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pykie funerial today at 3pm little girl. her father reversed his lorry over her on a site she was 18mths old ? police have pubs shut roads all coned off i live by the cemertry they have been gathering since 11am at the cemertey . shame about the girl but her family are pure rotten scum drug dealers robbers and rapist .every builder has been robbed by them round here police recently found horse boxes landrover countys diggers trailers all on there site but no one knew how they got there ? police are looking into it .yeah rite

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This is an unfortunate and an all too common accident. Heavy machinery,trucks, tractors and HGVs and small kids just down mix. Have heard of a good few incidents down through the years of parents etc killing their own kids by backing trucks over kids playing on farms etc...

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This is an unfortunate and an all too common accident. Heavy machinery,trucks, tractors and HGVs and small kids just down mix. Have heard of a good few incidents down through the years of parents etc killing their own kids by backing trucks over kids playing on farms etc...

Yep, ***** or not, he's a father who has to live with the fact that he has killed his daughter, could you...?

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I don't particularly think that a time of such sadness as this, when a little girl has lost her life, is a time to be calling people "pykies, rotten scum drug dealers robbers and rapists".


You can have your opinion, you may even be right, but I don't think this occasion is the right time for venom like that.

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Of course it is sad. it may be an innapropraite time to be calling names. Sad circumstances don't deflect from what someone thinks of a particular individual or group of individuals. They choose to live their lives in a way that creates such anomosity and even hatred that it doesn't surprise me when, although the subject is a little girls funeral, real seething anger is still shown at that group. Live by the sword........

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Of course it is sad. it may be an innapropraite time to be calling names. Sad circumstances don't deflect from what someone thinks of a particular individual or group of individuals. They choose to live their lives in a way that creates such anomosity and even hatred that it doesn't surprise me when, although the subject is a little girls funeral, real seething anger is still shown at that group. Live by the sword........




Edited by broken man
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the funerial went well heavy police presents the girl had a pure white glass horse drawn carrige with pink rippons all round it .wasnt enough pykes to vouch for the police present.it apears that they are not a liked family even amongest there own ?

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If what's being said about the group is true, the only person involved that I feel sorry for is the little girl. It's a sad thing to say, but why give consideration to someone who himself shows none for others?


Presumably, you are speaking of the father here. If so, do you know him and have chapter and verse on his approach to others, or are you simply lumping him in with others that you don't know either and assume are one hundred per cent criminal?


I'd like to see severe punishment meted out to criminals, but in this country, condemnation isn't given out on the basis of your race, or social category, but after a careful examination of the evidence of your guilt in a particular matter. That's what distinguishes us from the savages where mob rule runs.

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If you would care to look down from your high horse, Evilv, what happens when the Police aren't interested in making 'careful examinations of evidence' following widespread accusations of theft/violence/arson/intimidation conducted by members of the travelling community? What then? We all sit around and watch the lawless ****** run riot?

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If you would care to look down from your high horse, Evilv, what happens when the Police aren't interested in making 'careful examinations of evidence' following widespread accusations of theft/violence/arson/intimidation conducted by members of the travelling community? What then? We all sit around and watch the lawless ****** run riot?


That's a different matter entirely. I too have had genuine complaints ignored by idle policemen, more interested in fulfilling targets than in solving what they refer too as 'minor crime'. They should do their job properly and pursue the offenders who cause respectable people problems.


This sad fact of modern British life does not detract from the the fact that lumping all people of a particular ethnic or social 'type' together as if they were one individual, all collectively guilty of the same vices as the worst of their number is a damned wrong and unjust way to think and act. A man is guilty of his own crimes and not those of people who happen to look like him, sound like him, or belong to the same class.


That's how I want to be treated, and if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for anyone else, be he a prince or a *****.

Edited by Evilv
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If you would care to look down from your high horse, Evilv, what happens when the Police aren't interested in making 'careful examinations of evidence' following widespread accusations of theft/violence/arson/intimidation conducted by members of the travelling community? What then? We all sit around and watch the lawless ****** run riot?


That's a different matter entirely. I too have had genuine complaints ignored by idle policemen, more interested in fulfilling targets than in solving what they refer too as 'minor crime'. They should do their job properly and pursue the offenders who cause respectable people problems.


This sad fact of modern British life does not detract from the the fact that lumping all people of a particular ethnic or social 'type' together as if they were one individual, all collectively guilty of the same vices as the worst of their number is a damned wrong and unjust way to think and act. A man is guilty of his own crimes and not those of people who happen to look like him, sound like him, or belong to the same class.


That's how I want to be treated, and if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for anyone else, be he a prince or a *****.

you have to admit the mans got a point :good:

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No, its liberal bull mess. So its wrong to define a person by the background from which they come in case its prejudicial ?

People are judged by the company they keep, sadly it may upset a few poor luvvies who think its nasty to use such a term but if you lay down with dogs you can expect fleas.

Trot on to buy the Gaurdian.

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