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which gloves?


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I've destroyed my second pair of Barbour neoprene gloves this season. Despite my positive comments on other threads, I'm fed up with them now. Once wet, the Amara fabric between my fingers stays wet. The finger slots tear very easily. I'm going to give Musto Windstoppers a try.

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I've got some seeland beater gloves they don't have a flap to expose the trigger finger but have a thiner stretchy section instead, there nice and warm and comfy to wear. I think there water resistant as well.

I use these and IMHO they are great, the mrs has a pair too and has just worn through the index finger on hers, but that is 2 years serious beating duties and twice daily dog walking.

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I've got some seeland beater gloves they don't have a flap to expose the trigger finger but have a thiner stretchy section instead, there nice and warm and comfy to wear. I think there water resistant as well.




Best gloves I have ever bought. My local shop was selling them cheap, I bought 3 pairs so I always have spares!

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cant remember what make mine are, theyre green leather with a fold back trigger finger on the right glove, only got a normal lining in them (like silk, but not silk). had them 2 years and still going strong, even wear them when working a manual clay trap and theyve stood up to the abuse so far, even though the palms have now turned black! :lol:

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I fancied a pair of the macwet's but read some wear that they absorb water like a wet suit which put me off because i reckon they would be colder than normal gloves. Although i was looking at the golf version i don't know if the shooting version is different.

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