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What a load of ****. Lads doing a good job. That snare never caught that badger, it's brand new, it's a set up.

"It's heart fell out, it was still beating". First time I knew it's heart was below it's stomach.

I have had badgers in "stop" snares, It'a sod to let em go, but they just give themselves a shake or two and ****** off.

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Geordie should just give himself up and let the authorities lay the firm hand of law down on him.


...As clearly he has broken quite a lot of laws holding a dead rabbit... :D





** a dead rabbit!!** I am shocked...... Quick.... somebaody call the SPG..oops.. I mean the TSG!! They know how to treat people like that!! (innocent people I mean :lol: )

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it shocks me that people like these antis are out there.. what i (we) do, well, i dont see any real harm in it...im a meat eater, i hunt, kill and eat meat...

i understand the arguement for and against snaring but the majority of anti's, i wonder how many of them eat meat.... i have a few friends who dont like what i do but they eat meat and cant see that it is an animal bred soley for their consumption, lived a cruel life and killed often in a situation where they know whats comeing....

i also have friends who are vegatrians and one, a vegan... funnily though, these are the people who agree most about me, a meat eater, getting the meat on my table wild, organic and as fresh as you can get..they also agree that the animals live a better, free, wild life and that the kill is more humane..


strange old world innit !

the though that a mob of anti's would track me down and bring trouble into my life is chilling....

also, a freind told me recently about how he witnessed a car with a bloke and his wife and two young children get surrounded by a mob of antis at a circus and they shook the car, beat the roof and shouted abuse at them, terrifying the wife and kids etc etc ...why ? because he had a basc sticker in the back window......


makes you think dunnit...

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I think the young lad in question put up the pics of his dog killing a fox in the snare, which was so stupid especially as he then put a pic up of himself in a different post.

Iv said it on various hunting forums, be careful what you post! Unfortunatly some people respond with " its tough luck if antis dont like it stuff em". I understand this point and I never deny what I do, but people must realise how it will be recycled and displayed to the general public with stories about beating hearts falling out!

The pics show a captive fox being baited, this is wrong and cannot be condoned. Unfortunatly these idiots dont have a care about protecting or promoteing our sports as alot of them are simply poachers and operate outside of the law anyway so their attitude of showing needless cruelty on forums is understandable as they need an outlet for their bragging and bravado.

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