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while lying in the brush one day out with my mate and his dad, a fox walked over my mate, he legged it out of the bushes behind us not seeing or hearing us and walked straight over my m8, i dont know who was more scared after the shock of it, my m8 or the fox!

Edited by dogfox
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This was from a friend in Sweden staying in the backwoods on a hunting trip. They were having dinner one night on the back porch when they saw foxy in the woods so my friend squeaked it in for a bit of fun. When it was close he offered it some food and it took it from his hand as these next shots show. Looks like a youngish fox but in good condition. The area is a major hunting ground close to the home of the director of the largest Swedish hunting organisation so it's difficult to believe it's tame but it didn't show any fear so who knows! Interesting pics I think.





Edited by Highlander
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that fox looks in pretty good nick but its yong so dont no the danger that much. also if a fox is hungry he will take a chance

to eat.


i live on a housing estate yet at the top of my road we have a couple of acres of gorse. there has allways been foxes up there ever since i was a kid i no that for sure and more then likely longer.


ive seen them in the day time in our street one is a manky sod but must be staving as he was talking a risk. my mum said she has even seen him down the road by the local shops in daylight hours !!!!


and once afternoon i came home and he was lay in my front garden behind my car under a flower box the cheeky sod.,

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Not sure if these pictures post properly. Here's hoping.


This young vixen came in to about 2 metres of my son. We were having a bar-bee, and spotted her about forty metres away. We literally just squeeked through our lips, no mechanical aids, and she trotted straight up. No gun with us, so after a couple of minutes she just ambled off.


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