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This is why Britain is breaking apart


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I think people are going way off topic discussing whether it is right or not to teach kids about gay people. Personally I see this as an issue of free speech, defending something that you might not agree with just because we are supposed to live in a country where everyone's views should be listened to. I think we need to get back on track of the subject and less of the pro-gay anti-gay brigade.


It's true what they say, it's called free speech until you find something you don't agree with.

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PC mumbo jumbo can wait.


I think you will find Mumbo Jumbo is not a full PC yet but still a PCSO :yes:


I don't have any kids of my own but if I did then I would raise them how I see fit and if I choose not to allow somebody else to teach them about sexuality then surely that would be my right as a parent!


A parents right should be well above this!

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I think people are going way off topic discussing whether it is right or not to teach kids about gay people. Personally I see this as an issue of free speech, defending something that you might not agree with just because we are supposed to live in a country where everyone's views should be listened to. I think we need to get back on track of the subject and less of the pro-gay anti-gay brigade.


It's true what they say, it's called free speech until you find something you don't agree with.


The reason this thread has moved away from its original reference to "free speech", is that "free speech" is not an issue in this matter.


The School decided to include this type of lesson for a primary age class.

Some parents kept their children away from School in protest, they could face some action as a result (but I bet they don't).


This is not an issue of "free speech", its an issue of whether parents have the right to decide what their children are taught at School.

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I wonder how many of the fathers pulling their kids out for being taught about those awful gay-types, actually get off on girl-on-girl porn??





So because I like G on G I have to teach my children that it is ok to be gay???


I don't think so matey.....


I don't agree with gays getting beaten up, but that does not mean I have agree with their actions.

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I wish some of my best firends were gay, i feel left out. :yes:


So many of us rant about keeping Britain british, and traditional values..ect..ect.....


Well, im sure that 30 years ago, showing young kids films like Brokeback mountain was not the norm. I dont care how tollerant people are, its not right for this to be part of their education.


Which one would you rather your son grew up to look like??? :yes:



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"This is not an issue of "free speech", its an issue of whether parents have the right to decide what their children are taught at School."


Good point. My beleif is that children should be home schooled since the public system is one wherre a kid is indoctrinated to behave in a certain way. Schools create little work drones and not people who can think for themselves and are independent.

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That is irnoy, most of the most good looking men that there are are probably gay. My sister went once to a gay nightclub and said that the men were absolutely gorgeous, shame they were gay! :yes:

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The others received written warnings and were ordered to undergo 'diversity training'.



I think that equates to "indoctrination" perhaps if some of these minority groups were MADE to attend "normality training"

then we might have a fighting chance, and maybe a good place to start would be the lefty "unions" at UNI.



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