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Downing Street Petitions

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I'd just like to bring to your attention this website that I have found:




It's been set up by our infallible Masters here in the UK in order to give us commoners a chance to be heard.


Apologies if I'm the last one to find out about this, but I think it's important that as many of us as possible stand up for what we believe in!


There are already a few shooting related petitions on there. I'm sure that in the coming months there will be more.


So far, I have found:


http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Deactivated/ - Petition to prevent the forthcoming ban on replicas and deactivated guns


http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/leagliseguns/ - Petition to allow UK citizens to own and 'bear arms' (pardon my Americanism)


I know some of you may not agree with these petitions. But if you do, please sign yourself up. Your email address and actual address will not be published.


Any petition that reaches 200 signatures before its deadline will be put forward to the PM. I think it would be wise for us to keep an eye on this website so that we can stand up for what we believe in.


Just bear in mind that if you are going to create a petition that it may already exist on the site in which case you're just dividing our efforts. So do a search first!


And if you do create any, let us all know!




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If a couple of hundred thousand people marching through London to protest at the hunting bill didnt have an effect, I cannot see what a 'virtual' signiture on a petition is going to do.


Says it all, it was a nice day for a walk, but that's all we achieved.

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Why do we need to bear arms?



Because we should have the opportunity to do so if we should so wish.


If an American wants a 0.50 caliber machine gun- regardless of why he does- is permitted one becuase it is his wish.


We in this country are not allowed an opinion- We are not deemed suitable because the the powers that be say so.

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as i have said before does not make any difference how many petitions we sign how many marches we go on at the end of the day one man says NO and thats it. you are told what where and when to do it. and we obey robots IN A FREE COUNTRY. smokeing ban/hunting ban/high taxes/ high fuel costs/interest rates up/council tax up/road tax up/immigration up/ unemployment up/ YEAH I RECKON WE GET A GOOD DEAL sign all you want

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Why do we need to bear arms?



Because we should have the opportunity to do so if we should so wish.


If an American wants a 0.50 caliber machine gun- regardless of why he does- is permitted one becuase it is his wish.


We in this country are not allowed an opinion- We are not deemed suitable because the the powers that be say so.


So everyone has the right to bear arms?

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going by the television we get a rough deal .most of the youth today have firearms and proudly display them on tv so it appears .no fac required just gang member and they dont get jail ? bring back the death penalty you carry a gun to take a life loose yours . and not being a raceist but they are a shade darker than most of us

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So everyone has the right to bear arms?


Some people would be in favour of that yes. And yes it would solve some of the problems in this country. It'd probably even solve more than it would create. But no... I would not be in favour of this.


Personally I'm in favour of a similar system to the one we have now for FAC but much stricter.


In a perfect world I think that free citizens with a clean bill of mental health, no police record of any kind, not even motoring offences should be able to own and carry a firearm for personal protection. I see nothing wrong with this.


I'd also be in favour of annual (or even more frequent) vetting by a psychiatrist in order to keep your licence. Normally I'm not in favour of elitism and pricing people out of anything, but in this case I also think it'd be a good idea to make maintaining a CCW licence expensive (which seeing a psychiatrist every few months would definitely do!) because it'd ensure that only people with full time employment (and a few silver spooners) can get hold of one.


Before you bombard me with "what about dodgy people who get through the system?", first ask yourself how many of the perfectly respectable shotgun owners on here would pass the test? Not all of you, that's for sure!


I just think that the streets have become so dangerous and inhospitable that something more has to be done for the safety of our respectable law abiding citizens than paying policemen to patrol the pavements even though it's clear to all that they can't be everywhere and almost certainly won't be anywhere to be seen when you need them. We KNOW that millions of criminals already have the right to carry any firearm that they want. And just look at the recent cases like Sophie Lancaster and that father that was kicked to death outside his own home for confronting a group of youths. It's not right, it's not necessary and it's not going to solve itself.

Edited by harpo_the_bad
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So everyone has the right to bear arms?


Some people would be in favour of that yes. And yes it would solve some of the problems in this country. It'd probably even solve more than it would create. But no... I would not be in favour of this.


Personally I'm in favour of a similar system to the one we have now for FAC but much stricter.


In a perfect world I think that free citizens with a clean bill of mental health, no police record of any kind, not even motoring offences should be able to own and carry a firearm for personal protection. I see nothing wrong with this.


I'd also be in favour of annual (or even more frequent) vetting by a psychiatrist in order to keep your licence. Normally I'm not in favour of elitism and pricing people out of anything, but in this case I also think it'd be a good idea to make maintaining a CCW licence expensive (which seeing a psychiatrist every few months would definitely do!) because it'd ensure that only people with full time employment (and a few silver spooners) can get hold of one.


Before you bombard me with "what about dodgy people who get through the system?", first ask yourself how many of the perfectly respectable shotgun owners on here would pass the test? Not all of you, that's for sure!


I just think that the streets have become so dangerous and inhospitable that something more has to be done for the safety of our respectable law abiding citizens than paying policemen to patrol the pavements even though it's clear to all that they can't be everywhere and almost certainly won't be anywhere to be seen when you need them. We KNOW that millions of criminals already have the right to carry any firearm that they want. And just look at the recent cases like Sophie Lancaster and that father that was kicked to death outside his own home for confronting a group of youths. It's not right, it's not necessary and it's not going to solve itself.


You raised some good points. The rules would have to be srict, though. However, I would not want gun laws like they have in the states.

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So everyone has the right to bear arms?


Some people would be in favour of that yes. And yes it would solve some of the problems in this country. It'd probably even solve more than it would create. But no... I would not be in favour of this.


Personally I'm in favour of a similar system to the one we have now for FAC but much stricter.


In a perfect world I think that free citizens with a clean bill of mental health, no police record of any kind, not even motoring offences should be able to own and carry a firearm for personal protection. I see nothing wrong with this.


I'd also be in favour of annual (or even more frequent) vetting by a psychiatrist in order to keep your licence. Normally I'm not in favour of elitism and pricing people out of anything, but in this case I also think it'd be a good idea to make maintaining a CCW licence expensive (which seeing a psychiatrist every few months would definitely do!) because it'd ensure that only people with full time employment (and a few silver spooners) can get hold of one.


Before you bombard me with "what about dodgy people who get through the system?", first ask yourself how many of the perfectly respectable shotgun owners on here would pass the test? Not all of you, that's for sure!


I just think that the streets have become so dangerous and inhospitable that something more has to be done for the safety of our respectable law abiding citizens than paying policemen to patrol the pavements even though it's clear to all that they can't be everywhere and almost certainly won't be anywhere to be seen when you need them. We KNOW that millions of criminals already have the right to carry any firearm that they want. And just look at the recent cases like Sophie Lancaster and that father that was kicked to death outside his own home for confronting a group of youths. It's not right, it's not necessary and it's not going to solve itself.

Doing what you suggest re the FAC would achieve nothing, the problem is not, and never has been, with FAC owners. Guns are more easily available off-ticket now than they ever were, to criminals, two years ago, I was offered a Sterling 9mm SMG, with a case of ammunition for £50. How would tighter controls on people who are not a problem help?

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Doing what you suggest re the FAC would achieve nothing, the problem is not, and never has been, with FAC owners. Guns are more easily available off-ticket now than they ever were, to criminals, two years ago, I was offered a Sterling 9mm SMG, with a case of ammunition for £50. How would tighter controls on people who are not a problem help?


Well... Thomas Watt Hamilton and Michael Robert Ryan might disagree with you there, but that's not the point. We're talking about licensing CCWs and handguns here Bob, not restricting existing legal firearms. I agree with you that; that would be pointless.


Personally, I accept that criminals will always have access to just about anything they want. The police should continue to crack down on them as they are. But I think it's about time us law abiding citizens reclaimed firearms from the criminals and had the rights and means to protect ourselves too.

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