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Another nail in the shooter's coffin - Foster shot his wife.


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i reckon he came home from pub ,caught his wife in bed with gardener,shot her and him,set fire to house ,and ******** off with his daughter to mexico :lol: :yp:


why didnt i think of that B)


and yes a damn shame for the wife and kid and not forgetting those nice sport cars :)

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Well at least that scenario would leave the kid alive. Whatever horrible dishonesty he was involved in, or just plain financial incompetence, the poor kid was as innocent as any of ours.


It's quite amazing to me that when so many of these guys can't see a way forward and decide to kill themselves, they take their kids with them. Grotesque that is.

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Well at least that scenario would leave the kid alive. Whatever horrible dishonesty he was involved in, or just plain financial incompetence, the poor kid was as innocent as any of ours.


It's quite amazing to me that when so many of these guys can't see a way forward and decide to kill themselves, they take their kids with them. Grotesque that is.



very true its such a cowards way out but to do it to your own flesh and blood is terrible what kind of person does it take to be pushed that far that they do that

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Well at least that scenario would leave the kid alive. Whatever horrible dishonesty he was involved in, or just plain financial incompetence, the poor kid was as innocent as any of ours.


It's quite amazing to me that when so many of these guys can't see a way forward and decide to kill themselves, they take their kids with them. Grotesque that is.



very true its such a cowards way out but to do it to your own flesh and blood is terrible what kind of person does it take to be pushed that far that they do that


And it happens a lot. Remember that guy that jumped off the balcony in Greece was it? He took a couple of little kids in his arms and leaped over into the street about fifty feet and killed one of them. Then there are the ones that gas them all in a car. It's the ultimate self indulgence I think - they are often trying to punish the wife in a break up.

Edited by Evilv
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The dead male corpse I believe,is her bit on the side and this will be borne out on post mortem. Fellow me Lad comes home and offs them both out of jealousy.I dont know where the lass is. He has ran off with the cash his Mrs inherited and is drinking Mekhong Whisky in Kho Samui.

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Some very funny posts there and some good scenarios. Maybe we should write a plot for a new crime series.


The detective could be called Martin Morten.



thanks for that mate, but i aint got a bonky eye yet. i love a good cigar though :yp:

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No self respecting hitman would leave his weapon at the scene. Also, if you're going to kill someone you want to be in and out asap, not messing around with horseboxes across the driveway. I'd hazard a guess that he shot his wife and daughter, placed the horsebox across the drive, shot the animals, covered the place in petrol, set fire to it then shot himself. He owed a lot of money to creditors and the inland revenue, couldn't cope, lost it and decided if he couldn't have it no-one can. However, i may update this if it turns out the male body found at the scene turns out to be the milkman!!

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No self respecting hitman would leave his weapon at the scene. Also, if you're going to kill someone you want to be in and out asap, not messing around with horseboxes across the driveway. I'd hazard a guess that he shot his wife and daughter, placed the horsebox across the drive, shot the animals, covered the place in petrol, set fire to it then shot himself. He owed a lot of money to creditors and the inland revenue, couldn't cope, lost it and decided if he couldn't have it no-one can. However, i may update this if it turns out the male body found at the scene turns out to be the milkman!!



I'm with this scenario, he wanted to destroy everything so no one else could have it. Sure to be more to it but I'd place money on the daughter being in the building as well. Surprised no one has commented on the use of his .22lr being against the conditions on his ticket :yp:

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"one more .....thing......................."


after looking at all the evidence, i think vole might be onto something here.


why no sign of the daughter? only reason is, that she is alive and kicking with the father in the middle of the woods. :yp:



The dead male corpse I believe,is her bit on the side and this will be borne out on post mortem. Fellow me Lad comes home and offs them both out of jealousy.I dont know where the lass is. He has ran off with the cash his Mrs inherited and is drinking Mekhong Whisky in Kho Samui.
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Another body has been found at the house. It was discovered on Sunday evening. Sad to say, it will be the girl, I think.


This Foster guy was a very bad man. A judge described him as being a perosn without morality in the context of his business failures. It seems he was more right than he knew maybe.



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if the house was baricaded from the inside, maybe the wife and daughter heard shots from the stable or saw the smoke, realised he'd flipped and tried to keep him out of the house?


its the taking off the wheels on the trailer that doesnt seem to fit, it would take someone quite a long time to undo the bolts remove the wheels etc, if hed had some sort of breakdown, would he have the presence of mind to methodically place objects in front of gates, doors etc?


Houses burn very quickly (Ive had a house fire myself due to electrical fault and the whole house went up in minutes) and if he had indeed shot his family why would he make so much effort to stop someone getting in the house?


to stop any creditors from claiming any fire damaged goods from the scene of a double murder?


the mind boggles?


its a terrible tradgedy though whatever the reason, and will undoubtedly be used to panic the public into stricter gun controls :stupid:

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forget the gun controls issue it won't go down as more than an accident and is accepted it does happen occasionally. The gun was a .22lr so would have been quiet so the family may not have known much bearing in mind the time of day it was. The horse box smacked of an insider job as you'd need the keys etc and were the wheels removed or the tyres simply shot out?


He had built the house for the family and was a shady character company wise he obviously was fairly shrewd as far as getting the assets out and into his new company but and the big but is how keen the revenue were to recover the money as they are the ones who tend to have a few more powers. It is possible that his wife who had allegedly inherrited enough to clear the debts wasn't keen to do so so he killed her and the daughter and commited suicide to prevent his house going to the revenue.

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They should know if he was shot in the head like mr foster wife or he killed him self by the way the bullet come out of head?


Well - we can only guess at the condition of the bodies after the fire. Remember that they had to wait ages for the place to cool down. There may be only a few bones lying around with large parts gone to dust. A fire like that can generate very high temperatures, and depending on how the debris fell in on the occupants, some corpses may be in much worse condition than others.


I'd go on record at the ideas that he would have shot his family first. The moment his wife and daughter realised he was shooting the horses and dogs outside, let alone setting fires, they would have called the emergency services. I think he barricaded the place after dumping the horsebox without wheels, firing the outbuildings and cars and chucking petrol around the house. If it were me, I might take some time to get ready to shoot myself, so I might be worried that people would come in and arrest me once alerted by neighbours of the fires outside. When he was ready, he would have lit the house and shot himself in the head.


Anyone who still thinks this was done by gangsters isn't looking at the evidence. What gangster uses a .22 rifle belonging to the victim? Even if they thought he might have used his rifle to hold off the gangsters, how come there are fired and unfired .22 cases strewn all around the grounds?

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I offer you all the option of a premeditated/planned murder - as he had alot of petrol just lying around the house!!


A fellow with such a weight on his sholders had a lot of thinking to do and possibly a lot of planning. This could have been a planned chain of events for weeks before the murder thus why it has the militery style some have refered to.

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