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The Magpie

pigeon master

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Fellas, not sure if anyone else heard the broadcast on radio 4 (I do a lot of driving I can’t take music for 8 hours) but they were on about our old foe the Magpie.


Now we all know how alert and bright this littlebird is, however, did you know it’s the only bird that can recognise itself in the mirror. The only other animals that do this are, us humans, the great apes and dolphins ect. i.e very intelligent mammals.


They tested it by sticking small white stickers on its beak, when it saw itself in the mirror it raised its claws to remove it, “clever eh†:)


Also there’s a book about an old girl in Scotland who keeps a few corvids in her home, she commented that her Magpie would place small spoons on the tops of doors, then sit and wait for a victim to walk through the door, then take great pleasure in shrieking and jumping about happy as larry when someone knocked them off. :good:


It seems the Magpie is quite an opponent, maybe that’s why I’ve never shot one in all these years, I just never see the little ******* when I have a gun. :yes::hmm:


The PM

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Do you know was that programme recorded anywhere? I'd like to hear that.


See I'd watch so many more nature programmes if they were actually about something interesting like that instead of some flipping leopard or lizard or a seal with a third flipper!


Have a prog on corvids, or rats, or proper red foxes or something every day that's always around us. I mean how often do you meet an elephant when out with the shottie?


Time for these nature people to live in the real world!


About the most interesting nature prog I saw lately was on fire ants and that was all the way over in the USA.

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The little ****** wasn't so smart when he came flying towards my hide about a month ago...!


It's strange to think that the more you shoot, the smarter they will become - it's natural selection that will make the most intelligent ones survive.


I've walked out into a paddock that's got 5-8 magpies in it, they carry on happily. As soon as I have a gun, they're flying off as quick as possible!

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I've walked out into a paddock that's got 5-8 magpies in it, they carry on happily. As soon as I have a gun, they're flying off as quick as possible!



Oh yes, clever little *******, I walk the fields with my Terriers, no gun, and the birds are jumping about having a great time.


As soon as you go with your gun - they're off almost like they have a third sense.



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We should get a team together and make documentary’s on the local wildlife, I know what you mean though, there should be a series of all the fur and feather that make it to the Englishmans table.


Pigeon Watch Productions Ltd lol :lol::blush:


I'd watch it for sure,


The PM


hey i think i may have to try that (im a bit of an amateur film maker :good: , and i can make buisness videos, making one in feb for a family friend) so i think i may just have to make a documentary on "all the fur and feather that make it to the Englishmans table."

i think i might try and do something like that just for PW... :good:

i think i might try that out soon... ill post a link for it if i can make one...

should be a laugh...



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