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Turned colder!


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I was out this afternoon and while walking back the 25 yards to the hide after setting the decoys out 3 pigeons came in – the gun was in the hide and I didn’t see another all afternoon. doh!

Masses of rooks though, but none that came within 60 yards of the hide.

All in all I spent 3 and a half hours freezing my nuts off for zero birds, so went for a wander the long way round back to the car and got half a dozen rabbits. Some afternoons are just like that I guess :)

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Working on a shoot 2 day picking up, got cold as the guns took over an 1 hour 2 have lunch and also got wet as when I was sitting in a ditch bank facing into the ditch to avoid low flying shot as I could not stand any further behind the guns, when the end of the drive came I went to get up and forgot my dog was on a lead :lol: , this was then followed by the dog trying to jump the ditch with me still on the end of the lead :) , this then meant that I was pulled sharply into the very wet deep water below :) with a happy dry dog on the far bank :lol: . End result a very wet picker up in not a very good mood to let the dog find some game :< .





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I went out sat on some drilled wheat,shot 23 in 4hrs it was freezing cold with strong winds.I made some floaters as described on another thread,well pleased top tip.At about 2pm i went round a small wood approx 2 acres shot 2pigeons and a tree rat (squirrel).Not the best day ever but i enjoyed it and thats what it's all about :) pushing my luck trying to get out today,had a hard frost last night so they should be hungry

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Did recces on 3 farms this week and saw very few pigeons. Looked at old stubble, young OSR etc but only pigeons I saw were around base of some beech trees (for the nuts) and not on my 'land'. Its certainly cold out there which wouldnt be so bad if there was some action to warm things up a bit. Have numbers dropped? what do other shooters think? My farms are to the south and west of Cambridge and have given steady bags through the year up to now, strange? Clipper.

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Spent the whole weekend looking for pigeons on my patch. Nothing. Didnt even get my gun on either day. Where are they all?

I look forward to the winter on OSR but if the numbers dont come then its going to be a dissapointing few months.


Can we expect some from scandanavia soon? (Ill send them their flight tickets just to get em here!!)



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This is a bad time of year. Not cold enough etc for the pigeons to come in, too dark and cold on an evening to go out for a stroll with the rifle/shotty. Too cold during the day for any bunnies to be out at the weekend...What do you guys do?

Only option to me seems to be staying up late and going lamping (not always the missus' idea of a midweek evening in!)



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