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Smoking no more


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im seeing the start of the great divide here,so before we all come out fighting,why dont we as rational people agree, each of us has a choice we can make as to wether we want to smoke or not, to give up or continue,the only thing that binds us is the decision as to wether you affect another by your choice,as prior posted ,i was a 40 a day idiot ,i chose to quit , i also choose to go to the bars and drink with smokers,my choice , as long as a smoker dosent deliberatly blow it in my face, i have no problem ,there has to be more toxic **** floating around in the air than just old backy smoke to be worrying over.

shake hands all and show a big smile the world over :P:P


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i think the comparing the hunting ban and smoking ban is ridiculous, the hunting ban is to do with animal cruelity c**p, and the smoking ban is to do with the health of the public.

whether smokers like it or not, they damage other peoples health and maybe even take years off their lives. SMOKERS DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO DO THIS!

i dont mind people smoking, its their choice, but its not their choice to damage my health for their pleasure.

And as for taking a smokers right away to enjoy a pint and a few cigs, non-smokers also have a right to go down to the pub and have a pint and shouldnt have to risk their health in the process or come out smelling like an ashtray!


p.s. could smokers also remember if someone dies early due to health probelms from passive smoking, they are taking a father,mother,bro,sis,aunt,uncle away from someone because they fancied a pleasurably cig or 2.

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Dont forget that a similar system has been seen to work in Ireland, and therefore it is reasonable to assume that such a ban would work in Uk.

When were you last in Ireland?



I flew out in October and had to endure smoking at two bars in Limerick.


It is policed by the Guarda who have far more important things to do than arrest nicotine addicts.


The hunting ban will be like this, unpolicable (its a new word elders so dont bother picking up)




LB :lol:

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This is going to be contentious but here we go.

You say smokers do not have any right to endanger anyone elses life.

Antis say hunters do not have any right to endanger or kill animals.

That is where the link comes in. We all should have the right to excercise our rights without interference from the goverment. Most right minded people know when and when not to do something. I never smoke in restaraunts. If I was in a no-smoking pub ( of which there are many in Stockport ) I would not sit and huff and moan about not being allowed to smoke. I would not hunt, even if I were allowed, in an area where if people were likely to be upset by the sight of me doing so. The objection to this ban is that we are adults and as such make descisions for ourselves.

Havent you ever been annoyed when for instance, The film censor judges for you that a particular piece of film is just too graphic and upsetting for you.

We are having our sensibilities taken away from us more and more.

Where does it stop? When will the day come that the government feels that you are longer capable of making your own mind up and makes it up for you on every subject.

No longer need to vote, youre too stupid.

No longer need wages. we will look after you. you will work for us.

Everyday this goverment erodes a little more of our civil rights and legislates against everything which we hold dear. It is not an issue about smoking anymore, It has become an issue about the fundamental rights of every Britain, be they anti, be they pro, be they cant be *****.


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Smoking should definately be banned in public places!! Its a disgusiting habit! :lol:


I actually used to work in a pub and a club and people smoking at the bar is really not nice. Its ok for all you smokers inhaling your own filthy, stinking smoke, but try inhaling the smoke of about 30 peoples cigarettes!! It makes you feel so ill!! I cant believe its taken this long to get smoking around bars banned!


I cant see any good points with smoking personally (and i have done before you start going on :D ). It smells REALLY bad, its very expensive and it doesnt look 'fashionable' like it did 30 years ago, so whats the point? :lol:


And i dont think anyone mentioned it on here, but its nearly 3am so i cant really read very well.. But ive heard people saying that if smoking is banned in public places, smokers will just go home and smoke and will put their childrens health in danger. In my opinion, this just shows that they're bad parents if they care more about being able to have their 20 a day or whatever than whether they're killing their children... I cant believe thats even being used as an excuse for not passing the ban... Stupid..


Anyway, my rant is done. I really hate smoking, it should be banned! :lol:

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Guest Mr Pieman

Dear all,

as you know this year has been particularly troublesome for me, not least with the loss of Mr Pieman Senior. The scars are still very deep and raw but there is something I feel I need to input to this discussion.


When I sat with my father quite literally watching him die in front of me I felt the start of a loss that I know I'll never fully recover from. His loss hurts me every moment of every day and I would do anything to have him back - which I know is impossible.


My plea to you all is this:

Mr Pieman Senior's cancer was caused by him being a smoker. He knew this and his only regret was he hadn't quit years ago. Regardless of who you affect with the passive smoking debate, think how your loved ones would miss you when you shorten your life and die before you need to.


And if anyone feels they don't care and are willing to take the risk, if the technology ever evolves to ressurrect Mr Pieman Senior let me have your details and we'll use you as the 'swap' - because that's how you'll end up anyway :lol: .



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Ive never been to Ireland, but the point is that Tony and Co think that it works, so there you go.


If they also think that a ban on foxhunting will work, who are we to stop them.


Regretably smoking affects far more people than the smoker, it is nolonger acceptable by society.


Please read and digest Piemans post. He and I havnt seen eye to eye recently, but I support his plea on this 100%.



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Mr Pieman, I'm sorry about your loss and I know how you feel as I lost my mother when I was very young although it wasn't due to smoking. That was a great message to some people on this forum and it might hit home a bit to them.

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Im all for liberty and personal freedom, but I cant condone an addictive habit that kills innocent people indiscriminatley.


If people wish to poison themselves in the privacy of their own homes, then thats their business. As would be drinking battery acid or scoffing a few packs of paracetemol etc. At least that doesnt make my eyes sting, and my hair and clothes stink. Its also a lot quicker, and costs less!


If people wish to slowly kill themselves, so be it; but please dont smother me in the same cloud of toxins.



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I think we have done this subject long enough and are going round in circles.


The smokers are not going to change their views anymore than are the non smokers.


We can only wait and see what happens as I don't think anything we do will change things.

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Let us not forget one thing on this topic.

If this P C goverment got its way and everybody stopped smoking. Who is going to pay for the N.H.S.

The revenue from tobbaco tax is greater than the Bill for the N.H.S.

So are you willing to pay the increased taxes? All you who want smoking banned.

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This is going to be contentious but here we go.

You say smokers do not have any right to endanger anyone elses life.

Antis say hunters do not have any right to endanger or kill animals.

That is where the link comes in. We all should have the right to excercise our rights without interference from the goverment. Most right minded people know when and when not to do something. I never smoke in restaraunts. If I was in a no-smoking pub ( of which there are many in Stockport ) I would not sit and huff and moan about not being allowed to smoke. I would not hunt, even if I were allowed, in an area where if people were likely to be upset by the sight of me doing so. The objection to this ban is that we are adults and as such make descisions for ourselves.

Havent you ever been annoyed when for instance, The film censor judges for you that a particular piece of film is just too graphic and upsetting for you.

We are having our sensibilities taken away from us more and more.

Where does it stop? When will the day come that  the government feels that you are longer capable of making your own mind up and makes it up for you on every subject.

No longer need to vote, youre too stupid.

No longer need wages. we will look after you. you will work for us.

Everyday this goverment erodes a little more of our civil rights and legislates against everything which we hold dear. It is not an issue about smoking anymore, It has become an issue about the fundamental rights of every Britain, be they anti, be they pro, be they cant be *****.


still dont see the link no one subjects the fox suffer over a prolonged period of time


And foxes are not Human!!



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