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Would like a comparison of the different organisations.


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I bet if the organisations under the British Shooting Sports Council should teamed up with the NFU et el and make sure that only members of said orgnaisations can shoot over farm land, forestry, moor land, woodland, coastal land etc you guys who currenty refuse to pay into the organisations would be up in arms wouldn't you crying 'unfair' to anyone who will listen -but apart for the other freeloaders- no one will be listening!


Maybe I will ask for this point to be discussed at the next BSSC meeting.....





I have been a member of various shooting organisations over the years, and to be honest a lot of the reason for that is to do with the insurance cover and i would agree that any responsible shooter should have suitable cover. However, and its a big however, people abusing the power they have been given by attempting to take away people's right of choice is guaranteed to wholly p*** me off! There are enough do-gooding jobsworths trying to come up with new restrictions for others to justify their own existence in this country already without adding the shooting fraternity to them any more than it is already.


If this was to come to fruition hopefully insurance companies would soon realise there was a new market out there and devise individual policies for shooters, which i for one would be only to happy to take if i thought for one minute self seeking sporting bodies had made up their own "legislation" purely to increase their own funding!

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I bet if the organisations under the British Shooting Sports Council should teamed up with the NFU et el and make sure that only members of said orgnaisations can shoot over farm land, forestry, moor land, woodland, coastal land etc you guys who currenty refuse to pay into the organisations would be up in arms wouldn't you crying 'unfair' to anyone who will listen -but apart for the other freeloaders- no one will be listening!


Maybe I will ask for this point to be discussed at the next BSSC meeting.....



mean while the poor old working joe who can only just afford to go out on sunday which happens to be his day of is now without a shoot .


just like deer stalking in scotland is going to be soon, only for the loaded(.pockets not guns)


If the figure of 1 Million shooters in Britain is correct, it would seem that around 75% are not members of a shooting organisation


i wonder what sort of action this 75% of none insured shooters could drum up if push came to shove.

do you think they would join your club david.



Thats about right mark !


That wouldnt be right david,it would be like BASC trying to get farmers to only allow BASC members to shoot on their land..... :good:


One of the things Basc got wrong

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compulsary insurance, yes no problem, but compulsary membership of basc, etc?? :good:


No mate, I don't expect anyone to use the same car insurance company as me and would extend that to all insurances be it health, travel etc, but I do think anyone holding a firearm should have insurance.






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No mate, I don't expect anyone to use the same car insurance company as me and would extend that to all insurances be it health, travel etc, but I do think anyone holding a firearm should have insurance.







got you now. unless its the insurance company i work for, everyone should go there, id probably get a bonus.... B)


im surprised there hasnt been more fireworks on here by now, where is everybody? :good:

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No mate, I don't expect anyone to use the same car insurance company as me and would extend that to all insurances be it health, travel etc, but I do think anyone holding a firearm should have insurance.





I dont have a problem with it either until i start to think of the tests that could be involved before any insurance cover is granted.

just like a driving test. which over the years get harder and harder, for what, oh yes to reduce the number of users.

just like the old bill are doing with fac grants. and renewals.

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Dummy firmly in the pram! :good:


Smile on my face when making the last post B)


Love the way you ignored the closed season on pigeon shooing part of my post (the realy important bit) and concentrated just on the last paragraph ( the jolking bit) - and then over reacted to your own editing! :D


Trust me the NFU would never place such an edict upon their members- any such thought is just fantacy. Nor would farmers say 'only members from XYZ orgnaisation can shoot on my land - some may, of course, but nation wide- no chance! So calm down!


Should farmers and land owners make sure people shooting on their land are insured - yes of course. Should that policy also protect the farmer / land owner - yes of course. And if anyone is unsure why this very simple point is so important to the future of shooting please ask.


Mark makes a good point about stalkingin Scotland - any idea Mark which of the organisations involved in this is pushing for the status quo......so the likes of you and me can still stalk in Scotalnd like we do now? :hmm:




Anyway, remember the importnat bit guys: Insurance companies do not lobby for shooters rights at the top table or with the police etc- this is a fact. Organisationd do that. That is a fact. Without the orgnaisations, shooing in the UK would be in a complete mess- if indeed it existed at all!


Compulsaroy BASC membership - I hope not! - there MUST be freedom of choice to join an orgnaisation that suits you at the cost that suits you - provided they offer the services that you want and need- which is what ths thread was all about in the first place.



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Mark makes a good point about stalkingin Scotland - any idea Mark which of the organisations involved in this is pushing for the status quo.....

its not the size of the dog in the fight mate, its the size of the fight in the dog. :good:


id love to see my rottweiler going up against a jack russell (wouldnt really, im not that cruel :hmm:)


david, how are you trying to even it out then? just wondering.... B)

Edited by babbyc1000
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To get a fair comparison of the various Organisations you could join, you should visit their websites and compare the membership benefits.


I was also a member of WAGBI (must be an age-thing) and am a current member of the BASC through apathy and a member of the Countryside Alliance as I think they did more than anyone else to try to stop the hunting with hounds ban.


Like Catamong (must be an age-thing), I do not display the BASC badge in my vehicle.

I had a Subaru Legacy Estate and a Volvo 960 both keyed badly, including the word "murderer" scratched on the bonnet of the Volvo, which I blame on the badge.



when my fao came around for a chat he advised me to join basc but not put any kind of shooting sticker in the car window he actually said put a rspb sticker in the window as not to draw attention from the antis


atb tb

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For me as a newcommer to shooting it had to be BASC and nothing else.


I did a lot of research/reading before even applying for my SGC and BASC seemed to have every aspect of shooting covered. A fact I put to the test a couple of days after receiving my certificate and joining BASC. I called my regional office and asked about wildowling. They sent me a book detailing the law and local wildfowling clubs I could join. All that for free, simply because I am a member. Ad for the amount of money I paid to become a member I got an awful lot. Insurance, peace of mind that I have someone to support and guide me etc.


Not a difficult choice at all.

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Just makes me wonder, if insurance was compulsary, wouldn't you scan the companies for the cheapest cover as 99.9% of people do now for car insurance.


Your natural instinct would take over about being ripped off regardless of what extras you might get!!


You'd have to be a muppet to do that though. You get what you pay for in life, that includes indemnity policies of any kind. Cheap is normally ****. You will only find out if the policy is **** when you need it most - in the time of a claim.



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You'd have to be a muppet to do that though. You get what you pay for in life, that includes indemnity policies of any kind. Cheap is normally ****. You will only find out if the policy is **** when you need it most - in the time of a claim.





I love people like you. Yes this guns three grand to you (Thinking I only paid three hundred for it). Still he gets what he pays for!


Ripped off without even knowing it!

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I think there is a mine field with compulsory testing - it would make life very difficult indeed for shooters- or has the potential to.


There are 'insurance only' options as Cranfiled and I have said for example via your home insurance, and there is even a member of this forum who has their own company ( I think) offering low cost shooting insurance.


BUT as I have said and I think all the other organisations will agree- being a members of somthing is so much more than insurance. Orgnaisations work to safeguard their particualr interest in shooting and or its related activities as per htier constitution / stated objectives, so people can continue to shoot - what good is cheap insurance is it is very hard to get a gun, and / or there are very limited shooting opportunities, and / or there are very restrictive quarry seasons etc?


Look at the web sites and see what the organisationd do - speak to others (like here) and see what they say - after all it is the members of the organisations that can tell you realy how it is!



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got you now. unless its the insurance company i work for, everyone should go there, id probably get a bonus.... :hmm:


im surprised there hasnt been more fireworks on here by now, where is everybody? :good:





out shooting, rather than perched in front of the machine on a sat night B)




cant belive this is still raging on. Join some firm or other, simple as that. The main idea is to be insured. All this about preserving shooting comes second the real reason we join orgs.

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As far as I and any right minded shooter is concerned insurance should come bottom of the list as a reason to join your shooting organisation. The real question you should be asking is not what insurance can I get from my shooting organisation , rather what can I do so support my sport and the organisations that defend it. There are so many things that any shooting person can do that will cost you nothing , but in the long term will benefit your shooting.


You could introduce new people to the sport.

Offer to help shooting organisation or your shooting club at country shows.

Undertake conservation work on your shoot and off it.

Write to your local MPs about something that might threaten your sport.


As for me I have done all of the above and a hell of a lot more including


Offering my free time to assist BASC with their duck wing age\sexing project.

Brought together with my club and all the local Norfolk wildfowling clubs for a social talk evening

Written for free a chapter for BASC in the New Wildfowler

Undertaken duck rearing projects on non shooting areas.

Manning stands at BASCs shooters evenings

Undertaken bird counts

Undertaken wildfowl ringing projects

Done research into the effects of cold weather on wildfowl

Collected ducks after the Chernobyl nuclear accident to be tested for radio active contamination.

Served my club as a committiee member and officer.


So no more talk about what insurance you can get out of your shooting organisation join the one that you think will do the most good for shooting and miss the odd days shooting and see what you can do to help them. :good:


Insurance you can get anywhere a good solid shooting organisation is worth its weight in gold.

Edited by anser2
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A past quote from you GJ:-


BASC because it's the most expensive (you get what you pay for I have found in life), they provide the most cover. They seem to be professional. They also have 100 years behind them


My point is ,

By your standards if it's the highest priced item it's got to be the best

common sense tells most people this is not nesesarily so

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