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kung fu panda


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I am slightly hungover and very irascible this morning.

I am literally on a knife edge and could go over the edge and into a benny at any time.

So i am reading the paper and trying to find peace with my inner self. Zen style.

I am reading about Gordon Browns aide, Ian Austin shouting at David cameron " **** off you Toff" in the house and how the labour MP's are moaning that £61,820 is not enough for them to live on, and that they must have the right to audit themselves rather than external auditors, which will give them the right to carry on buying kitchens , sofas and TV's payed for by the working man and the right to not have to justify reciepts for purchases, on expenses mind, for less than 25 quid.

The motion was passes by the way by a majority of 28.

Oh, they also awarded themselves a pay rise of 2.25%

So the relaxation is not really panning out and I can feel a "falling down" moment happening when I spy an advert for kung fu panda voiced by jack black.

what fun thinks I as the mists of rage dissappear as does the darkness come dawn.

However, and there had to be a however or this post would be, and many will argue that it is, pointless./

at the bottom of the advert for KUNG FU *********PANDA is a codicil, a warning for people that the film contains, KUNG FU PANDA contains "mild martial arts action".

Well excuse me!

I for one would be pretty damn dissappointed if KUNG FU PANDA did not contain some mild martial arts action. who is going to go the cinema to watch a film with kung fu in its title and become upset if a cartoon panda karate kicks a cartonn squirrel in the nuts?

Who after paying for the ticket for KUNG FU and I must stress kUNG FU panda is going to say "well i really did not expect to see any mild martial arts action in that film, I am shocked and I must complain. How I wish someone had warned me beforehand"

The country has gone bloody mad. I had a beef lasagene the other night, it came ready for the oven did my BEEF lasagne ansd it said on the lid I had to peel off to make it fit for the oven " warning:contains meat" My BEEF lasagne warned me, that it contained meat. Do the manufacturers assume that people think beef is a *******' vegetable.

Do the powers that be think we as a race a so cretinously stupid that they must advise me that beef is a kind of meat and kung fu blah de blah.

There are instructions in Morrisons how to use a shopping trolley for gods sake.

I have now gone fully green and angry. i am going to eat a pie and I am on a diet.

now look what they have made me do and if my pie says that it contains meat or that the contents may be hot then there shall be tears in Stockport today. They may contain salt.


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JDF this is simply the extension of our dumbing down in society.


"Do the manufacturers assume that people think beef is a ******* vegetable" - no, the manufacturers assume the lowest denominator and that is, indeed, that some idiot doesn't know that beef is meat.


Watch some of the Jamie Oliver school dinner shows (if you can abide the flabby-tongued fool) - a lot of the kids don't know where milk comes from! Or seem to have any kind of understanding of food categores - meat, fruit, vegetable - and that these things were all once alive. they seem to think everything in this world is man-made and unless someone tells them otherwise they'll never know.


Maybe, they'll read the instructions on your TV dinner and think wow, I didn't know that! :good:


Do you think you'll go to see Kung Fu Panda?

Edited by Cranfield
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I think the fact that your beef lasagne specified that it contained meat might have been more a sales point than an information message. :oops:


Anyway, i enjoyed your rant, i love ranting and do it frequently. A like minded soul. :good:

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O dear i have got to take ten 11 year olds :unsure: To see Kung fu panda :oops:

Are they going to be dissapointed. :look:


Or would i be better off passing them off as 18 year olds .so we can get in to the movie teeth . :yes:

You just can beat a good movie about dental hygiene :yes:




go and see Kung Foo Panda, its a great film. loads of "mild" kung foo action, and loads of adult jokes. :hmm:

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