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protection officer left her glock 17 in starbucks toilet


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I heard about this.


Interestingly I thought "what would I do if I found the gun?"


Obviously one couldn't keep it or eBay it, but I thought would I try and discretely return it to the officer to save embarassment?


Then I thought, would I pop a couple of shots off in the bogs [safely of course] just to have a go on it and then sell my story to the News of the World :P

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Stop that! Being women has got ******-all to do with it. What we should be saying is that both of them are people legally allowed to carry a gun in public. If we did that, our FACs would be gone quicker than... something really quick.



thats right. all tarts should be allowed to carry guns :good::yes::yes::lol:

wait for it!! :P

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Bit of a slip up that! Imagine finding something like that, what the hell would you do with it? I vote not touch it and phone the plod. Making myself scarce when they arrive knowing that when the numpty copper walks in and lets a shot off when he picks it up I wouldn't be in the way :P

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Has got to do with women in this case as they have to remove their belts when visiting the ladies room unlike the blokes and it was removing and placing on the floor and then forgetting about that caused problem.


Also women are all scatty brained and she was probably thinking about make up and shopping. :P Incoming

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I heard about this.


Interestingly I thought "what would I do if I found the gun?"


Obviously one couldn't keep it or eBay it, but I thought would I try and discretely return it to the officer to save embarassment?


Then I thought, would I pop a couple of shots off in the bogs [safely of course] just to have a go on it and then sell my story to the News of the World :P




Probably not for the first time.................... :good:

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I heard about this.


Interestingly I thought "what would I do if I found the gun?"


Obviously one couldn't keep it or eBay it, but I thought would I try and discretely return it to the officer to save embarassment?


Then I thought, would I pop a couple of shots off in the bogs [safely of course] just to have a go on it and then sell my story to the News of the World :yes:



"Ello, ello, ello, and for what reason were you in the ladies conveniences at the time you found the Glock, Mr Mungler?" :good::yes::P

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Personally I do feel a little sorry for her, it seems such a stupid thing to do but its the first and will be the last time she does it, we've spent a lot of money training her so should she just be sacked. Its not that much different to putting your car keys or mobile down and forgetting them thats very stupid but happens all the time. Police have managed all sorts from leaving guns on car roofs then driving off etc etc But in the general context compared to how many times they carry guns its an extremely rare occurence. Now if you want to be shocked look at the military and how many weapons they loose :P

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Personally I do feel a little sorry for her, it seems such a stupid thing to do but its the first and will be the last time she does it, we've spent a lot of money training her so should she just be sacked. Its not that much different to putting your car keys or mobile down and forgetting them thats very stupid but happens all the time. Police have managed all sorts from leaving guns on car roofs then driving off etc etc But in the general context compared to how many times they carry guns its an extremely rare occurence. Now if you want to be shocked look at the military and how many weapons they loose :P


Well I'd have to agree that the same mechanism of inattention is involved in leaving your mobile phone or your glock in the bogs, or elsewhere, I'd have to say the situations are somewhat different. All of us are subject to forgetfulness, but it's about inattention and fatigue. You can not accept inattention around the loss of a firearm like this. Also, I suspect (but don't know for sure) that army firearms may be lost in action, where men and women are operating in extreme conditions, often without proper sleep, food, rest breaks and in extreme danger. While police protection officers may come into danger at times, the frequency of these events and their severity is hardly the same. Try even driving around Afghanistan where every parked vehicle, pile of rubbish, peasant, dead horse or donkey cart might contain a massive bomb that will tear you and your vehicle apart - now that's stressful, and people's attention might wander.

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I can't believe she didn't notice the lack of weight when walking back out. I've booked a pistol in to the armoury and inadvertantly forgotten to book a mag in, gone to the locker room to get changed and noticed the extra weight straight away when I took my belt off.


I think somebody's hit the nail on the head with a "tiredness" issue. They work very long hours on protection, (that's why they can afford Starbucks), certainly not my idea of a good job :good: .


As for being sacked - that's very harsh :P I'd imagine she'll lose her ticket to carry and be given a desk job in SB somewhere.



Edited by Pedro
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Actually re-reading it she probably does need sacking as it looks like she didn't come clean and it was only traced to her by the serial number matching the gun she was signed out with. Its one thing leaving it behind but quite another not coming clean as soon as she knew

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