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Got sent home early


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Went up north to see grasshopper as arranged after his last visit down to me last month .

Headed of at 12 pm on Friday taking it nice and steady with magboy (Jay) with me as he's never experienced deer stalking before .

Arrived at grasshoppers about 3.30 had a brew, then had a quick drive round the area . On the way back we called in for some fish & chips and had a pleasant surprise to have batter bits in with the chips :D

Food sorted had a chat then headed out about 7 pm got to the wood about 7.15 feeling confident .

In position by 7.30 waiting just inside a wood looking out onto a field which is a known spot for the deer to feed on in the evening . So there i was my back against a tree with the rifle on the sticks , magboy behind to my right grasshopper behind to my left . After 10 minutes i spot movement to my left ,two roe running out .Up on the sticks and a buck stops 60 yrds out facing me + on the neck down he goes :D grasshopper then tells me to chamber another round and if the other one is a buck and presents a shot to take it (don't need telling twice :no: ) another round chambered and back on the sticks to see the other deer stop at 100 yards ,its a buck facing me again + on the neck and another drops .

Had the biggest grin on my face as i had just dropped 2 bucks in what must of took all of 12 seconds :D

A quick shake of the hands and grasshopper was away to get the 4x4 while i done the grolloch as we had done so well in the 10 minute & 12 seconds of being there .


The two bucks from the evening



Decided to go back to grasshoppers have a beer then bed as he said where still on for a early morning stalk :good: More :D .

Up at 5 the next morning and in the woods by 5.45 slowly made are way along the wood but no deer seen by 8.45 (bloody hell a rifle gets heavy after a slow stalk in woodland for 3 hours ) Grasshopper then says we might as well walk the last 200 yrds , just as he says this we spot a roe moving on the bank above us . Its was a doe so we continue to move on when Grasshopper spots another 200 yrds out (well spotted) Checked it out to see it was a buck :D Grasshopper sends me on to see if i can get a shot , so off i went slowly . Got to 160 yrds and the buck is in full view bipod down and rifle on ground but the buck must of seen movment so i freeze , buck looks straight at me then after a few seconds starts to graze again :yes: got down behind the rile and the buck looks straight at me + on the neck and down goes a six pointer :D


pic with magboy this time



Time for some breakfast then off to see BJ ( great guy) to skin out the 3 bucks and butcher them .


Well after Grasshopper giving up his bed for me and the lad i couldn't stay another night (needs his beauty sleep) as arranged so off i went to arrive home after a day of being away :o


3 bucks in less than 10 hours (6 of them were sleeping) was something i thought i would share with you .


Many thanks once again mate and you no your welcome here anytime to shoot all my fox as it looks like ive shot all your bucks :)


Thanks for reading and hope youv'e enjoyed it as much as me :yes:

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Kick a man out of his bed, then shoot all his deer and ****** off home... Bloody visitors :):good:


Good job lads, plenty of eating for ye there :yes:



That about sums it up John , good hey :no:


tikkamark Posted Today, 09:15 PM

Excellent shooting and pictures fellas Was that jeffs cz 243 that did the damage?? Fair play to jeff for the hospitality also


:yes: Just don't make him out to be to good as the *** didn't do the write up of the last time he was down here and shot 3 fox and 6 geese :o

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:good: Another good trip out but the looks of it, when i was invited upto MM's permission a couple of weeks ago, your name cropped up in conversation and Martin spoke very highly of you and your son, looking at your recent posts i can see why. Top shooting Rob.
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Was a pleasure to have you and Jays company mate. :yes:

The stalking really worked out well,so easy on Fri night,but you really earned that 1 on the sat morn.Although wingeing over the weight of a rifle proved your still a soft southern shandy drinker :o

It was good to show young Jay something new also..although i think driving up and down the hills in the Jimny was his favourite :good:

All of the farmers now have venison in their freezers so smiles all around up here.

Here,s a couple of the pics from my trip down to yours..

1st fox,just over 200yds with the nv..my longest to date;


This 1 had bad mange so it was good to end his suffering.

Then we had an excellent evening on the geese where we all dropped some.Rob let me use his semi auto and i duly dropped 3 for 3 at 1 point out of a total of 10 i had 6 and Rob and Jay dropped a brace each.(i got the best stands :yes: )

The dog worked tirelessly retrieving them all,and was very quick and acurate in finding them. :)


The pic of the Vixen i shot the next night isn,t too pretty,so won,t put that 1 up.

Again it was good to see you both again,and if you hadn,t shot so well on the Fri,we may of had a stalk on the Sun morn :D as it is,i don,t really shoot anything else this time of year and with lambs all over the place and charlie in check,would of struggled to get you onto anything worthwhile,and as you say(ya cheeky bugga)i needed my beauty sleep after just coming off nights.But don,t forget,i,ve got the other photo of you on the fri :D

Well done Rob,i put them in front of you and you did yourslf proud :no:

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rob if you fell in **** you would come up smelling of roses, well done the three of you :D

looks like you had a great time, that boy is in for a ride of a life time, your a good dad rob



Cheers mate means alot to me :sly:



ciltalgarth Posted Today, 06:05 PM



Hope you had fun Jay


And a MASSIVE WELL DONE to you Jeff for putting up a good stalking trip for them and also putting up with them for so long, dont no how you did it.


Cheeky *** your next on my hit list :yes:


JohnGalway Posted Today, 06:29 PM

Well done Jeff That's some shooting with the archer, great bit of kit, still a bit jealous, ***


Lost me there John ?

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Well done Jeff :D That's some shooting with the archer, great bit of kit, still a bit jealous, *** :lol:


Was very pleased with it John,felt under a bit of pressure with Rob and Jay waiting for the sound of the hit..which duly came :D the fox was making off and getting harder to pick out in the field as it was recently drilled and the laser makes them blend in a bit on soil.But he turned to a squeak and i got his shape and 2 large bright eyes to guide me..then popped 55grns into his neck.Most satisfying shot and also because of the mange.

Give Rob credit too,he always gives me some fox to go at when i visit..cheers mate :lol: although i usually leave you a few,whereas,you,ve left me no Roe Bucks :yes:


I know what you mean Tim..they took my bed and ate me out of house and home..then drank all of my beer too. :P But welcome back anytime :lol:

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