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Easyhit, UniDot or TruGlo?


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I am left handed and right eye dominant, so when I had a lesson recently, my instructor put an "Easy Hit" on the gun and it was amazing.. It really helped me and I found it really easy to sight, whilst keeping both eyes open.


I want to get one for my gun, but I must admit that I am put off by the price (£30 + P&P).. I know its a great tool, but personally I think its too expensive.. I have looked around and found that you can get 'rival' products for less, for example the TruGlo is £20 and UniDot is £15 (From the USA).


But I wonder whether there is much difference between these products? Is Easyhit worth the extra £10-£15?


Has anyone compared them and have anything to say?


ANYTHING you can tell me would be appreciated



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I think you might be right about the TruGlo.. I found some closeup pics of it and it doesn't look at good.. What did you not like about it?


To be honest, its the UniDot which interests me most.. Only because of the fact that it 'clips' over the rib, rather than sticks onto it.. My gun slip is very tight at the muzzle end and I am worried that I am going to rip off the EasyHit when I put it in/take the gun out of the slip! A device which clips over, is likely to fit tighter!



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Just sent to the States.


I use the clip on version, but you will need to measure your guns rib if you want to use that type.




Turns out that I can't use the clip on type.. My rib is tapered, so whilst it 0.28" at the muzzle, it quickly grows to 0.3"+ along the barrel.. The closest fit is 5/16", but its not going to work.. So I will have to stick with the adhesive..


But this doesn't matter.. They are $20 with $5 for shipping, so thats less than 1/2 price of the EasyHit.. Decision made!





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These are made by Ruby. I can't tell the difference between these and Truglow which are far dearer. My son and I have these - excellent and very well made.


Thanks for that.. I bet the EasyHit people arn't happy. Where as the TruGlow and UniDot are similar, but still different, this one looks to be a direct copy of the EasyHit.. I wonder if they breached the patent?



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I am left handed and right eye dominant, so when I had a lesson recently, my instructor put an "Easy Hit" on the gun and it was amazing.. It really helped me and I found it really easy to sight, whilst keeping both eyes open.


I want to get one for my gun, but I must admit that I am put off by the price (£30 + P&P).. I know its a great tool, but personally I think its too expensive.. I have looked around and found that you can get 'rival' products for less, for example the TruGlo is £20 and UniDot is £15 (From the USA).


But I wonder whether there is much difference between these products? Is Easyhit worth the extra £10-£15?


Has anyone compared them and have anything to say?


ANYTHING you can tell me would be appreciated




Have you seriously tried shooting off your right shoulder :(

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Have you seriously tried shooting off your right shoulder :(


In a word.. Yes! I had a lesson shooting right-handed and shot 50 out of 60 clays on my first go.


I then had a go right handed and was a lot worse.. I asked whether I should change and was told that "if it wasn't broken, don't fix it" and was advised to stick with what felt natural.


Since I have now bought a Left handed gun, changing to the right is out of the question.. So i am stuck with things the way they are!



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im also left eye dominant m8 with a lazy right eye too .... i tried the easy hit sight but found it too bright in bright sunlight ... ive had lessons with 2 different instructors and end of it all the only way i hit consistanty ( well to my standards ) is to shut my left eye ... so thats what ive stuck with :hmm: ..... do whatever u feel comfy with and what works for u m8 :good:

Edited by jinxy72
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Following Kennys amazing offer to send me one, I am sorted for now.. The one he is sending me is a little short, but I will give it a go and see how I get on.


But I need to find the adhesive strip so that I can refit it.. I thought the EasyHit guys might help, but they want £10, just for a bit of double sided tape (albeit strong stuff).. DOes anyone know where I can source 'industrial strength' tape, suitable of fixing the easyfit to the Rib?



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I did a bit of a Google search for 'adhesive tape' suppliers and found one which did the entire 3M range.. I spoke to them and the minimum I could buy is one roll of 12mm wide.. I told them that I wanted 6 and for that I would have to buy a box.


Then then I got talking about samples and they said that they would be happy to send me some 25mm wide 3M stuff, but the smallest 'sample' is 5m (like I am going to complain).. So if this is the right stuff, I might be sorted.. 50 times over... I should be able to cut it to width/length, so hopefully this will be the right stuff for the job!!



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I have just bought a little plastic disc/patch that clips on top of shooting glasses as I have a problem with occasional cross dominance....


I will have to see how I shoot tomorrow.... but up to now I have been squinting my left eye.....


big difference in just dry mounting the gun at home now.... keeping both eyes open! Hopefully I'll shoot straighter now!


are these products good?

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My first and only experience shooting was with an EasyHit and I found it brilliant.


The next day I was shooting another gun (this time a right handed gun off my left shoulder) and had to squint/close my right eye and I was useless.


Now I have my gun, I simply stuck a bit of tape on the right lens and it works, but I find it distracting and uncomfortable (As there is a blind blob in the middle of one eye).


There is no doubting that the EasyHit is a brilliant product.. And if I am honest (Going out on a limb here) being X-eye dominant is an advantage. Think about, most peoples 'good' eye are 50% obscured by the barrel.. Their peripheral vision comes from their weaker eye.. If you are X-eye dominant and have something like an easy hit, then you 'bad' eye is obscured by the barrel, but the ability to see the sight is taken care of by the way that the EasyHit works.. This leaves you a good eye free for your peripheral vision!


It certainly works for me and I can't wait to get mine in the post this week!



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According to EasyHit (see their site at www.easyhit.org.uk ) the Ruby lookalike mentioned in previous postings is an inferior clone and, as suggested by other postings, in breach of the EasyHits patents. Graham Oades of Easyhit tells me that action by the distributor is currently being taken.

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you want the answer, here it is.

forget fancy objects hanging on the end of your gun.

the brighter they are the more they wil take your eyes of the clay.

1 make sure you mount the gun properly. most important.

2 ignore the rib.

3 keep your eye on the clay not the glowing thig on the end of your gun.

if you mount right, your gun fits you, get your feet right, keep swinging, practice all this and start hitting.

4 dont take your eye of the clay.

and above all keep the gun moving after you pull the trigger.

5 dont pull the gun tight to your shoulder.

just old the gun lightly, this relaxes your muscles.

the people I coach hit clays.

6 if you are left handed, try closing or blinking your right eye while tracking the clay.

7 stand behind a good shooter and track the clay with a pointed finger.

then do what he does.


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