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impossible to get permission in south yorkshire


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I have a few permission but most are very small and farms on boardes have there own guys. These are all over a hours drive from me.


just getting really :blink: :yes::birthday: cause no matter how much you help farmers out you can't get any shooting cause others already have it.


Most farms near me are sub let and the land owner by a local estate who allow no shooting on there land ( there are sevral expensive game shoot)

Some of the local farmer ask me if i can get rid of the odd problem fox but it all one sided as they can't give me any other shooting even when land can be over run with pigeons.


So tried more door knocking and "selective bumping into" other got 12 square knock backs. 7 because the same guy does it all for them and he's a mate of the local estate manager.( i've know this bloke all my life and he's a good bloke so i can't really call him) and another because no one can shoot on my land but me!!!!!


and who said yorkshire is a freindly place


Only one said something possitive that he had heard i was good for selectivly removing problem foxes so he hold onto my number BUT he has plenty doing the rabbits and pigeons.


i always said i can't understand why people give up/ sell up but slowly i'm starting to feel that way.


Anyone got any other idears where to look?:good:???:good:

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dont give up just keep trying it will happen when you dont exspect it try it when you are out and about just on the off chance spot a place give it a knock i find if i put myself out for a days knocking get poor results .but when out and about a ramdom call seems to work rather well than chaseing and getting knock back after knock back. goodluck

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"So tried more door knocking and "selective bumping into" other got 12 square knock backs. 7 because the same guy does it all for them and he's a mate of the local estate manager.( i've know this bloke all my life and he's a good bloke so i can't really call him) and another because no one can shoot on my land but me!!!!! ".


Why not contact the bloke that has permission on 7 farms and ask if he wants any help.


You could also see if the local Game Shoots need any Beaters, that is often a way to get pigeon shooting on Estates, although you will probably have to wait until the Game Season ends.

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Spoke to the bloke even showed me how to get on reloading, really is a good guy but it his words" ain't much about so there enough only for me"


The game shoot area's are shot by the game shooters themself and it a closed affair. i have the odd can you sort this fox out thing but once it shot thats it. Allhave always given me praise but thats all you get the rest of the vermin and pigeon shooting for the lads from the shoot.


Even consdered taking a place on that shoot but priced well out of my reach, one farmer even said get a place on the shoot.



Tryed yesterday two farmers yesterday both took my number but said they already have a few guys.


might try further away from me!!!!!!

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I'm in East Yorkshire but from reading various threads on this forum and others it does seem to be a common problem getting permission in the Barnsley area. Your only solution is to head further afield, I would go east and start door knocking once you are past the M18.

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Go and play in your own area :yes::D


I only clay shoot because its not any easier to get permission

here. One old guy I know seems to have permission to shoot

the whole of South Yorkshire, he is retired and does nothing

but shoot 24 / 7. He's a nice bloke but it means theres not

much left for anyone else.


Cheers taz.



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  • 2 weeks later...

"Tryed yesterday two farmers yesterday both took my number but said they already have a few guys."


Had the same thing myself, then I followed it up with a polite letter explaining what I'd like to do with his permission, vermin only.


The land is right opposite my house and I mentioned I'd seen flocks of pigeons rolling up and down the fields along with a large number of crows.


Anyway, he got the letter this morning and rang me back by lunchtime, no problem he said, I can shoot the land once the season is finished, as they also have a shoot operating on some of his land and they don't want me to frighten all the birds away.


That'll do me and I'm sure the letter did the trick.


Try it, you've nothing whatsoever to loose.



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South Yorkshire is a nightmare coupe, You've got the fitzwilliam, wharncliffe, earl of scarbourgh plus may more to contend with. I beat for 6 other small shoots also and has you've said it's hard work getting permision.


The two farms that boarder the one i have, both use the same fox man, never seen him once. I'm out every night possible, usally 3-4 nights a week and have never bumped into him.


I'd say the best option would be to beat and work for local shoots and see what oppertunities come from that.


Where in a very clicky community, one keeper who i work for wants me to take control of the fox shooting because he's no longer upto the task, yet his friend, also my my friend disagress, because his son works terriers every now and then. Work that one out, shoot suffers massive losses just so his lad can get out with the terrier once a month.


It's not worth losing sleep over, get what you can when you can and be the best at it and you'll be set for life

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You will have to be patient and keep trying. It took me 12 years to get my first pigeon shooting here in Norfolk , but once my foot was in the door shooting just snow balled. If its mainly big estates , your best bet is to help out the keepers beating. oNce they get to know you there is a good chance they will offer you some shooting.

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you should try finding shooting over this side ,merseyside /lancs very hard but not impossible,we started with 1 farm and now have 3 ,one of which my son aged 16 got us, trick is to keep asking , be polite even when refused,offer contact details just in case,be insured,be presentable when turning up asking for permission[no combats]oh AND KEEP ASKING.

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you should try finding shooting over this side ,merseyside /lancs very hard but not impossible,we started with 1 farm and now have 3 ,one of which my son aged 16 got us, trick is to keep asking , be polite even when refused,offer contact details just in case,be insured,be presentable when turning up asking for permission[no combats]oh AND KEEP ASKING.


That "no combats" thing is absolutely vital. I would add "no jeans". But boilersuit or work overalls are OK.

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