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The greatest gift.

Mrs Sweepy

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We moan about them.We cant wait for the day when they are off are hands.And in many ways we do take them for granted.

They give you stress and they take your money.From day one they give you sleepless nights.And they will defy you at every chance they get.

But you put up with it as they are your flesh and blood.

Nowadays people lead such hectic lifes. And even in the home you can be to busy to sit and talk to the ones who love you the most.We are all guilty of that.

That is untill they are taken from us . I cant and hope i never will have to go though the pain of losing one child let alone two.I have grieve for the child that did not make it into this world.

But to lose two young people with their whole lives ahead of them.Their is nothing you can say.


So tonight like me just take that little bit time out just to let your children and yourself know just how percious a gift they really are .


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We moan about them.We cant wait for the day when they are off are hands.And in many ways we do take them for granted.

They give you stress and they take your money.From day one they give you sleepless nights.And they will defy you at every chance they get.

But you put up with it as they are your flesh and blood.

Nowadays people lead such hectic lifes. And even in the home you can be to busy to sit and talk to the ones who love you the most.We are all guilty of that.

That is untill they are taken from us . I cant and hope i never will have to go though the pain of losing one child let alone two.I have grieve for the child that did not make it into this world.

But to lose two young people with their whole lives ahead of them.Their is nothing you can say.


So tonight like me just take that little bit time out just to let your children and yourself know just how percious a gift they really are .



A good reminder....


what prompted this?

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My terrible two drive me mad at times. They always seem to have a reason to argue of late and we're for ever telling them to stop. Not to mention the amount of times we have to tell them to tidy up after themslves. If its not that, its can I have this, can I have that, I need my phone topped up...... Arghhh....its enough to drive anyone made!


But when all is said and done, they are my little angels. The look on their faces at christmas, the loving attention they give to fathers day. Those simple words 'I love you Daddy'. Taking my eldest for her first rabbit....... my life would be far too empty without them.

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Thank you Shaun

Those pics have really made my day.

I love the last one . I think its says everything their is about sibling love.

Its the picture you will always treasure.


I think most of us will know of someone who has lost the child.

Sometimes being the parent yourself it really hits you hard .

My heart and thoughts go out to one family tonight .Who have suffered the greater lost .In which they have lost two.

I do not know then .

But as the mother Of two wonderful boys .I feel for them deeply.









I always remember a friend of mine who lost her son at the early age . Saying that she had accepted that he had to go.

But her one saddess was she never took enough pictures of him growing up.

She was worried that as she got older her memory would fade .

But if she had took more photos

Then the pictures themselfs would have given him back to her everytime she look at them.



It really hits home how lucky i am

That tonight when i lock the door

And go upstairs to bed.

My boys will be safely tuck up in their beds



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