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Hearing Protection


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Just wondering what everyone else uses? I'm thinking about buying either the napier pro 9 (about £20-£25) or the little orange sonic II reuseable ear plugs (£10-£12). Both claim that you can still hear quieter sounds like talking etc. and this is what i'm after. Does anyone have any opinions???

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Cant spend too much when it comes to your hearing - the sonics are Ok but i found them painful as well after a while. Bought some Sport-tacs which are superb protection but I did not get on with ear muffs so looked for alternative earplugs.


Looked at all the options and ended up having some Sonic valve custom earplugs made at a hearing centre - they are superb and would not use anything else now. Superior comfort, better sound protection than the Napiers or the shop bought Sonics.


Cost about £100 but worth every penny in my opinion. They are made by a company called ACS. I live near Colchester where the Paras are based and the hearing centre sell a fair few pairs to the lads, so if they can cope with an L2A1 heavy machine gun!!! :welcomeani:

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I use the custom plugs made by defend ear + a pair of electronic peltors on top when on the range as I have a hearing problem now and don't want it to get any worse. If I'm rough shooting i just use the plugs as i dont have large cal rifles with muzzel brakes next to me. I have used the orange sonic ones but found them very uncomfortable and they also tended to fall out if knocked on the stock.

Edited by auto culto
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I prefer Sonic 2 earplugs. I guess I must have more manly ears or something as I don't feel any discomfort wearing them. There is a technique to inserting them that others may be doing incorrectly.


I also have a couple of pairs of the custom molded jobbies from http://www.customearprotection.co.uk/ which are ok, but don't allow as much volumn through whilst chatting etc.

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