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interesting, I am doing the opposite by paying as much as possible each month off the mortgage to reduce the capital whilst rates are low, there is only one way rates can go and thats up rather than take a lower monthly payment I have increased it as i would only spend the new found money on shooting kit :hmm: the result will be i own the house much quicker than planned and that cant be bad :lol:


actually it looks set to go down again next month ;)


But yes its top advice and exactly what most people are doing hence the fact that dropping rates isn't getting us out of this mess :yes:

Mines down by about 1K a month but thats going on builders at the moment but it will be going on the mortgage as soon as the building is finished.

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I am pretty fortunate that my kind of work is secure (charity funded research) and we have aquired funding for the next 4 years but i dont earn that much and i rent a home with friends so i dont have a mortgage to worry about. In these times its works out quite well, we split the bills and we can share meals and make our food go a long way. Where my Dad lives its terrible, lots of shops have closed down and guest houses going under its a sad sight to see.


Some of my friends have had to sell cameras, cars, computers etc to pay debts and dont have much money to do recreatioanal things. I am glad i kept my fishing gear, doesnt cost much for a few traces and a bit of bait. You never know i could catch some dinner!

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i'm doing the same as you Pav - mortgage has gone down £700 a month from it's high point, so i'm paying the difference in anyway (can always take it out if i need to as it's one of those types).

unless times get really tough, then i'll drop down to the default payments.

on that note - damn, just had next weeks job cancelled!

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If you have the option to stay in you could weather the storm, any of your Sniper lads breaking any more records, top lads would make me feel warm and safe at night :hmm:http://www.snipercountry.com/articles/kill..._2430metres.asp sure would like to have a few lessons and tips from the guys :lol:


thanks paveman yeah we in Canada are kinda proud of that shot, he was a member of my Regiment, and yeah i have the option to stay in the army through these tough economic times, i just am a little woried if these things could bring on mass domestic disturbances across the world. well anyway i hope the best for your country to may we all get through this :cry1:

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spoke too soon, just got a call from the wife, looks like she's being made redundant! (off to cancel the extra funds going into the mortgage)

to make matters worse, she was supposed to be leaving on maternity leave in June - she's never going to get a job now she's preggers, ******.

Edited by nickbeardo
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spoke too soon, just got a call from the wife, looks like she's being made redundant! (off to cancel the extra funds going into the mortgage)

to make matters worse, she was supposed to be leaving on maternity leave in June - she's never going to get a job now she's preggers, ******.



Has she formally notified them that she is pregnant and they then selected her for redundancy?


Has she been offered alternative employment within the company?


I can here a cash register ringing :hmm:

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she was already lined up for maternity leave, redundancy is being worked out on a point system, so unfortunately it looks cosher from their point of view. couldn't have come at a worse time as she'll never get a job anywhere else with only 4 months before she's supposed to be off work (plus we loose BUPA cover etc. etc.)!

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she was already lined up for maternity leave, redundancy is being worked out on a point system, so unfortunately it looks cosher from their point of view. couldn't have come at a worse time as she'll never get a job anywhere else with only 4 months before she's supposed to be off work (plus we loose BUPA cover etc. etc.)!


Are there any alternative positions and what has she been offered?


Stick your neck out and negotiate up on the compromise agreement

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this economy is scaring the sh-t out of me i think obamas stimulis plan is going to worsen things in america and in time the worlds economy, judging by the news watching all the small island nation's economys going bust and the riots and martial law possibilities, it is time for our false monetary system to change the world has been run by the rich elite for to long i hate globalization say no to the EU or here in Canada the NAU

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this economy is scaring the sh-t out of me i think obamas stimulis plan is going to worsen things in america and in time the worlds economy, judging by the news watching all the small island nation's economys going bust and the riots and martial law possibilities, it is time for our false monetary system to change the world has been run by the rich elite for to long i hate globalization say no to the EU or here in Canada the NAU


I do not know what to say to that? I have been a republican all my life and this is so new.. I try to stay focused and positive, but it gets rough.. I think Bush really failed in his last couple years in office :good: Seems nothing was regulated and is now so far out of control..

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i know what your saying we are living in strange times, i used to like George Bush untill he started over rulling the US constatutioin he has passed laws along with Canada about deployment of US and Canadian Troops in times of crisis on eachothers land and the legislation to end Canada,US and Mexican soveringty into the NAU or north american union has been done with out a democratic vote, and i think the scariest thing is the George Bush has passed legislation that in time of martial law the US constituition can be suspended indefinatley,imprisonment with out Trial and no elections for as long as martial law is in order and if they scare every one on terrorisim then it could go on for a very long time. we are already being threatend with even tighter restrictions on our freedoms why is it that people feel afraid to say certain things we are suposed to be living in free and democratic nations isnt this what we fought for in WW2


One thing is for sure the west has been growing in debt and use of oil and it is completley unsustainable dark times are comming this is just a fact, people are ignoring it becuase we dont like to here our way of life has to change and people are not going to react very good to it who knows maybe its planned.

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"...he has passed laws along with Canada about deployment of US and Canadian Troops in times of crisis on eachothers land and the legislation to end Canada,US and Mexican soveringty into the NAU or north american union has been done with out a democratic vote, and i think the scariest thing is the George Bush has passed legislation that in time of martial law the US constituition can be suspended indefinatley,imprisonment with out Trial and no elections for as long as martial law is in order."


Yeah I see this Globalisation enroaching on coountries sovereignty and it frightens me, I think that citizens of Britain should decide on British matters and Europe should stick their nose out of the matter. I read this magazine that I get with my regular BASC membership and they had an article about European legislation on controlling hunting and hunting species. I don't know BASCV's position on this but I will never like European legislation enroaching on British Hunters. Britain = British LAWS not European ones!

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not sure at the moment, Monday is when the points system gets explained apparently, i'll keep you updated!

thanks for the advice


The designer of the points system is likely to be putting an angle forward to a predetermined brief...... I would check it VERY carefully. The KerChing is faintly ringing in the background. If you have a union the points system should normally be agreed by the union before implementation.

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I suppose i'm one of the lucky ones, both me and the wife work in education so our jobs are super safe + we've just moved up the career ladder big time so we've never been better off :good:



Both me and my wife work in education aswell.

So I am as confident as I dare be at the moment that we

will weather the storm, but I a do have a healthy fear

of what is happening and we are tightening our belts

big time trying to maximise the benifit we have had

because of the drop in our mortgage repayments.


With the money we are saving and with all the other cost

saving things we are doing we are trying to minimise our

debts in a hope that when we come through this storm

we will be well situated and in a good position.


Al the best





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Sweepys just took on the other driver.

We got all the lorrys out next week days and nights.

Yet a few weeks back the men were all sitting around in the yard.

Its just mad. Sweepy is working all weekend and we did manage to spend the hour together this evening (first time we have this week).

Fingers cross it carrys on .But at the moment you just dont know whats round the corner.

As the old saying go

Make hay while the sun shines.


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for the past year ive been on 1-2 days a week which as been tough enough and now i havent worked for nearly 9 weeks and recently ime sad to say have had to start signing on ive tried to hang it out for as long as i could ive used all my savings. and even had to sell all of my guns just to scratch by for the kids at xmas but i dont stop looking and i aint giving up for nobody i just aint used to not doing owt and i will hold my head high again even so at the moment i dont feel like it.



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Im lucky at the moment as i think my job is safe and not affected by whats happened as i work for the emergency services. But i feel for everyone who it has been hit by it . At work i have seen the other side of this .... the people who just cant cope anymore cos they have lost their homes etc ... people from every walk of life even solicitors !!!!!


just hope it ends soon .

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