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Come on guys, insurance is an absolute must but what we really need to do is support our sport. I fully appreciate that many of the other organisations do a grand job but with (major) limitations governed as much by their size as anything else. Any fool can offer a discounted group insurance rate BUT what about wholehearted backup to the membership for other things. BASC have the size, the clout and the manpower to get to grips with all the issues that threaten our sport. I think it’s a shame all the organisations can’t join together and then we’d really have a voice to make our politicos sit up and take notice. In those European countries where they have no organisation they are fast losing their shooting, God forbid it happens here.

I like JGs example about the cost of a couple of pints versus the cost of supporting BASC but whichever way you look at it £68 is damn good value for money for what BASC give in return and if you really can’t afford it then how come you’re shooting in the first place? It’s also a ridiculously small amount for any business to consider putting on a dd basis. It’s like the time I was discussing the price of cartridges with a chap who reckoned he couldn’t afford them whilst stood there in his £200 wellies, his £350 jacket, his £150 pair of trews, plus all the other bits and bobs and a gun worth all of £1500 to say nothing of his 4 x 4.

PS. IMO CPSA is one to avoid as I do not believe they have live quarry shootings best interests at heart, indeed it would benefit them tremendously if there was no live quarry shooting.

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iv not had insurence for 5 years, why do you need it if you do it all right,i stick two farms that i can shoot on do not go on land i should not go on,i shoot along, all ways have i know all my 18 farms.only 2 have foot paths on them.been shooting for 45 years only one time have i been asked two show my licence buy a copper.that was next two a marine camp witch iv had for 30 years.do it all right and its fine.pick a hole in that.


So no need for car insurance then if you drive perfectly within the law and do everything right?



car insurence you have got two have, shooting insurence you do not have two.ok

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Some good comments on here and some intemperate and childish ******** as well. As usual, Bob and Harnser are spot on, and David does his normal job of trying to represent BASC fairly, ignoring the ordure that some people feel the need to throw at him whenever he appears. If I was him, my patience would have been exhausted a long time ago.


Do what you want, there is no need to argue and bicker like school children. Personally I wouldn't touch a gun without insurance. As has been pointed out, an accident does not have to be your fault. All it takes is one idiot in the wrong place at the wrong time. As David says time after time, there are lots of options - pick the one that's right for you.


I don't shoot live quarry at the moment, but I am a member of BASC. Partly for insurance, partly because I think that I have a duty to support the sport as a whole. Rightly or wrongly, and whatever its faults, I think that BASC membership is the most realistic way to do this today.





Robert ,

You are absolutely right . An old saying comes to mind , you can lead a horse to water but you carnt make him drink . Harnser .

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Id go as far as to say that, insurance for shooting must be made compulsory, a bit like having car insurance.


Although i dont have insurance just yet, it will not be BASC i insure with as, the main point of arguement is cost....


I was insurance for 12 months and thats it, not ***** with magazines or anything daft associated with it, all i want is insurance like car insurance, i dont get magazines with that, and i dont want them, they fall into the same catagory as junk mail and promptly get filed under B.


You would like to see shooting insurance made compulsory, yet you regularly go shooting without any? If you feel so strongly about having insurance shouldn't you have purchased some before taking your gun out?


Beyond belief innit?


What’s beyond belief is the person who reads a statement, which clearly states a fact, but then feels the need to question it just to clarify the authenticity of it....


What a detective he would make hey???





Oh dear my friend, for someone who says he hasn't been shooting for a 'few' weeks, and his gun is safe in his cabinet, explain how it fell out of it's gun slip on Saturday (5/7/08) just after you'd BEEN SHOOTING??

If you can't remember saying that try reading your own post, (7/7/08 Noooooooooooo). Looks like Bob was right to question your statement. It doesn't seem quite so authentic now does it? :no:





Detective Poontang

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First thing i did when i started shooting was join the CPSA. I only shoot clays at the moment, but eventually i'd like to get out and do a bit of rough shooting and wildfowling. Before i do that i'll join the BASC. I wouldn't dream of using a gun without insurance, however safe i might think i am. Accidents can and DO happen. Anyone who doesn't have the relevant cover must be :oops::hmm::)

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I have been reading this thread with interest and have had my two pennies worth as well . What really upsets me about the insurance thing is the flippent way that some members treat the issue about not having or wanting insurance . We are supposed to be responcible people trusted with carrying and shooting guns in the country side . Of course accidents can happen ,we are only human and the most dangerous half of the gun and man combination . Guns are are inanamate objects whilst not in the hands of humans ,add the human element and you have the recipe for disaster .

I think it shameful that any body can shoot with out having a third party insurance . If you havent got insurance check your household policy as this may give you some cover . If you shoot me ,you will be sued ,insurance or no insurance . Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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bought my first shotty last week, signed up with basc today. forfitted my field clothing budget for it..... i think a wise decision... could have went with other organisations as the only thing i want is the insurance, but i think the name basc goes along way when asking for permissions etc... thats why i went with them. they carry clout.

i would happily of forgone the magazines etc for a lower cost, but still its done now.

not so much a case of better safe then sorry, but more, if your sorry who's fighting your corner.....

so, in short, as im new, i have no real experiance with them, i hope i never need to.... but i can shoot safe in the knowledge that im insured.

only bit i didnt like is that your not covered at home (i think) or travelling to the place you shoot....i figure anything could happen between your cabinet and the shoot...

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Id go as far as to say that, insurance for shooting must be made compulsory, a bit like having car insurance.


Although i dont have insurance just yet, it will not be BASC i insure with as, the main point of arguement is cost....


I was insurance for 12 months and thats it, not ***** with magazines or anything daft associated with it, all i want is insurance like car insurance, i dont get magazines with that, and i dont want them, they fall into the same catagory as junk mail and promptly get filed under B.


You would like to see shooting insurance made compulsory, yet you regularly go shooting without any? If you feel so strongly about having insurance shouldn't you have purchased some before taking your gun out?


Beyond belief innit?


What’s beyond belief is the person who reads a statement, which clearly states a fact, but then feels the need to question it just to clarify the authenticity of it....


What a detective he would make hey???





Oh dear my friend, for someone who says he hasn't been shooting for a 'few' weeks, and his gun is safe in his cabinet, explain how it fell out of it's gun slip on Saturday (5/7/08) just after you'd BEEN SHOOTING??

If you can't remember saying that try reading your own post, (7/7/08 Noooooooooooo). Looks like Bob was right to question your statement. It doesn't seem quite so authentic now does it? :oops:





Detective Poontang




Sherlock Poontang, I believe this to be a "wokka wokka" moment.

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i would happily of forgone the magazines etc for a lower cost, but still its done now.

The mag is actually a good read - and I get 5 shooting mags on subscription and its as good as any of them.


only bit i didnt like is that your not covered at home (i think) or travelling to the place you shoot....i figure anything could happen between your cabinet and the shoot...

Normal with insurances like this - that may well be covered by your household insurance.


Well done, Mr Responsible Shooter

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Id go as far as to say that, insurance for shooting must be made compulsory, a bit like having car insurance.


Although i dont have insurance just yet, it will not be BASC i insure with as, the main point of arguement is cost....


I was insurance for 12 months and thats it, not ***** with magazines or anything daft associated with it, all i want is insurance like car insurance, i dont get magazines with that, and i dont want them, they fall into the same catagory as junk mail and promptly get filed under B.


You would like to see shooting insurance made compulsory, yet you regularly go shooting without any? If you feel so strongly about having insurance shouldn't you have purchased some before taking your gun out?


Beyond belief innit?


What’s beyond belief is the person who reads a statement, which clearly states a fact, but then feels the need to question it just to clarify the authenticity of it....


What a detective he would make hey???





Oh dear my friend, for someone who says he hasn't been shooting for a 'few' weeks, and his gun is safe in his cabinet, explain how it fell out of it's gun slip on Saturday (5/7/08) just after you'd BEEN SHOOTING??

If you can't remember saying that try reading your own post, (7/7/08 Noooooooooooo). Looks like Bob was right to question your statement. It doesn't seem quite so authentic now does it? :oops:





Detective Poontang



Well **** me this just gets better and better doesnt it......


Were you bullied as a child? or abused maybe? any form of mental damage? or anything that might of harmed you sufficiently so, that you can not read and interpret yourself that in the so called post which in not by anymeans denied by myself..... it clearly says at the bottom "shooting was a dead loss.. i didnt fire a shot and just sat and enjoyed the countryside"


So nexttime "Detective Poontang" read the ******* post before getting you hero suit on and making a complete **** of your noobish little attitude.....

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My BASC Insurance renewal has just come around, at the rate of £68 for the year.


This is way to much, and i've decided i'm no longer going to pay for there fancy dinners, flash cars and private armourys, stocked with rare and fancy weapons of all sorts.


Here we go again. Decroyffe my friend, your BASC insurance renewal is not £68. About £10 of that is for the insurance and the rest is for the whole raft of exceptionally valuable services that BASC provides for its members. If it were not for BASC (and WAGBI before it) believe me that ordinary guys like you and me would have nowhere to shoot, nothing to shoot at and nothing to shoot with. Only the toffs and their ilk would be able to shoot in Britain. In my opinion, no-one in the UK today deserves to carry a gun unless he also carries a BASC membership card.


Your second sentence is laughable ****eballs. For three years I went down every month to BASC HQ to attend Council meetings, travelling a round trip of 600 miles, and I never got anything more than a few sandwiches and an apple for lunch. The staff who get cars get practical pick-up trucks, not flash cars, to use transporting stuff around the country during the 60-hour weeks they typically work. And the BASC armoury consists only of historic pieces that have been gifted by members - not a penny of members' cash has been spent on them.


So please do us a favour and get a grip of reality.


Eric Begbie




You have excelled yourself this time. The BASC anti toffs and their ilk attitude is completely unnecessary and uncalled for and as for your view on shooters being required to join the BASC smacks of communist card carrying at its very worst.


As a young chap keen on wildfowling I joined WAGBI back in the very early 60's shooting on the Wash and the Ouse washes most weekends. I am also a member of the BFSS (CA) as hunting is my great love. I feel that as a member of both I have helped fly the flag and shown my support in my own small way.


However, your views and comments are in my view beyond the pail. I am now completely convinced the BASC have lost their way and are out of touch with reality.


I shall never again support the BASC .




What part of what I said do you not agree with? It is all 100% accurate fact.


BASC is run very frugally (no fancy dinners, flash cars or money spent on "private armouries" as Decroyffe alleged). And as for my suggestion that no-one who fails to carry a BASC card should carry a shotgun in Britain, can I invite you to examine each Parliamentary Bill affecting shooting between The 1954 Protection of Birds legislation and the latest Firearms amendment legislation. (i.e. all wildlife and firearms Bills). Once again, if WAGBI/BASC had not successfully represented the interests of the ordinary working guy at parliamentary level, and those Bills had been enacted in their original formats, no birds apart from gamebirds would be able to be shot and only landowners would be allowed to own guns. The fact that most of us can still shoot is entirely down to the efforts of BASC. It may have started as the wildfowlers' trade union but it has expanded to cover roughshooting and pest control as well.


Maybe you are a wealthy landowner who would have benefited from all that draft legislation - but ordinary guys like the rest of us need BASC to protect the rights of the working man as far as shooting in this country is concerned.

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Well **** me this just gets better and better doesnt it......


Were you bullied as a child? or abused maybe? any form of mental damage? or anything that might of harmed you sufficiently so, that you can not read and interpret yourself that in the so called post which in not by anymeans denied by myself..... it clearly says at the bottom "shooting was a dead loss.. i didnt fire a shot and just sat and enjoyed the countryside"


So nexttime "Detective Poontang" read the ******* post before getting you hero suit on and making a complete **** of your noobish little attitude.....



Not that it's exactly on topic or even all that interesting, Poontang does have a point.


Is there common ground that you went out with your gun?


If so, then what were you intending to do with it notwithstanding the mishap. "I didn't fire a shot" does infer the expectation that you were going to shoot which brings us back to the subject of insurance.


Rather than getting all feisty you could have put your hands up stuck in a smilie and passed it off. The response you made was a little OTT was it not?

Edited by Mungler
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Fair one, suppose it could have been passed as a bit OTT...


Im sorry Detective Poontang, i didnt mean to grab you man hood..... having been enlightened on the situation i feel an appology is due..... it just annoys me a little how people on here are so quick to cut someones throat over a petty matter.


The so called keyboard hero's who live for an arguement over a forum beacuse they are not man enough to do it in person.... if anybody on here wishes to be a hero, join the army, fight in iraq / afghanistan, there and only there will you find true friends and true hero's.


Appologies once again..



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What part of what I said do you not agree with? It is all 100% accurate fact.


BASC is run very frugally (no fancy dinners, flash cars or money spent on "private armouries" as Decroyffe alleged). And as for my suggestion that no-one who fails to carry a BASC card should carry a shotgun in Britain, can I invite you to examine each Parliamentary Bill affecting shooting between The 1954 Protection of Birds legislation and the latest Firearms amendment legislation. (i.e. all wildlife and firearms Bills). Once again, if WAGBI/BASC had not successfully represented the interests of the ordinary working guy at parliamentary level, and those Bills had been enacted in their original formats, no birds apart from gamebirds would be able to be shot and only landowners would be allowed to own guns. The fact that most of us can still shoot is entirely down to the efforts of BASC. It may have started as the wildfowlers' trade union but it has expanded to cover roughshooting and pest control as well.


Maybe you are a wealthy landowner who would have benefited from all that draft legislation - but ordinary guys like the rest of us need BASC to protect the rights of the working man as far as shooting in this country is concerned.




I was not knocking the BASC for all they have done over the years representing shooting, after all I did say that I joined WAGBI in the 60's.


What I object to is your comments about toffs, compulsory membership and insinuations that BASC alone has promoted shooting sports. Although the CA has it's roots in hunting as BASC did in wildfowling, the CA has broadened it's horizons and now does an awful lot for shooting. It's campaign promoting eating game is a prime example as is it's involvement alongside BASC in lobbying government.


I suppose what really rattles my cage are you "toffs" remarks. My great passion is hunting and for years the anti hunting brigade have used this stupid inaccurate description of hunt followers to whip up anti hunting sympathy with the general public. As we all know they were successful.


Now for you to start using the same tactic to drum up support for BASC from us "common" rough and vermin shooters I personally find offensive.


We are all one, not toffs and plebs and should all sing from the same hymn sheet. BASC and it's champions should not stoop to LACS tactics.


Enough said.

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Id go as far as to say that, insurance for shooting must be made compulsory, a bit like having car insurance.


Although i dont have insurance just yet, it will not be BASC i insure with as, the main point of arguement is cost....


I was insurance for 12 months and thats it, not ***** with magazines or anything daft associated with it, all i want is insurance like car insurance, i dont get magazines with that, and i dont want them, they fall into the same catagory as junk mail and promptly get filed under B.


You would like to see shooting insurance made compulsory, yet you regularly go shooting without any? If you feel so strongly about having insurance shouldn't you have purchased some before taking your gun out?


Beyond belief innit?


What’s beyond belief is the person who reads a statement, which clearly states a fact, but then feels the need to question it just to clarify the authenticity of it....


What a detective he would make hey???





Oh dear my friend, for someone who says he hasn't been shooting for a 'few' weeks, and his gun is safe in his cabinet, explain how it fell out of it's gun slip on Saturday (5/7/08) just after you'd BEEN SHOOTING??

If you can't remember saying that try reading your own post, (7/7/08 Noooooooooooo). Looks like Bob was right to question your statement. It doesn't seem quite so authentic now does it? :oops:





Detective Poontang



Well **** me this just gets better and better doesnt it......


Were you bullied as a child? or abused maybe? any form of mental damage? or anything that might of harmed you sufficiently so, that you can not read and interpret yourself that in the so called post which in not by anymeans denied by myself..... it clearly says at the bottom "shooting was a dead loss.. i didnt fire a shot and just sat and enjoyed the countryside"


So nexttime "Detective Poontang" read the ******* post before getting you hero suit on and making a complete **** of your noobish little attitude.....




Oh dear, you really are an angry young man aren't you? Your vitriol at a post on a public forum beggars belief. Indeed, with that sort of attitude it could lead one to summise that maybe you're not entirely of sound mind yourself. Let's hope you don't fly off the handle so easily when you're armed!!

To answer your questions, NO, i wasn't bullied, NO, i wasn't abused and NO, i've never suffered any form of mental damage. However, i CAN read and interpret a post on here, and i can also see that you have added an edit to the said post AFTER my comments yesterday. You can call it what you like, but i'd say you were trying to cover your back, because that edit was not on that post last night.



p.s. apology accepted.

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Id go as far as to say that, insurance for shooting must be made compulsory, a bit like having car insurance.


Although i dont have insurance just yet, it will not be BASC i insure with as, the main point of arguement is cost....


I was insurance for 12 months and thats it, not ***** with magazines or anything daft associated with it, all i want is insurance like car insurance, i dont get magazines with that, and i dont want them, they fall into the same catagory as junk mail and promptly get filed under B.


You would like to see shooting insurance made compulsory, yet you regularly go shooting without any? If you feel so strongly about having insurance shouldn't you have purchased some before taking your gun out?

:blush::stupid: :o

Beyond belief innit?


What’s beyond belief is the person who reads a statement, which clearly states a fact, but then feels the need to question it just to clarify the authenticity of it....


What a detective he would make hey???





Oh dear my friend, for someone who says he hasn't been shooting for a 'few' weeks, and his gun is safe in his cabinet, explain how it fell out of it's gun slip on Saturday (5/7/08) just after you'd BEEN SHOOTING??

If you can't remember saying that try reading your own post, (7/7/08 Noooooooooooo). Looks like Bob was right to question your statement. It doesn't seem quite so authentic now does it? :P





Detective Poontang



Well **** me this just gets better and better doesnt it......


Were you bullied as a child? or abused maybe? any form of mental damage? or anything that might of harmed you sufficiently so, that you can not read and interpret yourself that in the so called post which in not by anymeans denied by myself..... it clearly says at the bottom "shooting was a dead loss.. i didnt fire a shot and just sat and enjoyed the countryside"


So nexttime "Detective Poontang" read the ******* post before getting you hero suit on and making a complete **** of your noobish little attitude.....




Oh dear, you really are an angry young man aren't you? Your vitriol at a post on a public forum beggars belief. Indeed, with that sort of attitude it could lead one to summise that maybe you're not entirely of sound mind yourself. Let's hope you don't fly off the handle so easily when you're armed!!

To answer your questions, NO, i wasn't bullied, NO, i wasn't abused and NO, i've never suffered any form of mental damage. However, i CAN read and interpret a post on here, and i can also see that you have added an edit to the said post AFTER my comments yesterday. You can call it what you like, but i'd say you were trying to cover your back, because that edit was not on that post last night.



p.s. apology accepted.


Well detective poontang, since you have accepted my appology, i feel there is no need to drag this out....


But just to clarify a few points..


A) If you look at the edit on my post titles Nooooooooo you will see the time of the edit was immediatly after i posted it, as i forgot to mention it on the initial write up, therefore it was before your first questioning reply to this post.


:P Some people would say i have flown off the handle when armed, although the things i have seen / done i am not particulaly proud and i would rather not discuss them, however they were all conducted legally.


But lets not dwell on the fact.





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well are we going to get a anwser same as the fox you shot and you sed you had a pic i would like to see it??


You asking me??


I have a picture of the fox i shot on my blackberry, if you are talking to me you will need to tell me how to get it from my phone onto my pc so i can post it....

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