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Motorway driving


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I have driven from Harrogate back to Essex today on the A1. At a few points on the journey there are average speed cameras that measure your speed over a distance of half a mile or so.


I was doing the 50 mph speed limit in one of these restrictions when I pulled to one side to let a past a motorbike approaching me at speed in my rear view mirror. I laughed to myself at the thought of the speeding motorcyclist not paying any attention to his impending speeding ticket, then it dawned on me......


These average speed cameras read the front number plate on a vehicle so this kind of restriction is no deterent to motorcyclists (who only have a rear numberplate) and unfair on other people that have to drive as part of their work and are constantly in fear of getting points for small infringements. :yes:

Edited by LV
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I have driven from Harrogate back to Essex today on the A1. At a few points on the journey there are average speed cameras that measure your speed over a distance of half a mile or so.


I was doing the 50 mph speed limit in one of these restrictions when I pulled to one side to let a past a motorbike approaching me at speed in my rear view mirror. I laughed to myself at the thought of the speeding motorcyclist not paying any attention to his impending speeding ticket, then it dawned on me......


These average speed cameras read the front number plate on a vehicle so this kind of restriction is no deterent to motorcyclists (who only have a rear numberplate) and unfair on other people that have to drive as part of their work and are constantly in fear of getting points for small infringements. <_<


It's pretty dim as well, because it wouldn't take much for them to turn the cameras round and take pictures of the back of vehicles instead of the front, but I suppose that's too sharp for the speed boys :yes:

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They will possibly track him on the motorway trafficwatch cameras and get him that way.


I remember a story a few years ago where a biker road through a forward facing camera everyday, set it off, gave the finger, rode one handed etc etc thinking he was untraceable. BUT his bike was rare, with the options it had it was one of three in the country and when matched to names and addresses of people with the bike, the helmet, the leathers and where they worked, they found out who he was.


IIRC he got a years ban for dangerous driving and a hefty fine.

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I remember when they first started shouting about these and people were supposedly being fined left right and centre along the M62 (Man-Liver) about 5 years ago. But i have to say that i have never met anyone who has been charged for speeding the one of these zones- most of my collegues in both this and my last employment were hefty mileage drivers (i do about 45,000 a year now myself) - never heard anyone being fined at all....


...Also one of my mates is an officer of the law in Milton Keynes and they have put some up through MK on the A421 if anyone is interested - he said they they were trialling them and the data is collected and they are turned live if persistant speeding occurs?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? - then he winked and said they cut the budget and hardly any of them are turned on or manned due to cuts....



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It's not unfair....Get a bike. simples as the meerkat would say.


I am not a homo show off and dont want to dress like a Power Ranger so it looks like I'll have to stick to a car and the speed limit :yes:

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I've never heard of anyone being fined after speeding through average speed cameras, and I have heard some people (who would know) suggest that the cameras don't record individual cars' average speed, but they record 'the average speed travelled by all vehicles on that stretch of road'. They've created a fear, just like they did with TV License detector vans! However, on the A14 where there's a huge stretch of road covered by the average speed cameras, I have to say the traffic does flow MUCH better since they were introduced. Everyone does 70mph without overtaking or changing lanes, and the journey is actually faster than it used to be before the cameras were installed. So I don't mind them. Still TOTALLY hate Gatzos and all that they stand for though.

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same here ref. not hearing of anyone being fined due to av. speed camera's.


the kent stretch of the M25had roadworks & had them up for over a year... I did this length of motorway morning & night for the whole year & gradually watched everyone's speed move up over time....!


saw plenty of people doing 60-70 in what was then a 50 limit, same cars day after day. so either they knew something I didn't.... or had a lot of friends they could pass the points of to..


does anyone know the score ref. the variable speed restrictions on the M25? when they are working, showing a 50mph or whatever, are they backed up by camera's? thinking of the stretch out west before & after heathrow....:yes:?

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I've never heard of anyone being fined after speeding through average speed cameras, and I have heard some people (who would know) suggest that the cameras don't record individual cars' average speed, but they record 'the average speed travelled by all vehicles on that stretch of road'. They've created a fear, just like they did with TV License detector vans! However, on the A14 where there's a huge stretch of road covered by the average speed cameras, I have to say the traffic does flow MUCH better since they were introduced. Everyone does 70mph without overtaking or changing lanes, and the journey is actually faster than it used to be before the cameras were installed. So I don't mind them. Still TOTALLY hate Gatzos and all that they stand for though.



same here ref. not hearing of anyone being fined due to av. speed camera's.


the kent stretch of the M25had roadworks & had them up for over a year... I did this length of motorway morning & night for the whole year & gradually watched everyone's speed move up over time....!


saw plenty of people doing 60-70 in what was then a 50 limit, same cars day after day. so either they knew something I didn't.... or had a lot of friends they could pass the points of to..


does anyone know the score ref. the variable speed restrictions on the M25? when they are working, showing a 50mph or whatever, are they backed up by camera's? thinking of the stretch out west before & after heathrow....<_<?

they got me last year m1 southbound near watford , i spent most of last year travelling the m1 to rugby and back north through the never ending road works at derbyshire went through most times at 70+ and never got caught then the once at watford got caught 3 points and £60 lighter in the wallet i now travel through at 50 mph so be cautious :yes:

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they got me last year m1 southbound near watford , i spent most of last year travelling the m1 to rugby and back north through the never ending road works at derbyshire went through most times at 70+ and never got caught then the once at watford got caught 3 points and £60 lighter in the wallet i now travel through at 50 mph so be cautious :yes:


Can I ask if they offered you any photo (or a chance to see a photo) as evidence along with the penalty notice? I'm wondering if you were unlucky because they'd put a mobile camera in that location to catch folk who had become complacent?

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Well according to top gear if you switch lanes between cameras they cannot record your speed :yes: Also have seen cameras facing the direction traffic is moving. Maybe to get the reg off the backs of motorbikes? I think they are actually good inventions. Average Speed cameras seem to make the traffic on the road more fluid and they have I'm sure prevented some serious potential accidents.

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Pretty sure its not true about the lane switching, however that doesnt stop people doing it.


They are probably the only effective form of speed camera out there, however i do find myself watching the speedo not the road, which isnt ideal.


The variable limits im not sure on, i have been through the ones on the m25 and m20 at well over the displayed limit and as yet heard nothing. However i dont intentionally speed through them just incase. I know of drivers who will happily do 10mph above the posted limit and have never received points.

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It might gladden your hearts to know that the CEO of the company that installs/runs etc these cameras was convicted this week of speeding at 102 mph (not for the first time either) in East Anglia. Bstd should be locked up and not just for the speeding charge! :)

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When I have driven on the M42 in the midlands where there is a permanent average speed setup for the variable speed restrictions, I am amazed at the amount of motorists just blazing along in complete disregard to the limit. So many so, that I was wondering if they actaully work?? I have even had a lorry driver flash me to move over when doing the limit!!

Also while the variable speed limit was not on last week I overtook a middle lane hogger at about 80mph in order to get off at the up coming junction and I am sure I was flashed head on, so have they both types installed?? for when the average speed type of camera is off??


As for making the road more fluid (as per earlier post) I generally think the opposite and causes pepole to bunch up.

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