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Not had a ciggi since last night


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The very few friends i know that have quite sucesfully have all said the same thing, both you and your mind need to be in the right place.


No patches or any other aids just pure will, enoughs enough its time to stop. I cant offer any advice because i've never smoked, so i'm not aware of the hold smoking has over you, but i do know my partner has tried and failed three times even though the third attempt was for the benifit of our Daughter :welcomeani:

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After reading through everything I realise that only I can make the decision.

This is very true, you need to know in your own mind that you WANT to stop smoking. I had tried on a few occasions (in my 30 odd years of smoking) to stop but always went back to them, but this time I knew that I didn't want to smoke another tab in my life so nearly 3 years ago went cold turkey.


Think about

Your health (To quit smoking is the best thing you could ever do for your future health)

Your families health and feelings (Think about passive smoking and how they feel about you smoking)

Your wallet (At todays prices on 20 a day you are spending around £35 a week, £1800 a year.... and that's a lot of shooting gear or anything else)


All the reasons above helped me to quit but you might have reasons of your own that would help. It's not easy at first but once you do it you will realise it was the best decision you made.

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i packed in around three weeks before xmas, and still doing ok...

cold turkey, no patches or nonsense etc... but man alive sometimes i could kill for a fag...the only comfort i get is i know that the moment of craving will pass, and it usually does quickly once your mind in on to somthing else....

the habbits the worse thing... my job is manual graft and the fag break was always a welcome break...now, i dont seem to take a break at all as i have no reason to stop working :hmm: strange...


but, i did read allan carr's book on quitting smoking...very very very good mate. worth a read..i read it on me missus's nintendo d.s..its there on all the usual down load site if you use them...


hope i can stick with it..

good luck mate...

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It's not easy, I was like Dave-G had to have the worst bout of flu for me to pack it up, I even tried Park Drive and Woodbines! and still no satisfaction!!! The penny droped and I threw them away. That was 40 years ago, as for the money I saved I dont know where it went.

What does it cost now? :P 20 fags = 25 cartridges. It's got to be a no brainer. chuck em... :P

All the best mate :lol:

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One of the most important things to remember, is not to beat yourself up when you have a ciggy, after a period of trying not to. If you treat it as a failure you will always have to overcome it. The way to stop is to rid yourself as many hurdles as possible. If you stay positive, you'll stand a better chance.


The hardest part for me was the first day. Just go about it 1 hour at a time and every time you feel the need, just tell yourself that you don't need it and that the craving will soon pass. Waking up on Day 2 with the knowledge that I had not smoked for 24hours was enough to get me through the day. Days 3 and 4 were fairly similar but I had be firm and keep saying I choose not to smoke. It gets slightly easier after this but you still need to stay positive. After about 3 weeks the craving will be all but gone and should find that you start forgetting about cigg's.


Just remember, its all up to you. If you have a ciggy, don't worry, just start again tomorrow.

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Yes I can recommend the Champix, but like the quack said - it doesn't work for everyone.


Me - no cravings at all, after a month I now feel like I have never been a smoker.


My g/f however is a different matter. She too is on the Champix and she claims it does nothing for her, she also now has permenant turbo-PMT and I have had to hide all sharp objects.


Also, read the Alan Carr book, that really helps, makes you realise a few home truths!!



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Just read your first post. It all sounded good, then Oh dear on the next post succombed to the evils of nicotine :(


Don't know how old you are but your lungs must be ******? :P:yay:;)


I work with smokers that are a bit younger than me in there 30's and there lungs are ******. We have fully medicals at work every year and ALL the smokers have lungs like net curtains :lol::P . Their lungs have aged by up to 30 years due to tooting and lung capacity is greatley reduced by up to 40 %


One guy at work,his wife left him because he couldn't get a lob on anymore and satify his wife :/:lol: . He smoked that much he caused a blockage in his cock due to smoking and it wouldn't stand to attention plus the unhealthy ****** get out of breath on the job. He is 46 years old



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I've been smoking about 15 years and given up on numberous occasions, I know it's bad for my health but I always went through the same process.


1. Not smoke for a month

2. Decide that it was ok to have the odd one on a night out

3. Start having the odd one when I got home from work, what was the harm

4. Start smoking during the day, which was ok as long as the wife didn't find out

5. Start smoking in the morning

6. Not care if my wife found out and started smoking whenever


I've always found that a nasty chest cold was the best way to give up, problem with Nicotine replacement is that it still puts nicotine in your system where as cold turkey gets it all out of you.


I gave up on 28th December and have only had one lapse when I got absolutely hammered but I regretted it next day and so kept off them, strangely I found this time easier and haven't really had any cravings, I don't really think about them anymore. In fact what I never realised is how much they stink, when the lad who sits near me comes back from a fag break I don't think 'mmmh I miss fags' and I think 'christ you stink get away from me'.

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Funny how you can be so supportive to nicotine addicts, but the other types of drug user are sponging scum. Alcohol is a legal drug too, but no-one seems to have much time for alcoholics.

And I'm an ex smoker


Probably because nicotine doesn't drive you to mug old ladies, puke over yourself, and render you unemployable.



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Probably because nicotine doesn't drive you to mug old ladies, puke over yourself, and render you unemployable.




Exactly, not the same thing at all.


Smokers have found themselves pariahs for doing something that was once perfectly acceptable. Drunks and druggies have always been scumsuckers and always will be. Pain in the harris.


It amazes me how everything seems to be done to encourage drinking 24 hours a day, drugs are downgraded (encouraged) yet smoking is vilified. We live in a sad, moronic and sick society.

And I'm a non-smoker :yes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

To resurrect this one. I tried again.


2 1/2 days in now. Tried the Champix route, which has helped the cravings somewhat. Still desperate for one after food and drink but am trying to keep myself busy in those periods, take dog out, do gardening, go for a bike ride etc.

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To resurrect this one. I tried again.


2 1/2 days in now. Tried the Champix route, which has helped the cravings somewhat. Still desperate for one after food and drink but am trying to keep myself busy in those periods, take dog out, do gardening, go for a bike ride etc.

Save your money: get some willpower.

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