not been with the wife and son as i do look like a bit of a stereo typical thug.


its been said in earlier posts, forgetting your carrying it is not an excuse, but i do think alot of us are from an era when carrying a knife was a boy scout type ,be prepared thing. my old man has had numerous pocket knives ive bought him confiscated at airports ( dope i know) but he seems lost without one, he's always there at the ready when one is required, as any bloke should be.

maybe i should ditch my lock knife although i dont see that theres any differance and cant see why they illegal ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought i would point out this story Murder again in Blackpool !!!! young father killed by knife 21 year old suspect arrested ...

1 More life taken in knife crime a father lost there must be firmer sentences dished out and random street purges like they do on motorists !!

its like dodge city in Blackpool you take your life into your hands on a night out !!!!! ... TH1_166200842PrestonOldRoadSceneFlowers.jpg

click to read .......

just to reiterate my opinion no one should be carrying a knife unless theres a solid legitimate reason !!!!!

Edited by jayward
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MC needs the Maglite in the car because he's got no ******* streetlights in Murkysea :yes::P:P


I always carry a penknife in my strides, never think anything of it. I'm damned if I'm going to set aside time each day to think if I'm going to need it in advance or will I be going to Tesco's. Load of cobblers. I'll take my chances if the law stop and search me. They've got no reason to do that, but I suppose it's possible, I'll just have to explain myself as best I can. :good:


My boots are a more lethal weapon than the penknife, where does it end?

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i personally think its a great idea that should of been brought in many years ago and i really dont think that if you are going or coming from a days hunting the i dont think they would be in the least bit interested its intended to aim at the young thugs in gangs and known trouble makers who go out on weekends looking for fights

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Yeah ban knives!


The naughty boys will of course adhere to an official ban. After all, it would be official and it would be a ban.


Three cheers, the genius powers within government have sorted it :good:

and yeah tooo bloody true its just acase of someone in there high chair thinking up ways to justify his pay as usual and not a bloody damn thing will really be done about it as USUAL

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they banned pistols, they are still on the streets. the law abiding folk handed em in. if the ban knives, it will be the likes of you and me who hand em in and they will still be on the streets. sod em. they aint stopping me.

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I am an active hunting shooting and fishing man and a knife is a tool of the trade. .............. (Then you should only carry it when hunting or fishing)


Why isn't the maglite in the boot sir? Because officer if I break down at night I want it to be handy. I do not want to be hunting around in the cark looking for a torch that would have been so handy if it was in the door pocket. ................ (Does your boot light not work? why a 4d cell maglight in your door? why not a smaller 2aa size one?)


What is the chances of being routinely stopped for a random knife inspection? Less than 0%. ............. (knife inspection? No..... Random inspection/ vehicle check? Yes)



Read my post again, your car is a private place. You can have what you like in there.


You do not have to have a reason for carrying items in your car. FULL STOP, END OF, PERIOD. ............... ( I had a baseball bat confiscated by the police, it was in my boot with a ball and a catching glove which I had used down a local park with my nephews a few days earlier! Police didnt believe me and took it!!!!!)

Edited by chrispti
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Let's try this again.

The law is very simple and clear, whether you choose to obey it is entirely up to you:


Shamelessly stolen from the BASC site;


It is now ILLEGAL to have any sharply pointed or bladed instrument in your possession, in a

public place without good reason or lawful authority.

A public place is anywhere that the public has, or is permitted to have access to, even if they must

pay to do so. This not only covers areas such as roads and highways, shops, and pubs but also less

obvious areas. This is important to realise for those working or spending leisure time in the

countryside, as public footpaths or other rights of way come under the definition of a public place.

Estate land where the public may have access is also a public place even if it is privately owned.

Your car or other vehicle is also classed as a public place whilst on the highway, and the police

now have search and seize powers without warrant with respect to knives.

Good reason for carrying a knife may be shown by occupation as a farmer, estate manager,

recreational stalker, gameshooter, angler or anyone else who has reasonable grounds for expecting

to need a knife whilst pursuing a lawful activity.

Leaving a knife in the car, or in your pocket for when you next go shooting, or forgetting that it is

there, is NOT a defence.

Carrying a knife in public must be in connection with the activity for which it is needed; going into

a shop with a knife in your pocket if you are returning from or going to a place where you farm,

fish or shoot etc. would constitute good reason.

There is an exemption in law for folding pocket knives. These must have cutting edges of less than

three inches and blades which do not lock. However when pocket knives of this type are carried

for example in a nightclub, at a school or to a football match they are likely to be viewed as

offensive weapons even though the actual knife isn’t an offensive weapon in itself.

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If you dont need a knife for your immediate activities, dont bloody carry one....... simple as that, why would you want to???


I hope every idiot who carries a knife that doesnt need one for what he is doing at the time gets arrested, procecuted and locked up.


If you are carrying a knife in the first place chance's are you are prepared to use it..... therefore lock the fools up :lol:


If you need a knife for your activities......









Then fair enough, but you dont need them in flippin tesco do you? or in the middle of town...........


And that is all the law is saying.


This topic has been talked about many times so can we forget it now?:lol:?



great post :lol:


According to your post i need locking up as an idiot as clearly I am a risk to society.


On my keys (house and car) is a small survival knife, it is a serated blade, approx 1.5" long with a keyring hole, and it is a lock knife (which is actually a bit naughty). I bought a bundle of 5 a few years ago and am still on the original, they are made for special forces so pretty tough. At a guess I use it 4 or 5 times a week, things from gutting rabbits, opening boxes, cutting cables and pipes working on cars, twine, basically everything you use a knife for. Only time I have removed it is for flying, it would be about as much use a flying **** in a road rage incident due to the massive bunch of keys attached I'd do more damage throwing the bunch at someone. So just think before posting, your post is about the same level of depth of thinking that the government would be proud of.



So just think be for posting...............




Good One........


No.... No..... Really......


Considering this topic is discussing youths from 17 - 21 carrying knives, i think you are 5 years ahead of the game, considering you profile says your 26 :P


And you say i need to think before posting :lol:

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