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Buzzard vs Crows


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Never seen this before... A buzzard doing it's thing circling and gliding, and 3 crows giving it some right stick, attacking it and allsorts?!?!?!


About 8pm over my village.





Competing over a dead critter perhaps :good: Maybe the bad economy has affected the **** eaters too :good:

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Buzzards are rock hard.


My bro lives in Spain and had a nutter of a black part feral cat. He lost the cat to a buzzard. Must have been a bloody brave buzzard to mess with "Elvis" (RIP) - see ?.... he even had a badass name too....

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Buzzards are rock hard.


My bro lives in Spain and had a nutter of a black part feral cat. He lost the cat to a buzzard. Must have been a bloody brave buzzard to mess with "Elvis" (RIP) - see ?.... he even had a badass name too....


The buzzard was unperturbed. You could almost hear it saying "**** off chav birds"



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See it all the time, very common site especially this time of year with territorial corvids with nests. :good:


When they get too close it's not uncommon to see the buzzard 'barrel roll' and flash the talons reminding the crow what it can do. :good:


LV, I guess it may be a different species of buzzard in Spain that had your brother's cat? Our common buzzard won't bother with anything larger than a young rabbit unless dead.


FM :lol:

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farm i shoot on has a healthy lot of buzzards and the crows are always giveing them stick .funny how the buzzards know when we are shooting they are not frightend by us shooting and come in close even perch in same hedge row i think they have learned that the shot is not for them and not worried about it .a beautiful bird .

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LV, I guess it may be a different species of buzzard in Spain that had your brother's cat? Our common buzzard won't bother with anything larger than a young rabbit unless dead.


These things cast a massive shadow as they fly over, they are massive and due to the heat, probably hungry ! Local gossip is that the local horse sanctuary dont burn any dead ones, they leave them out for the buzzards :good::good: (it is Spain after all)

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These things cast a massive shadow as they fly over, they are massive and due to the heat, probably hungry ! Local gossip is that the local horse sanctuary dont burn any dead ones, they leave them out for the buzzards :good::good: (it is Spain after all)



They have all sorts of Vultures and Eagles in Spain, it's a bit of a raptor watchers paradise. Probably one of them, the Eagles are massive and they'd take a cat, as well as goats, dogs, deer etc :lol: . They have Golden Eagles, Imperial Eagles and all sorts of slightly smaller ones


Vultures would just eat dead stuff

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was up at scone pallace game fair a few years back. early morning watching 2 crows mobbing a buzzard. the buzzard suddenly turned upside down and grabbed a crow and hellicoptered down 100ft before going behind the tree line 70yds away, was a good 10 min before it reapeared so presume it stuffed the crow. must have taken as much stick off the crow as it could handle and thought 'stuuf this; :good:

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I saw a programme on Eagle Owls getting established in the UK. There was footage of their diet and a pic of one of their European nest sites and bits of buzzard were littered around it. Great birds but well down the food chain with Eagle Owls about.

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