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what to do petition against me shooting organized by inlaws!

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I'd rather **** a fat ugly field sport supporter than a fit anti evilmad.gif

give davek a ring. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



I'd do them both and in no particular order. :lol::hmm::yes: :yes:


Mark, you really do need to work out how to add quotes. :blush:

Edited by DaveK
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bit confused my wife isn't anti shooting and loves pigeon and we cooked christmas dinner for everyone (bizarrely including in-laws) from pigeons and pheasants Id shot. It is her parents that are the objectors and I just wish they would go back to fighting with their other neighbor as the have been doing for the last 2 years solicitors at dawn kind of thing!

Edited by utectok
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I get the impression it's more the noise than owt else. Obviously happy to eat stuff but don't want to hear it going on.


Also, on the issue of them not seeing deer etc. What's it got to do with them? So they like to see deer bit on the other hand the farmer may be experiencing a lot of damage from them and consider them to be pests.


Suggest they move to the city.

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cant be as easy as that surely. :blush:



No way, a real quote from Markbivvy! Never mind mate, it's only taken you five years and three months to work it out. We're not all computer geniuses are we? Even though there's a big tab at the bottom of each post with "quote" written on it, I guess it could be a tough one to figure out for some! :lol:


Sorry, but that's been secretly bugging me since I joined. I didn't want to say anything in case you were a bit special :hmm:

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No way, a real quote from Markbivvy! Never mind mate, it's only taken you five years and three months to work it out. We're not all computer geniuses are we? Even though there's a big tab at the bottom of each post with "quote" written on it, I guess it could be a tough one to figure out for some! :blush:


Sorry, but that's been secretly bugging me since I joined. I didn't want to say anything in case you were a bit special :yes:


dont you have a bomb to make. :lol::hmm:

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:o utectok sorry to hear about your troubles , in laws can be funny things an not always in a good way , I sure the farmer is happy with your pest control :lol: as it's his livelihood that could suffer , and the shooting of the clays is one way of making sure you keep your eye in :hmm: Mrs utectok has done the right thing by not upsetting anyone :P not an easy thing to do in this particular situation (clever girl) after all the names have been collected and delivered to :P an nothing comes of it sounds like they will be back to annoying the neighbours , any way good luck mate an keep up the good work . :lol:

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its a classic case for taking the moderator off your centre fire and loosing a few rounds off outside their house occasionally they'll then be pleased to hear you out with the shotgun again.


Of course if that doesn't work try the technique mentioned above, also helps if you show her blindfolded and tied up

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It seams to me that al4x has a point here, sort of. Why not get a moderated shot gun to use about the houses. That way you have been seen to compromise, not that I actually believe you have to. Then when he kicks off again you have the moral high ground. If that fails I am sure there are plenty of people on this site who would love to take part in a simulated game day in the field behind your house, if the farmer would give his permission. I would for one. May be if it made money for him the farmer could make it a biannual event. Then again I hear Glastonbury is very profitable and one thing Dumfries and Galloway is not short of is rain. Sounds perfect.

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Edited by shotgun666
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Jesus wept-if i had in-laws like that i would tell them ,one and all, to go **** themselves.Whats all the c**p with the F in L writing to you-doesnt he have the balls to speak directly to you or is his wife wearing the trousers?.Ignore the lot of them and beg the farmer to put a crow scarer as near to their houses as possible.I cant believe that this situation has even bothered you-you dont tell them what to do so where do they get off telling you?I doubt that you are breaking any noise regulations and if you have permission to shoot then you have nothing to fear from the council/police.As for fitting a moderator-tell them you will do so gladly when they buy electric cars.I wish they were my inlaws cos i'm such a vindictive ******* and love payback. :good:

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If it were me mate i'd keep in with the farmer and just ride it out - they'll get bored and find something else to moan about in a month or two. In the meantime if your missus has chosen to stay out of it - dont involve her yourself i.e. ask her to have a word etc. Best thing is to a, keep you nose clean, b, keep on right terms with farmer and c, dont let it bother you - or you may do something you'll regret as what they want is a reaction from you to give them ammo for a real objection on grounds your unfit etc. (dont know how spiteful they'll get?)


Like they say you can chose your friends but you can't choose your family. My in-laws are not my cup-of-tea - moan like mad about me shooting when l should be looking after the kids/taking them out when they are down for the week using all my hot water (two bathes a day usually) etc. Trouble is they spend most of their time in the pub (not that l have a problem with that) but then l get very clever remarks about the new car etc etc. **** Em!



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