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.22 lr sub sonic

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I recently purchased a CZ 99 Precision .22 lr of a decent chap off here and with it came various boxes of ammo. I bought the gun for for night use with a moderator and one of the boxes was 100 rounds of Remington sub sonic, so I took these out with me on Sunday afternoon to zero in a new scope.


Shot number 6 was a duff one and didn't go off, inspection showed a healthy crimp mark on the side so I carefully put that to one side.


Shot number 15 went off like a cannon!! with a kick like the old SLR, and the impact noise was phenomenal!!


My question is two-fold:


Is this common with this particular round? (I've put hundreds through my HMR and never had a problem)


What does everyone else do with a duff round? (There was some excavation works on my permission so I buried it deep at the bottom of that.)



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i pull the bullet out and empty the powder out on the grass, job done. havnt uses subs in a couple of years but i think that if they get too hot or something they might go supersonic? but dont know why theyd give you such a kick, unless it was a stove pipe maybe? but someone else can answer that better than me

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Subsonic ammo breaks the speed of sound, so you will hear a "Crack"/"bang" Sound. But its odd that they arent all the same... Dont know what others think of this



the word sub-sonic should give you a clue :good:

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Seems to me that you have a bit of cross contamination here, it is all too easy if you have many boxes of ammo for the chance of a round ending up in the wrong box, sub sonic is just that and will not break the sound barrier, you should not get the result that you stated, factory ammunition is usually pretty consistent hence the suspicion of a round ending in wrong box.it sounds to me like a stray round of something like stinger has been put in the wrong box.


as for disposing of the misfire, the head will pull off quite easy and as previously stated dispose of the components parts .

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+1 on Remmy ammo.


I struggled for ages to find an accurate and consistant round for both mine. Settled on Lapua for the Sako and RWS for the 10/22.


Remmy IME is ****.... quality is shonky and woudnt hold zero in either rifle, it wouldnt surprise me if you have a Viper in with your subs, that how little faith I have in them.


CCI is wonderfully accurate in the sako but becuase it is a long shoulder its a struggle to chamber it. It occasionally goes supersonic too..... Which defeats the object of being quiet.


Winnies are very consistant but just dont work in either of mine.

Edited by The Burpster
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My gun likes remmy subs. It is a 1/2 MOA or less as far out as I want to shoot it.


The remmy subs are loaded right to the edge of being sub/super sonic. On a hot day or if the rounds have been in my pocket a while you'll get the occasional crack of a bullet just inching over the speed of sound. I've had the occasional misfire as you've mentioned (maybe 2 in the latest brick of 500). That said, the cracking bullets, the normal ones, and the misfires all go into the same holes. I haven't seen a problem with accuracy with any of them (the misfires I will rechamber and pull the trigger).




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It was a sealed box, but it was firkin' hot out!!


And Christ, what a kick!!! like I said it was as big as the SLR, just that one round, the rest were fine.




i think thats the thing we should be looking at here instead of different types of rounds; i normally use hyper velocity rounds, yes you get more recoil but its still only a laughable amount compared to a centrefire; anyone any ideas? all i can think is stove pipe or blockage? :blink:

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