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Where did our Chinese friend go?


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Something was a-miss there. Either a wind up, or genuine. In which case its probably best removed in either case because this chap was admitting to owning an illiegle weapon according to the Chinese laws of gun ownership.


I saw around eight people veiwing that thread just before it got zapped. :oops:

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just so we can understand him when he comes back

Learn Chinese in 5 minutes (You MUST read them aloud) English - Chinese[/color]


That's not right! Sum Ting Wong

Are you harbouring a fugitive? Hu Yu Hai Ding

See me ASAP ; Kum Hia Nao

Stupid Man Dum ****

Small Horse Tai Ni Po Ni


Did you go to the beach? Wai Yu So Tan


I think you need a face lift! Chin Tu Fat


It's very dark in here! Wai So Dim

I thought you were on a diet! Wai Yu Mun Ching

This is a tow away zone! No Pah King


Our meeting is scheduled for next week! Wai Yu Kum Nao


Staying out of sight Lei Ying Lo

He's cleaning his automobile Wa Shing Ka

Your body odour is offensive Yu Stin Ki Pu

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so for the serious bit.......................


The Chinese chappie said:-


Do you understand chinese? I am a friend in China. This is our countries most (there is a word missing from his text here) forum.


The characters are all 100% correct but there is a word missing to make perfect sense of the last sentence.


hope this helps



Edited by malkiserow
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I just hope that he has a sense of humour, he's going to need it!


I've shared some of the PW Chinese jokes with Chinese friends who do laugh at them quite a bit ..... This is PW not PC :oops:

Now you have me curious, what type of humour do they find amusing? Is there an area of humour that they do not find as amusing as us?

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I just hope that he has a sense of humour, he's going to need it!


I've shared some of the PW Chinese jokes with Chinese friends who do laugh at them quite a bit ..... This is PW not PC :oops:

Now you have me curious, what type of humour do they find amusing? Is there an area of humour that they do not find as amusing as us?


If the people are educated and accept language nonsense in a light hearted way then the jokes are just fun. They find "Little Britain" much funnier. For mainland Chinese political jokes against the state are not good. So pro Taiwan+Tibet jokes and talk will not be funny and may be offensive.

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Interesting, is there a country that is the butt of their jokes, as in the man from ? All countries have a neighbouring country that is on the receiving end of the jokes, ie with us it's Ireland, with Denmark it's the Swedes, etc.



There are 56 provinces in China all with different dialects, these can be the basis for much fun. As for other cultures, Japan is the one and they are just rude about the Japanese which stems from the WW11 killings of Chinese which outnumbered the Nazis of the Jews by a very long way.

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I assume that you have worked/lived over there? For how long?


Prompted by your statement, I've had a look around the net and came across this;


It is very difficult to come up with an accurate number of Chinese killed by direct or indirect Japanese action during WWII. Most sources seem to indicate that the figure is around the 10 to 12 million mark (2.1 mil. military casualties and 9 mil. civilian casualties). Many sources I find include deaths attributed to fighting between Chinese Nationalists and Communists forces, and natural disasters (mainly drought and flood) in their totals, making a final accurate tally almost impossible. Though horrendous and unforgivable, the numbers still pale in comparison to casualties inflicted on the Soviet Union by the Nazis.


An interesting side note is that since WWII more than 38 million Chinese have been killed by their own communist government. Where is the outcry over that?

Edited by bob300w
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I assume that you have worked/lived over there? For how long?


Prompted by your statement, I've had a look around the net and came across this;


It is very difficult to come up with an accurate number of Chinese killed by direct or indirect Japanese action during WWII. Most sources seem to indicate that the figure is around the 10 to 12 million mark (2.1 mil. military casualties and 9 mil. civilian casualties). Many sources I find include deaths attributed to fighting between Chinese Nationalists and Communists forces, and natural disasters (mainly drought and flood) in their totals, making a final accurate tally almost impossible. Though horrendous and unforgivable, the numbers still pale in comparison to casualties inflicted on the Soviet Union by the Nazis.


An interesting side note is that since WWII more than 38 million Chinese have been killed by their own communist government. Where is the outcry over that?

And to think they will soon take over america as the superpower :oops:

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Is that a bad thing? so far China doesnt seem to be the one threatening half the world, and start wars in all sorts of remote places 'Because God told me too' (as Bush once said).

I say go for it China. They work hard, maybe they deserve it.. maybe they will make a safer super power oneday then America.


They have a long way to come, but they are certainly improving political wise and economy wise.

Edited by Hunter
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Is that a bad thing? so far China doesnt seem to be the one threatening half the world, and start wars in all sorts of remote places 'Because God told me too' (as Bush once said).

I say go for it China. They work hard, maybe they deserve it.. maybe they will make a safer super power oneday then America.


They have a long way to come, but they are certainly improving political wise and economy wise.

No offence Hunter but you might want to look a little bit deeper into what life is really like in China! It's not good

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I know that, they have a lot to do.. But thats beside the point of how they treat other countries at the moment.. You should see how America is treating the people in certain countries at the moment with its bombs and other weapons. :oops:

China will change, but it will be a long slow process.

Untill then il have to put up with their cheap ****** tools. :hmm:

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No offence Hunter but you might want to look a little bit deeper into what life is really like in China! It's not good


Care to share your experiences ?

Havent got any Cranfield....But it's well known that China is ruled with an iron fist.

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I just hope that he has a sense of humour, he's going to need it!


I've shared some of the PW Chinese jokes with Chinese friends who do laugh at them quite a bit ..... This is PW not PC :hmm:

Now you have me curious, what type of humour do they find amusing? Is there an area of humour that they do not find as amusing as us?


If the people are educated and accept language nonsense in a light hearted way then the jokes are just fun. They find "Little Britain" much funnier. For mainland Chinese political jokes against the state are not good. So pro Taiwan+Tibet jokes and talk will not be funny and may be offensive.



TBH mate, if they dont like the humour they aint got to look. im not going to curb my funniness for anyone.


i love a bit of light hearted racism, love taking the mick out of the irish, scots, frenchies ect ect......................................and as for pro tibet jokes..... dont get me started. :oops:

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