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Marksman Pellets


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I've been reccomended the Marksman Pellet .22 (5.56). I've ordered a tin but just wondered if anyone else has any experience of them and what they think of the pellet. I dont know if the marksman pellet is available in different shapes etc but the pellets i've ordered are dome headed (like Wasps).


Cheers and beers



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I have only ever used these once. They arent very good...or my gun just didnt like them... i couldnt get less than a 3" group. I noticed a lot of the pellets were deformed.


Try webley hustler harrier, you can get 10 tins from BAR for £28 they seem to work well through most spring guns, wouldnt like to put them trhrough a pcp though!!. Air arms field are another I would recommend.



Edited by Gareth0689
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just curiouse what rifle are you using them in and what are you plannign on shooting with them? most rifles prefer the slightly smaller 5.50-5.52 thogh i did put a few wasps thropugh my trusty TX and was getting 2" groupings with them (with 1-5 being a flyer 3" off bull) but perfect for a nice bit of plinking.


if your using a rifle with open sites i dont think you would notice any difference between AA field and thesde ones but with a scope there will be on hell of a difference.


all the best


ROB :lol:

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The Marksman pellets were recomended by John Knibbs and are to be used in a BSA Meteor Mk2 Circa 1962. The explanation I got was that the older BSA guns were actually bored to 5.6 and not 5.5 that we use today. Since he used to work at BSA, i've no reason to doubt him.


He did mention Wasp would be perfect but since they sold up to another manufacturer the quality of Wasps has dissapeared. I've got to say 'I quite agree' i've recently run a tin of Wasps out for plinking and they are absolute ****.


I did concider the Accupel but not sure the Meteor really has enough umph for them.





Edited by Axe
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Well they've arrived in the post with the other bits that I ordered. On first inspection they seem to be OK. I've noticed the odd few with damaged skirts but in the main they seem to be well made. Not sure these are off the shelf items found elsewhere, there is a label on the box showing 'specially made for John Knibbs' ......ooooo lucky me!! hehe.


I'll give em a go tonight and let ya know what I find.





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hi mate,


you were told correct (as far as im aware) that the older guns do prefer the slightly larger pellets. might be somehting to do with metric and imperial measurments?:lol:?


you should find they shoot very nicly in the old rifle you have, even if they dont they wil be lots of fun :ernyha:


looking forward to hearing how you get on with them


ROB :ernyha:


PS there no point in putting accupels through a rifle like this as they are not a high power rifle and way over priced for the job they going to be doing.

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Tried the rifle out yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised. The old girl is working great. Put a new set of 4 x 32 Nikko Sterling Mount Master scopes on and got them zeroed in to 25 yards for the time being. Considering they only cost £20 they are very good indeed.


Anyway, the Marksman pellets were ok. The problem I found with them is that half of them were fitting nice and snug and the remaining half were pretty loose. The dome head was more on the flat side than I would have prefered but they went out fairly straight. All my shots were at 25yards and I found that the loose pellets gave unpredictable groupings, but the snug fitting pellets were giving me groupings within 3cm.


After having a breather I set up about 15 3 inch cross targets on sheets of A4 and took a single free standing shot at each with 95% all on or within an inch of the centre. After which we had some fun with a few old golf balls.......four!!


All in all I was very pleased with the rifle but wont be buying anymore Marksman Pellets. I did try a few Accupels and predicably they were all way too small for the barrel. Think i'll check out the AA pellets if they do them in 5.6mm.


Anyway, thanks all.



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i think the stated weight for air arms field is about 16.25 but a mate weighed a few and the average was about 15.8 grains but i might be wrong (i think my post about tx200 power had the weight listed there for them)


and sorry axe but i think the air arms pellets only go up as far as 5.52 :ernyha:


all the best in the hunt for the best


ROB :lol:

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I had one of the first p/h dragons and it loved marksman pellets it never let me down shooting over good knows how many crows in one season if your gun likes then :lol: nice one cheap shooting i also used then in my hw90 one of the first of many in the uk and they were ok in that also i must admit i never tried to group with them but they killed what i shot at


Nowadays when i had my rws500 i fed it on AA field

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Marksman used to be cheap as chips bet were actualy a good little pellet, very consistant weight which = consistant velocity which = Acurracy. I used to have no problems hitting drawing pins at 25m with them!



Dvae i wish i read your post first you are spot on :lol:

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