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.22 crack, harmful??


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If you are not talking about .22 centre fire, I doubt it, though any sharp noise can damage hearing. The use of a moderator would reduce very much any risk there was. I am shooting a new HMR without a mod and at times I am aware that the crack from the muzzle blast is probably verging on the level where some hearing damage could occur. It is way louder than an un silenced .22lr.

Edited by Evilv
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OK yesterday my mate was telling me how a .22 rimmy was more harmful on the ears than a 12b shotty, Is this ture??? :hmm:



Try shooting from inside the truck cab without ear protection using .223 that will make your ears ring :hmm:


imo ear protection is a good idea if you are zeroing or range firing, better safe than deaf?


:yes: D2D

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OK yesterday my mate was telling me how a .22 rimmy was more harmful on the ears than a 12b shotty, Is this ture??? :hmm:



Try shooting from inside the truck cab without ear protection using .223 that will make your ears ring :yes:


imo ear protection is a good idea if you are zeroing or range firing, better safe than deaf?


:good: D2D


done this in my lickel jeep with both a un modded 22.250 and last week with a .243, i now use ear plugs those yellow foam ones when in the field (coz i have hundreds of them,) as i get them free at work,



Edited by bobJS
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I think your mate was referring to a .22 Centerfire without a mod. Not a Rimfire.


I told him it was a .22 RF and he asked me if i had a mod on it and i said no and he was standing there like a guppy fish saying itl make you stone deaf, its louder than a 12b and i just said oh right.



I use remington hi-speed .22 lr hollow points and eley high velocity blah blah so im not using subs


I suppose its better to put some ear plugs in rather than a hearing aid :good:

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I think your mate was referring to a .22 Centerfire without a mod. Not a Rimfire.


I told him it was a .22 RF and he asked me if i had a mod on it and i said no and he was standing there like a guppy fish saying itl make you stone deaf, its louder than a 12b and i just said oh right.



I use remington hi-speed .22 lr hollow points and eley high velocity blah blah so im not using subs


I suppose its better to put some ear plugs in rather than a hearing aid :good:


Those HV ******s are loud without a mod, enough exposure to it, or if something like an ear infection is going on in your ear it may well end up doing you damage. In some people it will happen with a one off shot, others it will take time.

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Anything over 80/90db will ****** up your ears over time.


If you think guns are loud try this for a job.



Mind your eyebrows with the fireballs !!!

:o That looks quite dangerous



i good honest bit of advice hear bud give your freind a slap and tel him highseas told you to do it then get our rifle and go and slay some bunnnies with out ear defenders for that feel good factor :o :yes:


yep thats proberly the best idea :lol: :o

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