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Had a great day!


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Hi all


just thought i would share a couple of photo's with you all.


Went out friday morning on some spring rape that has been getting badly hit by the woodies. Me and my mate have shot the field a couple of times now and have done pretty well on it.


Started the day with a walk up the hedges one each side,(no escape for the woodies :lol: ) walked a least a couple of miles.

picked up 18 woodies 3 crows 1 magpie and 3 rabbits on our travels.


decide to set up on the rape around 1pm, we sat on two seperate parts of the field which have strong flight lines, there is another part of the field that also has a really strong flight line, but setting up there is a bit of a nightmare. anyway after about a hour or so my mate was bagging up and i was only getting the odd straggler, so i decided to take some sillo's and move to the other corner where the birds were settleing down undisturbed.

As stated it is really difficult to set up there and i could here the woodies flying behind me a sitting in the tree 20 yards behind, so moved into a ditch and took around 5 testing birds as they were flighting in to the trees and decoys.

after another hour or so i packed up again and joined my mate! :yes::blush: sat about 15 yards from his hide in stinging nettles :lol: with the face mask on, the birds just could not see me or my mate until it was too late ...


Anyway after some fairly constant shooting we picked up these 66 woodies and this is no exageration we must have lost a least 50 birds!!! :hmm::yes: the field behind was wheat which has picked up to a nice height, and this is bordered by a big old hedge row of about 10 foot x 10 foot plus the ones in the higher parts of the rape.


Must admit it was a really exciteing day with lots of banter between us and a few birds shared (fired at exactly the same time :lol: ) and one happy farmer!!


thanks for reading.




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cheers sam, it's a benelli super 90 with an old camo sock over it! need to get a new camo sock me thinks!! :hmm::yes:





nice i tryed one of them at a game fair fitted really well nice guns benellis are good shooting again mate :blush::lol:





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