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What do you guys do with your shot quarry?


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I was just wondring what you guys do with the quarry such as rabbits and squirels which are more than you can eat?


Do you sell them to a butchers? if so how much do you get?


With the ones that you prepare and eat, what do you do with the skins? Can they be made in to some sort of cured fur that could be used for things like a fur coat? (please note, i dont want a rabit coat I'm just wondering.


If you dont use the skins for curing then what do you do with them?





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Mine go in the freezer, and when there's too much it gets given out to family and friends who like to eat game.


I didn't realise that people eat squirrel ;) I have seen the odd post but didn't think it was widely eaten. I am not squeamish with food and tend to try anything within reason; I don't know if squirrel appeals though :yes:

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Most of my rabbit used to go to elderly freinds and aquaintances. Some still do but I also now sell to a butcher that cuts it up and puts in a shrinkwrapped polystyrene tray, sticks a WILD RABBIT label on it and sells it at markets. The occasional messy one gets left around for other wildlife - which some times will get a bullet too.


I predict more of it will be used for bait if my FEO says yes to .204 for vermin.

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all the pheasants, partridge, duck, geese and rabbits are prepared and put in my freezer along with as many pigeons as i need the remainder of the pigeons go to the game dealer, game meat is far nicer and cheaper than intensively reared meat keep as much as you can



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